Snowman Prophet of Doom
I'm not sure the master race idea is really required for white supremacy. I think Richard Spencer and Steve Bannon would both happily agree that there's a fundamental white Christian American character that's is being eroded by non-whites and non-Christians and that must be protected at any cost. So would David Duke.
The exact details might vary, but the core principle is the same. I guess there might be some variance if you started digging into the fundamental racial conflict that Jews are suppressing by creating civilization to destroy the white bloodline with interbreeding, but honestly, even then I suspect there's a lot of congruence.
Bannon is a very cultured, widely-read, educated man, however evil, in comparison to Spencer's absolute tunnel-vision. Numerous people who've worked with him have come forward and stated that they never heard Bannon say much about people of color, and if I had to guess, I think Bannon would be more a case of someone who believes that "white culture", i.e. the aspects of culture derived primarily from European influences, is what he sees as supreme, rather than white people, per se.
This is all speculative, of course, and I could be wrong, but I am skeptical of Bannon as being as overtly and bluntly racial in his characterization of where the problems are, though he has of course shown himself as more than willing to weaponize people who believe just that, which is just about as stupid and evil and all the bad adjectives.