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Stonehearth Kickstarter by the Shoryuken.com founders [Complete; ~$800K funded]

El Sloth

Well, considering Blizzard is working on a game called Hearthstone, I wouldn't be surprised if people got confused. That would be really unfortunate, though, as this looks really cool.
I hadn't even heard of the game before it was mentioned in this thread.


I would love to back this, but after that parent+daughter RPG stuff with KickStarter, I vowed to not use it anymore.

...aka, please open up a place to do PayPal backing. :)
This looks rad. I had some Actraiser memories unburied by their trailer. I don't know why, but that's a good thing! Hope they make it.


I would love to back this, but after that parent+daughter RPG stuff with KickStarter, I vowed to not use it anymore.

...aka, please open up a place to do PayPal backing. :)

Sad to hear that. But should that really stop you from backing what you think will be a good game? I dont get it.


I'm thinking more like a shiny, pretty thing that lures your settlers out into the field and then reveals itself to be a monster, devouring them.

Sea monster that uses a very familiar looking fish girl lure (that is actually one of its appendages) to draw unsuspecting sailors and naive travelers to an untimely demise beneath the salty depths.

The siren call of Ravidrath.

Both of these ideas are fantastic.


I would love to back this, but after that parent+daughter RPG stuff with KickStarter, I vowed to not use it anymore.

...aka, please open up a place to do PayPal backing. :)

Why would you let something like that stop you...

Anyways this is the first time the dev messaged me after I backed something and asked me for some of my opinion. Just thought I'd put it down as a nice note.


Why would you let something like that stop you...
Because I no longer agree with the way KickStarter runs their service. No qualms with putting my money where my heart is though: I will donate immediately once an alternative route is available. Tends to happen to a lot of these anyway!

syko de4d

This is one of the kickstarter where you just watch 1min of the video and already know they will reach the goal without any problem.

And the modding tools are extremly cool too. I bet the community will create hundreds of cool new looking stuff with it :)

Hope they will add the option to walk in first person through your own town ^^


Fuck its a co-op world building game and the graphics look cool as hell fuck.... Should i break my kickstart cherry fuckkk


It's important to note that there is no co-op guaranteed yet. That's one of their stretch goals.

I betcha anything they reach that stretch goal (even though we don't know the amount yet). It already looks like this game is going to raise a ton of money.

Thinking about upping my pledge to $30. Early access to the beta would be awesome.


Since they have been working on this game already for awhile, hope they follow the Shovel Knight/Divinty Original Sin route by letting Youtubers play their game to advertise their Kickstarter.

syko de4d

Since they have been working on this game already for awhile, hope they follow the Shovel Knight/Divinty Original Sin route by letting Youtubers play their game to advertise their Kickstarter.

yeahe, just one video from TotalBiscuit or AngryJoe and they would get alot of new suporters :)
Someone should message the Devs behind the game about this ^^


I backed Timber and Stone, and have played through the testing builds and I have to say I'm excited by the prospects of this game; the modding, the minigame ideas, the co-op, the adventuring. They're different games, which is cool. Backed :)


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
Backed. Looks awesome, and I love the genre.

Kind of reminds me of a mix of Minecraft and Black and White.
I was going to make a joke about how this will be the first ever non-fighting game to get to Evo, and then I remembered that Smash will be there this year.


I wonder why this game has gotten so little attention in the gaming press. It seems like a good game that should be worth reporting about.


Nice, 25% funded already!

Last night I showed my son the video and he spent the next hour talking non-stop about the modules he wanted to make.

Game Informer just put up an article about it, though it's largely the same information from the Kickstarter page.

And here's an article at IndieGames that has some nice information from Tom and Tony:

As fighting games are the developers' background, I asked if this game could at all appeal to fighting fans. "The genres are totally different of course, but we've been hardcore fighters for over 20 years now. It's inevitable that we draw some inspiration from the spirit of fighting games," Tom said.

"For instance, Stonehearth is a game about making big, meaningful choices and living with the consequences. In fighting games you have to pick a character and deal with not only their strengths but their weaknesses as well. You can't be both [Street Fighter's] Zangief and Dhalsim (don't talk to me about Seth...just....don't). So as you play Stonehearth, we want to present you some big decisions, and you won't be able to have it all. Right away there will be choices about how to invest in economy vs. military strength, or in mobile army vs. static defenses. RTS games have a similar concept, where there is a constant tradeoff between economy, army size, and army quality.

syko de4d

I asked the devs some quesions on reddit, here are the answers

Will you add a paypal option after you reached the first goal?

Looks like its already a little playable. Already thought about contacting people like TotalBiscuit or AngryJoe for a LetsPlay? That should create massive amount of advertising, like it was for the Divinity Kickstarter.
It's playable...but there's not a lot to do just yet...pretty much just chopping, hauling, and building.

Modding tools looking strong. Are they that strong that the community could even create a sci-fi Version of the Game? You know with Flying Cars, Future Houses, Roboter Workers etc. :D (Just an example to see what are the limits)
So here's our approach to modding: We build the whole fricken game as if we were modders. All the major game features like building, farming, the classes, AIs, etc are built and ship as "mods" that we just happened to write. So modding will be VERY powerful. It would be a huge effort to do a total conversion to sci-fi or whatever, but it will be possible.

DRM Free? Steam? Would love a Steam version with Steam Workshop integration :)
We will require some form of one-time authentication, like through email. Not sure if you consider that DRM...I don't but other people are more sensitive. As for Stream, I'm putting together our Greenlight page soon. Wow, Workshop integration would be a dream, wouldn't it?

The modding stuff sounds super awesome

edit: greenlight page online
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=142375476 VOTE NOW! :)
I would love to back this, but after that parent+daughter RPG stuff with KickStarter, I vowed to not use it anymore.

...aka, please open up a place to do PayPal backing. :)

All charities/moneymaking ventures are capable of being gamed by hucksters, so that's not a good excuse to punish other people seeking financial support
This game really looks awesome, I just can't get over how much I want a game like this. I'll be funding it when I have some spare cash.


Seek victory, not fairness
Lol, seems like they really don't like kickstarters in that subreddit. The rules say posting new kickstarters is ok, but people are still putting it down. It's plowing along but it's pretty much equal up/down votes.

Late edit: Woo, +7. Go little thread go
2 hours after: Hmm, getting there, +18 and at #74 in gaming.


Another new article, longest yet - this one from Kotaku. More from Tom and Tony plus a huge shout out from Seth Killian for people unfamiliar with their accomplishments.

I learned that we were fellow 800XL owners. :D (Though I never got past messing around with BASIC and trying to put in the sample programs from Electronic Games.


Banstick Emeritus
Holy smokes, I had no idea this existed until I saw Narcisse's article - looks great and the developer's background doesn't hurt. ;)

Backing the hell out of this project.
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