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Steel Diver |OT| an ocean that proves you should ignore reviews once and for all


Leondexter said:
Will someone PLEASE change all the "Time Trail" misspellings to "Time Trial"? It's making me crazy.

lol I didn't even realize it until you pointed it out, oh well.

Man, I hope this game gets released in other regions soon. I know its still launch period and everything, but I feel like I am talking to myself! =*(
I love that, in an effort to prop up a first-party Nintendo release, people are treating different difficulties/time trials as being equivilant to original content.

To most of us, replaying the same levels over again at a higher difficulty or as a time attack is not a substitute for original content. The reviewers are right on the mark in criticizing the length, since most people do not want to repeat the same content over and over and over to master it unless the gameplay is really compelling or offers competitive play. I doubt a lot of people in this thread would be milking this carridge dry if they had a decent lineup of 3DS games to play.

The Mario Kart comparison made me laugh out loud. The thought of making an apples-to-apples comparison of content between a multiplayer racer and... this, is pretty dense.

I'm not even saying Steel Diver is necessarily a bad or even mediocre game. I'm just saying that time trials, collectables, etc, are NOT interchangable with a decent amount of real original content.

But it's ok, reviews don't matter when they're criticizing a Nintendo game. They'll matter again once the next Nintendo game gets universal praise.

This is why I thought that thread title was a bad choice. I agree that replaying levels/time trials shouldn't be counted as extra content as long as the review mentions that the option is there and theres actual reasons built into the game to do so. That way you can decide for yourself how much playtime the game is likely to give you. Some people like that kind of thing, others don't.

Also this game needs a european release.


Jubbly said:

I guess we are never going to get Steel Diver 2 now because people can't sit with the game for more than a few hours to fully understand and grasp the mechanics and check out what the game has to offer. Everyone's too busy playing snooze fest games like Dragon Age 2 and Killzone 3, I guess? Close the window already and pull down the shades, I suppose.

After putting some mad hours into this gem already I honestly cannot stand how dismissive everyone is with the decal systems and ghost medals. To say this game is rushed or sloppy is ludicrous. I spent nearly 2 hours trying to get the Gold Medal on Mission 4. I was constantly experimenting with Decals until I figured out the right one to beat the AI. I guess the developers put no thought into these features and just patched this shit together?

Whatever, dudes.


Corporate Apologist
Got this game in the mail today along with SSFIV, enjoying it quiet a bit. Only thing that is annoying is the periscope mode requires the gyroscope, which requires me to lift the 3DS off the table, shut off the 3DS, and start spinning around. And then I don't sink a single ship D:

The only thing the irks me is that it almost seems like just a really high quality flash game, with controlling the sub with nothing but sliders on the touch screen, but still quiet fun.


Nintendo's just announced a May 6th release for the game in Europe. Only got a German press release, however:

„Alle Mann an Bord!“ heißt es ab dem 6. Mai, wenn die Freunde des neuen Nintendo 3DS tiefer und intensiver denn je in ein (sub)marines Abenteuer eintauchen. Denn das Action- und Strategiespiel Steel Diver, das an diesem Tag in Deutschland erscheint, bietet nicht nur 3D-Grafiken ohne Zusatz-Brille, sondern nutzt auch die Bewegungssteuerung des revolutionären Handhelds optimal. Die Spieler steigen in ihre U-Boote und gehen auf Tauchstation in eine fantastische Welt unter dem Meeresspiegel. Sie müssen durch gefährliche Gewässer navigieren, Hindernisse umschiffen und Attacken gegnerischer Flotten ausweichen, die Jagd auf sie machen.

Steel Diver bietet jede Menge Spaß und Spannung für bis zu zwei Spieler gleichzeitig. Alle drei verschiedenen Spielmodi sind vollständig dreidimensional animiert:

· Im Modus Missionen steuern die Spieler das Boot möglichst vorsichtig durch einen Hindernis-Parcours unter Wasser, in dem zahlreiche Fallen und Feinde auf sie lauern.

· Im Periskop-Modus dagegen sind sie selbst die Jäger: Mit Hilfe des Bewegungssensors, der in den Nintendo 3DS integriert ist, müssen sie gegnerische Schiffe orten und versenken. Wer sich dabei auf einen Drehstuhl setzt und den Meereshorizont durch den oberen Bildschirm des Nintendo 3DS nach Schlachtschiffen absucht, hat den Eindruck, durch ein echtes Sehrohr zu blicken.

