For the folks discussing AMD.
Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE: AMD)‘s stock had its “buy” rating reiterated by equities research analysts at Jefferies Group in a research note issued to investorson Wednesday, StockRatingsNetwork reports. They currently have a $5.00 price target on the stock.
A number of other firms have also recently commented on AMD. Analysts at Raymond James raised their price target on shares of Advanced Micro Devices from $3.00 to $5.00 in a research note to investors on Tuesday. They now have an “outperform” rating on the stock. Separately, analysts at UBS AG raised their EPS on shares of Advanced Micro Devices in a research note to investors on Monday. They now have a “neutral” rating and a $4.50 price target on the stock. They previously had a $2.75 price target on the stock. Finally, analysts at Goldman Sachs downgraded shares of Advanced Micro Devices from a “neutral” rating to a “sell” rating in a research note to investors on Thursday, May 16th. They now have a $2.50 price target on the stock.
Six investment analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, seventeen have given a hold rating and four have given a buy rating to the stock. The stock presently has a consensus rating of “Hold” and an average price target of $3.56.
Shares of Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE: AMD) opened at 4.02 on Wednesday. Advanced Micro Devices has a one year low of $1.81 and a one year high of $6.46. The stock’s 50-day moving average is currently $3.05. The company’s market cap is $2.872 billion.
Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE: AMD) last posted its quarterly earnings results on Thursday, April 18th. The company reported ($0.13) earnings per share for the quarter, beating the analysts’ consensus estimate of ($0.17) by $0.04. The company had revenue of $1.09 billion for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $1.05 billion. During the same quarter last year, the company posted $0.12 earnings per share. Advanced Micro Devices’s revenue was down 31.4% compared to the same quarter last year. Analysts expect that Advanced Micro Devices will post $-0.26 EPS for the current fiscal year.