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Steve Bannon thinks U.S. media maybe working under precepts of Islamic law; US at war

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You should read up about the shit he pulled for the Biosphere2 project back in the 90's. He is clearly a deranged bigot that hates women and brown people.
It's a good article, but I'm tired of of these pieces having such innocuous titles. Rather than "Steve Bannon’s own words show sharp break on security issues," something like "Steve Bannon, the President's cheif strategist, is a fucking lunatic" seems like it would convey the reality of the situation a little better.


Problem with this is Sessions is the dark emperor behind Bannon and Miller, so that's unlikely. Trump sees these fuckers as peers, not string pullers.

Right, so the goal is to get Trump to see them as string pullers.

I think the intense media scrutiny on Bannon right out of the gate is a good start. For one, it casts a light on guys who would probably prefer to be seen in the background (Bannon doesn't often give interviews for a reason). It might also help heighten the tensions between the Priebus and Bannon camps in the White House. And especially, the more attention that is being paid to Bannon as the real decision maker, the more angry Trump will get at feeling like Bannon, not him, is being increasingly seen as the real president.


A modern McCarthy, down to the details like suggesting the opposition and media are infiltrated by some mysterious force with zero substantive evidence to back it up.


I've seen quite a few GAFers also say that you can't criticise Islam or then you get jumped lol.
A lot more people are afraid of Islam than white nationalism or fascism, even though they are far more destructive than all the jihadists added up together.

Thats why we are where we are today.
I'll repeat it again.

Bannon and the rest of this gang of maniacs is actively seeking to go to war with a middle Eastern nation, and will do everything they can to bait a major terrorist attack to happen on US soil. With the constant dismantling of the federal government they also want the post-attack response to be as disorganized and chaotic as possible. Then they'll get to invade a country, steal its resources, and give themselves even more power in the name of "fighting terrorists".

These fuckers want war and will stop at nothing to get it.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
There has to be a way to remove this man from it. Surely some dirt so big he will have to resign. He is a wretched man.

Who's going to arrest him? So far the whole point of the Trump/GOP takeover is to destroy checks and balances so that even if they get caught being naughty, none of the nice men with guns will come to take them away.
Is America being ruled by terrorists? I mean this guy sounds like he fits the text book definition of the political arm of terrorism...except he is the establishment at this point in time.


I'll repeat it again.

Bannon and the rest of this gang of maniacs is actively seeking to go to war with a middle Eastern nation, and will do everything they can to bait a major terrorist attack to happen on US soil. With the constant dismantling of the federal government they also want the post-attack response to be as disorganized and chaotic as possible. Then they'll get to invade a country, steal its resources, and give themselves even more power in the name of "fighting terrorists".

These fuckers want war and will stop at nothing to get it.

Sadly I think you are 100% right.


As a sitting member of the NSC, this man now gets a say in ordering the death of American Citizens for the purpose of National Security.

Really let that sink in.


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A lot more people are afraid of Islam than white nationalism or fascism, even though they are far more destructive than all the jihadists added up together.

Thats why we are where we are today.


Americans are almost as scared of Muslims as they are of Mexicans.

Since 9/11, 94 people have been killed by Jihadists in America. 94. While terrorism is obviously terrifying, it poses no serious practical risk to American society.

Lawnmowers kill 63 people a year yet Republicans aren't launching a crusade against John Deere.


May contain jokes =>
So tired of this frumpy fucking unkempt loser, I hope he has a goddamn heart attack and dies.
I wonder if Bannon really believes this. I think it's just an excuse to deport Muslims by convincing people they're all part of terrorist cells.

They will move on to other ethnic groups until only white Christians are left.


In dozens of hours of audio recordings reviewed by USA TODAY of his Breitbart News Daily radio show in 2015 and 2016, Bannon told his listeners that the United States and the Western world are engaged in a “global existential war,” and he entertained claims that a “fifth column” of Islamist sympathizers had infiltrated the U.S. government and news media. Those recordings, preserved online, offer an often unfiltered window into the thinking of Trump’s interview-averse senior adviser.


We are rapidly approaching a second crusade due to this clusterfuck of an administration. Bannon is itching for a holy war and there are more than enough extremists out there to give it to him.

Masked Man

I said wow
Tr*mp drained the swamp and dredged up this humanoid sludgeglob. I'm ashamed and terrified to think he's in every NSC meeting.
We are rapidly approaching a second crusade due to this clusterfuck of an administration. Bannon is itching for a holy war and there are more than enough extremists out there to give it to him.

The stuff they're doing with Israel is a powder keg. It's only a matter of time before it explodes.


I am terrified and feeling overwhelmed. It hasn't even been 2 weeks and I'm finding it more and more difficult to not just bury my head in the sand and simply get by at work while it all falls apart around us.



WASHINGTON (AP) — People are beginning to pay more attention to the man behind the curtain.

It is a mark of Steve Bannon's extraordinary sway in the Trump White House that a man who has spoken so little in public over the past two weeks is getting so much credit — and blame — for what's going on.

The conservative media executive's fingerprints are on virtually every significant move taken by President Donald Trump, from Trump's sweeping order to suspend the country's refugee program and block visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries to the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

More at the link



WASHINGTON (AP) — People are beginning to pay more attention to the man behind the curtain.

It is a mark of Steve Bannon's extraordinary sway in the Trump White House that a man who has spoken so little in public over the past two weeks is getting so much credit — and blame — for what's going on.

The conservative media executive's fingerprints are on virtually every significant move taken by President Donald Trump, from Trump's sweeping order to suspend the country's refugee program and block visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries to the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

More at the link

Bannon has been the sole subject of an hour-long news item even here in the Netherlands.

Shit's scary.
the absolute hate and utter disdain i have for this moldy bucket of smegma would span many pages and get me banned in the process.

fuck this fucking asshole to hell and back.
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