· Im Modus Seeschlacht wiederum sind strategische Fähigkeiten gefragt. Hier geht es darum, auf einer Raster-Karte die eigenen Schiffe möglichst geschickt zu verbergen und die der Gegner aufzuspüren, bevor sie mit ihren Torpedos angreifen können. In diesem Modus kann man gegen den Rechner antreten oder per Download-Spiel gegen einen Freund. Der Mitspieler muss dazu nicht einmal ein eigenes Exemplar von Steel Diver besitzen.

Die Touchscreen-Steuerung des Nintendo 3DS lässt sich in jeder Variante auf innovative Weise nutzen. In den Modi Missionen sowie Periskop etwa erleben die Spieler eine Simulation des U-Boot-Inneren. Sie können ganz realitätsnah Hebel und Schalter betätigen, um das Fahrzeug zu steuern. Seebären und alle, die es werden wollen, sollten also schon einmal ihren Seesack packen - damit sie gleich anheuern können, wenn Steel Diver im Mai auch die deutschen Handelshäfen anläuft.


(more a nerd than a geek)
caligula13 said:
i like my games easy. and i hate time trails. this game is not for me then?

The game is -- unique. It's kind of fun, but short and annoying to control at times. For me, it's more "neat" than "fun."

Well work it for the $10 I paid for it, I suppose.


Corporate Apologist
The game could be likened to Steel Battalion in some ways, due to half the fun/challenge of the game is wrestling with the controls.

Also, I think one reason I like it is that it reminds me of a specialized arcade game.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
LaserBuddha said:
I love that, in an effort to prop up a first-party Nintendo release, people are treating different difficulties/time trials as being equivilant to original content.

To most of us, replaying the same levels over again at a higher difficulty or as a time attack is not a substitute for original content. The reviewers are right on the mark in criticizing the length, since most people do not want to repeat the same content over and over and over to master it unless the gameplay is really compelling or offers competitive play. I doubt a lot of people in this thread would be milking this carridge dry if they had a decent lineup of 3DS games to play.

The Mario Kart comparison made me laugh out loud. The thought of making an apples-to-apples comparison of content between a multiplayer racer and... this, is pretty dense.

I'm not even saying Steel Diver is necessarily a bad or even mediocre game. I'm just saying that time trials, collectables, etc, are NOT interchangable with a decent amount of real original content.

But it's ok, reviews don't matter when they're criticizing a Nintendo game. They'll matter again once the next Nintendo game gets universal praise.


Steel Diver has 28 UNIQUE maps (periscope, steel commander, and campaign missions/unique time trail courses) along with an expert mode that changes things up in campaign mode similar to how Punchout!! (Wii) did it with the title defend mode. I'm not taking about higher difficulty, decals, ghosts, or whatever (that's just extra content).

Now when the vast majority of reviews report that you can experience all the original content in 2-3 hours when it's been proven time and time again that it takes at LEAST 10 hours to experience the unique content I listed above..... then yes the reviews are basically worthless because they are all reporting misleading and FALSE info. It's got nothing to do with the developer or publisher.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Maybe the game isn't as good as Tingle :)p) says, maybe it's even bad, Laser, but forgiving horribly inaccurate reviews because you simply want to agree with them without even experiencing it is quite silly... Sonic & The Black Knight is an awful game but that (IGN?) review being "fooled" by the faux ending and not seeing there's plenty more gameplay wasn't in any way justified... Wanting to justify such reviews just to bash a Nintendo game you don't have and their whole fanbase (who the fuck doesn't like Nintendo's top games anyway, that would include like every single gamer out there, lol) is more pathetic than what you were implying, I'm sorry to say. Keep running.


LaserBuddha said:
I'm not even saying Steel Diver is necessarily a bad or even mediocre game. I'm just saying that time trials, collectables, etc, are NOT interchangable with a decent amount of real original content.

But it's ok, reviews don't matter when they're criticizing a Nintendo game. They'll matter again once the next Nintendo game gets universal praise.

