GoPro has gotta stop at some point right?
I'm starting to think OLED could double in the next 6 months. Last 4 quarters have been beats on growth and raise in estimates.
They might soon sign a long term contract with LG. LG is rumored to be manufacturing the flex screens for Apple's iWatch and they estimate they will churn out 5 million OLED TV panels in 2015. Wow.
At the very least stick this in your paper accounts or on your watch lists.
Are they listed in any US exchanges? What are you using to buy them?
Yeah, Nasdaq under ticker OLED...
Oops I completely misread what you wrote. I thought you where investing in LG Electronics.
I think NTDOY is going to have a strong year or two ahead of it. Between Amiibos, the Pokemon Center online store opening, and what seems like a strong line-up and good word-of-mouth for the Wii U, it just feels like a perfect storm situation. Considering strongly buying some of it soon.
have $3000. Need a safe stock recommendation.
thanks in advance.
Sold all my AMZN shares for a small profit. They have a lot of potential by using prime as a entry to get into almost anything imaginable, even providing internet, TV, etc., but their recent moves on the phone and unlimited kindle have been misfires and missed opportunities to come in strong, so it's too uncertain. I'll stick to Google on the "company of all things" bet, although the P/E is getting high and I expect them to be increasingly targeted by legislators.
AMZN down 10% in AH. Earnings call.
BTW if I want to buy some Adidas shares, I have to buy ADDYY which is over the counter, anything I should be aware of before doing that?
Hopefully you didn't buy ADS. Terrible stock/company. I would definitely stick with UA or NKE.
Yeah I didn't after further review. Why are they tanking today?
Everything's tanking today...
They went down 15%.Everything's tanking today...
I have a question on selling stocks for a loss and taxes (American). If I sell a stock for a loss, I know I can put that against my gains to reduce my tax bill, but do I have to do that? Can I sell and wait like a year or two or 3?
The two stocks left in my fun money account that I have been slowly trying to liquidate are huge losers, and I just found out that the online broker is going to charge me 50 bucks since I don't have a whole lot in there now. I don't want to put those losers against my gains this year because I am going back to school so those tax credits wipe out my tax obligations. Can I sell these losers this year and put them against my gains 2-3 years from now?
You can't defer. Has to be the same year.
You can't defer. Has to be the same year.
I think you can only do that for personal returns when your loss is more than $3k in a given year.
If your capital losses exceed your capital gains, the amount of the excess loss that can be claimed is the lesser of $3,000, ($1,500 if you are married filing separately) or your total net loss as shown on line 16 of the Form 1040, Schedule D (PDF). If your net capital loss is more than this limit, you can carry the loss forward to later years. You may use the Capital Loss Carryover Worksheet found in either Publication 550, Investment Income and Expenses, or the Form 1040, Schedule D Instructions (PDF), Capital Gains and Losses, to figure the amount eligible to be carried forward.
I really want to get into stock at the moment but is the stuff in OP relevant? Its a few years old...
I lost 0.002% of my portfolio's value today. I don't think I've ever had such a flat day in my entire life.
I lost 0.002% of my portfolio's value today. I don't think I've ever had such a flat day in my entire life.
Is it me or we seeing house prices coming down everywhere where it had been bubbling?
I should have said "except canada", U guess it's coming.