[Stellar Blade] Latest update brings back the two uncensored outfits as new costumes


HELL YES! I know to a lot of people this isn't a big deal, but this is amazing to me. Between this and the Helldivers PSN reversal, consumers proving they have a voice against shitty practices is really a great thing whether or not you like the costumes.

Cheers to ShiftUp, I'm sure it was awkward talking to Sony about bringing these back, but they fuckin' did it! The costumes look great.


Another W for Shift Up and for the gamers who kept complaining about cencorship. The new designs are even more sexy than the 1.000 ones.

Curious to see what else Shift Up has in store for this game. A Photo Mode would be great.
I bet if they patch in one new outfit every month, people will literally never stop playing
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New CEO won :messenger_sunglasses:

Ackshually, he's not getting that role until June 1st.
This was an interesting way to address the whole kerfuffle, as it sidesteps whether the day-one-patch designs really were the developer's intent and avoids throwing Sony under the bus. I still prefer the unaltered version (and more so the trailer version) of the bondage outfit, but it's nice to see another instance, where rattling cages had some positive effect. While this new update doesn't address all the day-one-patch alterations, I'm willing to view the game's current state as a decent compromise, even though the general precedent of this manner of post-release alteration still bugs me.


This was an interesting way to address the whole kerfuffle, as it sidesteps whether the day-one-patch designs really were the developer's intent and avoids throwing Sony under the bus. I still prefer the unaltered version (and more so the trailer version) of the bondage outfit, but it's nice to see another instance, where rattling cages had some positive effect. While this new update doesn't address all the day-one-patch alterations, I'm willing to view the game's current state as a decent compromise, even though the general precedent of this manner of post-release alteration still bugs me.
Yep exactly. It seems like a good middle ground. There is evidence of more costumes being covered, but this brings things back in line with the 1.000 version which I feel is the only demonstrable benchmark for what the game released with. The rest we'll never really know if it was their intention or if Sony tossed a few more "eh it's a bit much, add some layers here and there" at them. If/when PC version drops, we'll have the whole gamut of costumes + more, but I see this a happy win for console gamers who almost never have any say in this sort of situation.


They were already gonna redesign tho bro
Nop, the ones they was gona add are the new ones cuz thats the only ones they announced and showd off, they didnt announced the new bunny and the new cyber bondage redesigns. And the Bunny and Cyber Bondage are the ones that ppl complained about censorship. So yeah, you have to thank the "idiots" for speaking up cuz those 2 redesigned suits only exist because of them.

They did this multiple times in Nikke. Show off a character, censor it a bit cuz the game age rating is +12, ppl complain on twitter, they uncesor it.
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Gold Member
This is from the Suicide Squad game. It’s an alternate universe where Mr. Freeze is a woman.

Yes they gender swapped Mr Freeze then fucking made her look like a dude anyway. I wish I were joking.

Yep just like MK1 (also a WB property) with alternate universe janet cage that looks like a man. I hate what this industry has become
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Yeah look at all the idiots that made Shift Up redesign 2 outfits. What a bunch of losers, now we got 2 extra outfits for free. ROFLCOPTER
Roxanne always had two extra blank spaces in her store. I was wondering what they were for. Now we know that ShiftUp always planned to release the two Midsummer suits from the beginning
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Roxanne always had two extra blank spaces in her store. I was wondering what they were for. Now we know that ShiftUp always planned to release the two Midsummer suits from the beginning
OFC. They censored 2 outfits from the version 1.00 cuz they plan was to get players mad just to release a new uncensored version in the 1.03 version.
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