Well, let's look at the reviews of Mirror's Edge then. A short game that expects the gamer to go through and get speed runs, beat levels multiple times, and post scores. The game had enough attention and prerelease hype that many reviewers took the time to "get" that game, but the same logic doesn't apply here.

Finally someone made it. I just finished Mission 3 with all 3 subs, god that was hard. :eek:

I definitely enjoy the game though it could be longer I bet.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Alextended said:
Maybe the game isn't as good as Tingle :)p) says, maybe it's even bad, Laser, but forgiving horribly inaccurate reviews because you simply want to agree with them without even experiencing it is quite silly... Sonic & The Black Knight is an awful game but that (IGN?) review being "fooled" by the faux ending and not seeing there's plenty more gameplay wasn't in any way justified... Wanting to justify such reviews just to bash a Nintendo game you don't have and their whole fanbase (who the fuck doesn't like Nintendo's top games anyway, that would include like every single gamer out there, lol) is more pathetic than what you were implying, I'm sorry to say. Keep running.

lol yeah I have the feeling my Tingle avatar is (sadly) the main thing bringing on the "fanatic" and "defending Nintendo developed products" responses to this thread.


Yeah, there is a TON of potential for this game in future installments. I believe I said it in the other SD thread, but the promise of what more could be done with this game is whats most important. I'm a broken record here at this point, but I have 37 hours now on the game and I still haven't accomplished everything the game has to offer.

To toss some ideas around, I think it would have been cool if there was more use of the background in this game. There are already enemy subs that can shoot at you in the background and the boss in Stage 5 does the same thing at one point, but I feel like there is A LOT of potential in not only enemy design, but stage design as well, making use of the background and foreground.

Imagine battling a giant sea creature that shifts between the player's field and the background. The boss could have different patterns and moves depending on its position. There also could be a decal to lock-on to the enemies in the background to give the player an advantage.

I also was thinking about some wild 2-player missions. You know how at the end of Mission 7 when
your ally subs arrive at the final boss scene and shoot missiles from the background?
. Wouldn't it be cool if a second player was doing a coop mission with you, but was playing the same stage in the background? The level could be different for the other player, but both of you arrive at the same destination at one point, but in different positions. The entire time you could be watching the 2nd player sub in the background playing his stage, taking down subs, etc.

At the end of the stage there could be a boss in which both players must cooperate in order to take down the enemy. Say in the foreground player 1 attacks the weak point which reveals the weak point for player 2 on his side. While player 2 gets his turn to damage the boss, the weak point covers up on player 1's side and the enemy boss releases smaller enemy subs for player 1 to deal with. Basically, it would create a back & forth relationship between players. I think this would be pretty fucking cool! Would this kind of shit be possible?


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Shahadan said:
But jarrosh said it sucked :(

He also said Soul Bubbles was good. :p (though I normally tend to like his tastes)

Out of all the launch titles, this is the one that interests me the most (and... Ghost Recon which was surprising). Still on the fence about whether or not I pick up a 3DS (or wait for the inevitable HW update), but this would be the first game I buy once I get one.
Soul Bubbles is awful. What could've been unique touchscreen gameplay became a collectathon with zero difficulty attached to the actual collecting. Felt like a chore.

Steel Diver has the unique touchscreen gameplay, but also brings it with challenge and level design.


To many people keep confusing the time trial levels as the same 7 campaign missions. They are completely different levels, not the same at all.

I'm still not sure if I want to take a risk and buy this, I already did with Rayman and paid for it, so it's a little hard for me to give this a shot. The positive impressions have me really intrigued though.
Expert mode unlocked! I agree that all new levels are preferable to repeated levels with tweaks, but I'm really happy this mode exists. I'm enjoying the time trials, but I like just trying to survive missions even more.

As for the developer ghosts, has anyone found the requirements for all of them? I'll probably never be able to get a gold, but I'd love to see what kind of times they're running, especially if all the times are compiled in one place.


As i told nintendo in my feedback survey. Game was alot of fun and a refreshing idea out of Nintendo. For a follow up they just need to buff the content. Its a better game than the reviews are giving it credit for.


I haven't been playing this game as much recently because I've become addicted to Legend of Heroes: TitS. But I did, however, manage to get Gold Medals on Mission 1-6 on Normal. All I have left to get on Normal is my Silver & Gold on the final mission and then it's on to Expert. I have 38 hours logged still too.

