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Stephen Miller jumped into a girls track meet to prove male superiority or something


Still reading but wooooow.

“Am I the only one,” he asked, “who is sick and tired of being told to pick up my trash when we have plenty of janitors who are paid to do it for us?”

Fuck this guy
Ah, this part seems worse:

New York Times said:
Most memorably, classmates say, Mr. Miller established a reputation for barreling eagerly toward racial tinderboxes, leaving some to wonder whether his words were meant to be menacing or hammy. Jason Islas, who had been friendly with Mr. Miller in middle school, has little doubt.

Shortly before the start of ninth grade, Mr. Islas said, he received a call from Mr. Miller informing him that the two could no longer be friends.

“He gives me this litany of reasons,” Mr. Islas said.

Most were petty, if mean, he recalled: an insult about his social awkwardness, a dig at his acne-specked face. But one stuck out.

“He mentioned my Latino heritage as one of the reasons,” Mr. Islas said. “I remember coming away from the conversation being like, ‘O.K., that’s that.’”

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, called Mr. Islas’s account “a completely inaccurate characterization of their relationship, or lack thereof,” disputing his recollection and suggesting the two were more acquaintances than friends.

But several students said Mr. Miller’s trail of racially tinged comments amounted to a pattern. He railed against bilingual announcements, asking in a local editorial why there were “usually very few, if any, Hispanic students in my honors classes, despite the large number of Hispanic students that attend our school.”

Latino students remembered him engaging them outside group meetings, asking why they required a separate forum to discuss issues of identity, and chafing at Spanish being spoken in the halls.

“He tended to make some of the Spanish language stuff very personal,” said Moises Castillo, a classmate who described the exchanges as hurtful to this day. “There was a ‘if you’re not speaking English, perhaps you should go somewhere else.’”


It's deeply disturbing to realize that a lot of the people making up Trump's advisers are that type of kid in school that completely lacked awareness and empathy.

It's never about people, it's about being correct.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Guess he saw Battle of the Sexes and got offended and had to show all those females what's what.




It's deeply disturbing to realize that a lot of the people making up Trump's advisers are that type of kid in school that completely lacked awareness and empathy.

It's never about people, it's about being correct.

I don't think any sane person is even surprised


During the final stretch? I guess he needed to prove his superior stamina over a bunch of girls who've already been running for some time.
EDIT: Reading the article


there is joy in sucking dick
Its painfully apparent he gets off on conflict and confrontations. Wonder what happened in his childhood that warped him so much.


I don't think any sane person is even surprised

No, but for me, it's that weird moment where you remember people who were like this and how you thought they'd go nowhere. I remembered feeling really sad for them, more than anything.

The eternal victim.
Sounds like a psychopath. The piece about him acting a "merry prankster" stuck out to me. Basically, acting like an asshole and then calling it "trolling". Familiar tactic these days.


I wonder if his person suit zips up, or has like resealable seams. I imagine keeping it moisturized must be a bitch.
I hate to judge a book by its cover, but for someone like Miller I will make an exception.

I wouldn't be allowing him around school girls, in any sort of capacity.


For a second I thought this was something he just did recently.

I mean, I wouldn’t have been that surprised what with we’ve seen from this administration already...


Good job Miller that'll teach those ladies to try and create an equal environment.

/s if you couldn't tell.


“He tended to make some of the Spanish language stuff very personal,” said Moises Castillo, a classmate who described the exchanges as hurtful to this day. “There was a ‘if you’re not speaking English, perhaps you should go somewhere else.’”

Do the American people not legitimately know that Spanish is the second most spoken language? Also fuck that "you should go somewhere else" bullshit, learn more than one language, what the fuck is wrong with that.


How did I miss that this shitstain went to school with one of my best friends (who is everything this fascist fuck is not, including honest and dedicated to bettering humanity)?

Crazy how close crazy can be.
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