I should have finally sold my ATVI yesterday when I had the chance.A bit surprised it's getting hammered this hard despite beating the estimates so handily.
Was thinking of cashing out of TSLA and waiting a bit for it to come back down and rebuy. I am long but I got in low 20s so it is hard to resist :/
GO LONGWas thinking of cashing out of TSLA and waiting a bit for it to come back down and rebuy. I am long but I got in low 20s so it is hard to resist :/
TSLA is a runaway freight train at this point
Short squeeze is on. Not sure when it's going to stop.
Is there a website where I can enter how many shares of each stock I own and it will tell me what my annual dividend, collectively, will be based on current yields? I could calculate it all manually, but it'd be nice to have something that auto updates as yields change. Anyone know of something like this?
NFLX also undergoing short squeeze #18 the last two days.
hmmm I am up almost 100% in 5 months on Pandora...
Sadly I didn't have much faith and only invested $250 lol.
I just don't know how I feel about this company. They have an awesome service, tons of users, but the can't seem to make any money out of the business model. Yet it is going gangbusters this year.
I dunno... looks like the market is roaring today so I am just going to hold on and see where it goes lol.
whelp, there's the TSLA pullback... a whole bunch of brand new bagholders.
I have a question. Does Expense ratio work on profit, or on the total market value of the mutual fund?
Suppose I invested $5,000 and bought a mutual fund with an expense ratio of 0.30%. After few months the current value of my fund is $5,500, and now I want to sell my stocks. How will the expense ratio apply?
whelp, there's the TSLA pullback... a whole bunch of brand new bagholders.
Matt Jarzemsky said:Tesla Motors Inc. (TSLA) said late Wednesday it plans to sell stock and convertible notes, raising funds to prepay an Energy Department loan after a recent rally in its share price.
The electric car maker's shares were up 6.1% at $90 in recent after-hours trading, a sign of investor support for the deal. As of Wednesday's close, the stock was up 52% from a week earlier, advancing after Tesla reported its first-ever quarterly profit.
The expense ratio isn't applied when you sell the fund, it's applied on the fund's return, meaning that if the fund sells for $5,500, the expense ratio is already taken into account in that figure.
The percentage is derived from the expenses as compared to the fund's entire value. An easy way to see it is that it will take a return equivalent to the ratio just to break even on your money.
This clears up so much. Thanks.You also need to look at the Turnover rate. Turnover rate is factored into the expense ratio, but it is estimated that a turnover rate of 100% is equal to about a 1% expense ratio. So tack on that to whatever your expense ratio is and you got your true expense ratio
This clears up so much. Thanks.
Q4 and full-year revenue up 16% over prior year
Q4 EPS of C$0.17 (C$0.21 before restructuring, integration and acquisition costs) vs. C$0.21 in prior year
Full-year EPS of C$0.54 (C$0.74 before restructuring, integration and acquisition costs) vs. C$0.70 in prior year
Record $4.1 billion order backlog
Should I buy Yahoo? Knee jerk reaction? It was down on Friday, but I imagine it should be up this week... Didn't want to purchase anything until Agrium stock rebounds in Q2, but I don't want to miss out on YAHOO.
Personally, I think there's no hurry to buy YHOO. I'll give you two different arguments for that, make of that what you will.
1)The Tumblr acquisition was widely rumored last week, but despite this, YHOO was relatively flat on the week. This could be a sign that investors aren't *that* excited by the deal. But even if the acquisition news does make the stock rise in the coming days, since the news came out during the weekend, there is a strong likelihood that any rise will come in the form of a gap up. In other terms, if the stock does suddenly gain, you won't take part in it unless you bought on Friday.
2)The question of the impact of Yahoo! acquisition of Tumblr is largely one of expectations as to what Yahoo will be able to do with Tumblr in the coming years, rather than an immediate jump in profit. Yahoo is paying $1.1 billion for a company that had revenues of just $13 million last year. It's unclear if it was at all profitable. By the numbers, the price it's paying is absurdly high. And those revenues of $13 million are a drop in the bucket compared to Yahoo's entire revenues.
BUT, it might still make sense in the long term. The current management of Tumblr was entirely opposed to most any kind of advertising, meaning there could be a large opportunity whenever the company decides to monetize its massive user base. It could bring in a ton of money and be a major growth driver for Yahoo.
The catch is that even if it all turns out for the best, it won't be an overnight change. That transformation will take years.
I personally don't have an opinion on it. Long-term, it could be good, could be bad...it will depend on what Yahoo does with it and how it executes. But outside of a potential gap up tomorrow, it probably won't have any significant effect on the stock for a long time, so my advice would be to wait it out.
Should I buy Yahoo? Knee jerk reaction? It was down on Friday, but I imagine it should be up this week... Didn't want to purchase anything until Agrium stock rebounds in Q2, but I don't want to miss out on YAHOO.
Thanks Revo, but to follow up, do you see any benefits of adding YHOO to your portfolio irrespective of the Tumblr acquisition? Though they had an unimpressive week, are you optimistic of their growth in advertisement long-term? I'd like to get in before they announce their earnings in July.
I don't really like Yahoo as a company. Its stock is undeniably cheap, but it's a risky bet in that the company's prospects are generally declining; basically, it's cheap for a reason and I personally don't buy the upcoming growth story, even with Marissa Mayer at the helm.
Of course, it's risen a lot since the fall because we're in a massive risk-on market where anything considered more risky gets bid up a lot and it might continue to rise in the coming months if the market keeps strong.
So that would be a short-term yes, longer term hell no (unless you differ and do believe Yahoo can start growing again)
Was Instagram really great for Facebook? I see only one person out of 100 friends ever cause updates related to it, and only because he likes the same person's instagram posts. Did it really bring people to Facebook? It seems to have been mostly a fad. In terms of it being a picture-sharing site, that's one thing, but I don't think most people see it that way.
That being said, I think the Tumblr purchase is Yahoo's ways of starting to act like Google: buy sites, merge them into one giant Yahoo-user-site.
On that end, they should REALLY do something about Flickr's oldass design. It's quite slow too.
Funny you'd say that today, of all days.
And no, Instagram wasn't that great for Facebook. They pretty much wasted money on a fad that peaked just before the purchase.
I got in at more or less the ground today on SNE. Not bad for a few minutes work. Now, how long to hold for? Might keep it for the long term tbh, I think it's general trajectory will be good.
Yomp. It's been a good day today! Obviously it'll fall a bit over this week, but I reiterate the above - it's on a good trajectory.
Anyone kinda tempted to buy AMD here? Based on both PS4 and XBox One using AMD chips this could be a steady 30-40% investment over the next 5 years.
Id bet good money that that is already factored into the price
Already baked in over 3-5 years?
Yup, I am sure a bunch of smart people have already made solid estimates and how much the two systems will sell and how much profit that means for AMD over the next 5 years. If the two systems exceed expectations the price might rise significantly though