No interested divers anymore? This game became game of the week for most, I guess? =(
Yuterald said:
I haven't been playing this game as much recently because I've become addicted to Legend of Heroes: TitS. But I did, however, manage to get Gold Medals on Mission 1-6 on Normal. All I have left to get on Normal is my Silver & Gold on the final mission and then it's on to Expert. I have 38 hours logged still too.

No interested divers anymore? This game became game of the week for most, I guess? =(

To be honest, the decal system has prevented me from really going after silver or gold medals. Bronze, I feel I can do on my own, so I got those. But for the others, I feel like I need to have the help of the decals. But the decals are annoying to get because you have to grind for them.

I looked at your times and they all use the Golden Falcon, and I haven't seen one of those yet. So why bother to compete? You should really be able to hunt for decals in the Perisope Mode available from the main menu. That'd be fine.

Still, the game is a blast, and I'm definitely going to work my way through Expert with all the subs. Right now I've got about 14 hours logged without touching expert.


Freezie KO said:
To be honest, the decal system has prevented me from really going after silver or gold medals. Bronze, I feel I can do on my own, so I got those. But for the others, I feel like I need to have the help of the decals. But the decals are annoying to get because you have to grind for them.

I looked at your times and they all use the Golden Falcon, and I haven't seen one of those yet. So why bother to compete? You should really be able to hunt for decals in the Perisope Mode available from the main menu. That'd be fine.

Still, the game is a blast, and I'm definitely going to work my way through Expert with all the subs. Right now I've got about 14 hours logged without touching expert.

Yeah, true. I did compile a list with the location of where you can find Golden Falcons, if you care? It's somewhere in this thread. By the time I finished Normal and Expert with all Subs and attempted the majority of the stages across both difficulties for Bronze & maybe a few Silvers, I had most important Decals unlocked.

It can take awhile though to earn a lot of those decals, so the lack of interest is understandable. I guess I just kept trying to get Silvers in stages over and over again without the proper decals and that was enough for me to stay motivated.
Yuterald said:
Yeah, true. I did compile a list with the location of where you can find Golden Falcons, if you care? It's somewhere in this thread. By the time I finished Normal and Expert with all Subs and attempted the majority of the stages across both difficulties for Bronze & maybe a few Silvers, I had most important Decals unlocked.

It can take awhile though to earn a lot of those decals, so the lack of interest is understandable. I guess I just kept trying to get Silvers in stages over and over again without the proper decals and that was enough for me to stay motivated.

I'm still digging the game, and I started some Expert Mode, which is cool. I like that there's some new enemies. Just saw the missile-shooting buoy-things.

But for a competitive mode like time trials, I think unlockable bonuses is pretty bad. I'm not a fan of unlockable content like that in the first place though.
After a lifetime of hard work, I can finally say mission five with the mid sub(no decals) is mine! Guess I'll start using decals now, but I was on a personal adventure to do it without them for the first five. Shit was giving me a hard time, but I managed.


I finally got all Gold Medals in Normal last night! Nothing unlocked after getting them all, but that was expected. I still have Expert to do as well so we'll see what happens. =)


It's all dependent on time. There are actually three tiers of ghost/time trials per Mission. The bronze ghost is slower than the silver and the gold ghost is the fastest. Most Bronze and Silver Medals can be acquired without too much precision if you have the Golden Falcon decal activated. Most Golds require you to use the correct decal AND to be as precise and efficient as possible.
Yuterald said:
It's all dependent on time. There are actually three tiers of ghost/time trials per Mission. The bronze ghost is slower than the silver and the gold ghost is the fastest. Most Bronze and Silver Medals can be acquired without too much precision if you have the Golden Falcon decal activated. Most Golds require you to use the correct decal AND to be as precise and efficient as possible.
Oh damn, I was talking about standard mission mode, where you get the medal for completing it with all three subs. I haven't even jumped into the time trials yet, but thanks for the info. Game is just so damn addicting >.<


abstract alien said:
Oh damn, I was talking about standard mission mode, where you get the medal for completing it with all three subs. I haven't even jumped into the time trials yet, but thanks for the info. Game is just so damn addicting >.<

Oh sorry, I was actually talking about the campaign missions. There are Medals for both difficulties in Mission Mode and the Time Trials. Altogether there are 66 Medals to earn. If you just want to count Gold Medals then there are just 22 to earn (but you can't earn Gold until you earn the bronze and silver first).

