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Steve Bannon thinks U.S. media maybe working under precepts of Islamic law; US at war

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Article goes back through the last 2 years showing Bannon's insanity. Absolutely terrifying.



Steve Bannon, who has ascended in just months from relative obscurity to become one of President Trump’s most influential advisors, has said that Islam is “the most radical” religion in the world and the U.S. is engaged in a civilizational struggle potentially leading to “a major shooting war in the Middle East again.”

Trump installed Bannon this week as a member of his National Security Council, taking the unusual step of installing a political adviser on the powerful White House body responsible for shaping security and foreign policy.

In dozens of hours of audio recordings reviewed by USA TODAY of his Breitbart News Daily radio show in 2015 and 2016, Bannon told his listeners that the United States and the Western world are engaged in a “global existential war,” and he entertained claims that a “fifth column” of Islamist sympathizers had infiltrated the U.S. government and news media. Those recordings, preserved online, offer an often unfiltered window into the thinking of Trump’s interview-averse senior adviser.

The views mark a stark shift from foreign policy doctrine under the previous two administrations.
In the days after the Sept. 11 attacks, President George W. Bush was cautious in his public statements and gave a speech in which he said, “Islam is peace.” In a radio show last May, Bannon said those were “the dumbest” comments made by Bush during his presidency. On his radio show, Bannon repeatedly made sarcastic references to Islam as a “religion of peace.”

University of Texas law professor Stephen Vladeck said it’s “unprecedented to have someone who doesn’t just harbor those views but seems to have no compunction basing decisions on those views” as a member of the National Security Council.
“It seems like we’re headed for more of the jaw-dropping steps like the immigration order,”
he said.

I rarely criticize Islam because it has no power over me. In a nation built on secularism, I shouldn't have to criticize Christianity either.


These people manage to procure more controversy in a single day than Obama managed throughout the duration of his entire presidency.


I think a lot of people think the same way when the real threat is actually from white nationalism and fascism.

Bin Laden stays winning even when that fucker is dead.


I'm guessing the "swamp" Trump was actually referring to was the "Islam sympathizers" in the governments then?
the worse part of this is people will read this and then move forward to AGREE with him.

I think a lot of people think the same way when the real threat is actually from white nationalism and fascism.

Bin Laden stays winning even when that fucker is dead.

These fuckers like Bannon are such pussies they fear imaginary scenarios over the fear of losing freedom and their nation. It must suck to be such a scared, wimpy, beta.
It sounds like as if the guy who came up with that "possible nuke area" image is now a member of the National Security Council.

This is absolutely insane.
I have to ask myself this about almost everyone Trump is involved with but is this guy evil or just a fucking moron?

I guess they're not mutually exclusive.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I wouldn't trust this guy to watch my fucking garbage, and he's in the white house advising the president.


I have to ask myself this about almost everyone Drumpf is involved with but is this guy evil or just a fucking moron?

I guess they're not mutually exclusive.

He's a self admitted Nazi, take that as you will.

Steve Bannon wants nothing more then to blow the world up. He loathes democracy and would love nothing more then to tear the whole thing down and rebuilt it how he wants (aka, the while man is superior, women are subservient to man and fuck you if you're not white).

The man is a danger to everything.


The only real way to oust Bannon is to make Trump believe that Bannon is in charge of things and that Trump himself isn't really calling the shots.
The only real way to oust Bannon is to make Trump believe that Bannon is in charge of things and that Trump himself isn't really calling the shots.

Problem with this is Sessions is the dark emperor behind Bannon and Miller, so that's unlikely. Trump sees these fuckers as peers, not string pullers.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Eventually they'll call it Bannonism and it will be a dark chapter in history.
He's a self admitted Nazi, take that as you will.

Steve Bannon wants nothing more then to blow the world up. He loathes democracy and would love nothing more then to tear the whole thing down and rebuilt it how he wants (aka, the while man is superior, women are subservient to man and fuck you if you're not white).

The man is a danger to everything.
Oh. Lovely. What a cunt.
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