People using the "it's not listed under ... therefore it's not...." is bullcrap. Our understanding of mental diseases is still in its infant. I'm sure there are still many things not listed under some list that would one day qualify. It's called Science. That means our understanding of things are malleable and based on evidence. Not based on what we feel should happen to a group of people that are too taboo for any meaningful research to be done on them.
I've always lived my life by saying "If I don't stand up for others, then who will stand up for me?"
I hope that many of you can remove your emotions from this conversation and put yourself into other people's shoes. Although I recognize that it's hard to do so.
Again, I'm reposting this so that many of us can have a more informed view of the situation.
In it is an interview of people who know that pedophilia is wrong in our society and are actively trying to seek help and not finding any. It is a failure of society that we don't acknowledge that pedophilia is a mental disease and that those who are afflicted with it are victims of their own mind.
I've always lived my life by saying "If I don't stand up for others, then who will stand up for me?"
I hope that many of you can remove your emotions from this conversation and put yourself into other people's shoes. Although I recognize that it's hard to do so.
Again, I'm reposting this so that many of us can have a more informed view of the situation.
In it is an interview of people who know that pedophilia is wrong in our society and are actively trying to seek help and not finding any. It is a failure of society that we don't acknowledge that pedophilia is a mental disease and that those who are afflicted with it are victims of their own mind.