Yeah, I was completely addicted to this game when I got it at launch. I've put 40 hours into it (according to my play history on my 3DS) and I still have Expert mode to finish with all Golds.


Just got the game today (Europe here). It's still as fun as I remembered it from the Nintendo event :). That being said, I have to admit that even if the game has more content than what most reviewers (if not all) have said, it feels like there could have been more missions. I was expecting a full story mode with some kind of narration between the mission, the lack of it is a bit disappointing. Well... I'll be waiting for Steel Diver 2 for such improvements I guess :(.

Anyway, despite that, the game is great fun :).


Manmedaz said:
Just got the game today (Europe here). It's still as fun as I remembered it from the Nintendo event :). That being said, I have to admit that even if the game has more content than what most reviewers (if not all) have said, it feels like there could have been more missions. I was expecting a full story mode with some kind of narration between the mission, the lack of it is a bit disappointing. Well... I'll be waiting for Steel Diver 2 for such improvements I guess :(.

Anyway, despite that, the game is great fun :).

Cool, glad you are enjoying it for the most part. I hope people still continue to pick this game up because a sequel could be amazing.

I have been slowly going through Expert trying to get Gold Medals. I completely finished Stage 1, but I am a bit burned out on the game still. I do have 42 hours logged now.


I'd really like to know what happens once you get everything in the game. Also, am I right if I say that you unlock new steel commander stages by winning the one already unlocked ? I kind of suck atm at that part of the game, even if I really enjoy the missions/races. I just unlocked mission 6 this morning, still have to play it :).


With the generally positive consensus on here, I'm willing to give the EU version a try.

Picking up a copy tomorrow.
So, Dragon Age 2 got absolutely thrashed for being "light" on content (i.e. dungeons). And yet, aren't there more dungeons in Dragon Age 2 then there are missions in Steel Diver? And yet people want to say that slight variations in enemy placement and such qualify as acceptable, in the harder versions of the same levels in Steel Diver?



LaserBuddha said:
I love that, in an effort to prop up a first-party Nintendo release, people are treating different difficulties/time trials as being equivilant to original content.

To most of us, replaying the same levels over again at a higher difficulty or as a time attack is not a substitute for original content. The reviewers are right on the mark in criticizing the length, since most people do not want to repeat the same content over and over and over to master it unless the gameplay is really compelling or offers competitive play. I doubt a lot of people in this thread would be milking this carridge dry if they had a decent lineup of 3DS games to play.

The Mario Kart comparison made me laugh out loud. The thought of making an apples-to-apples comparison of content between a multiplayer racer and... this, is pretty dense.

for some people, a multiplayer component is not a substitute for original content either. Different strokes for different folks.
GrandHarrier said:
So, Dragon Age 2 got absolutely thrashed for being "light" on content (i.e. dungeons). And yet, aren't there more dungeons in Dragon Age 2 then there are missions in Steel Diver? And yet people want to say that slight variations in enemy placement and such qualify as acceptable, in the harder versions of the same levels in Steel Diver?

Where have you been? Steel Diver got slaughtered in reviews for being light on content. Hell, Steel Diver got crapped on in this very thread for being too short.

I still love it regardless. It's crazy fun, has great 3D effects, and can be quite difficult to master if you're into that kind of thing. I certainly hope it gets a sequel with more missions and a more cohesive story mode.


GrandHarrier said:
So, Dragon Age 2 got absolutely thrashed for being "light" on content (i.e. dungeons). And yet, aren't there more dungeons in Dragon Age 2 then there are missions in Steel Diver? And yet people want to say that slight variations in enemy placement and such qualify as acceptable, in the harder versions of the same levels in Steel Diver?

To be fair, a game like Dragon Age 2 should be judged based on Dragon Age and games of the same genre.

I do agree that Steel Diver is inexcusably light on content though.


Decided to wait until the price of this game drops before picking it up. I know it will be a while, but if it's lighter on content than Pilotwings, then its really not worth it in terms of value to me over the summer period. I'm sure the game is great, but right now unless the game is providing 1hr for every £ I pay, its currently not worth it vs other games coming out this month (witcher2/brink/la noire etc)
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