Teriyaki Blues

Welcome to the Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns Official Thread!
Howdy, Pardners! Let's try and keep this topic about the Story of Seasons series in general and Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns in particular! We all know that other farming simulation games exist, and there are plenty of threads to go around for each of them. Please keep all discourse about other series and games civil. Thanks!

Release Dates
- June 23rd, 2016![]()
- February 28th, 2017![]()
- October 13th, 2017![]()
- To Be Announced![]()
Game Information
- Developer - Marvelous
- Publisher
- Marvelous![]()
- XSEED Games![]()
- Nintendo of Europe![]()
- Producer - Yoshifumi Hashimoto
- Artist - Igusa Matsuyama
- Platform(s) - All Nintendo 3DS Family Systems
- Player(s) - Single Player
- Connectivity - Wireless Internet & StreetPass
- Rating
- A (CERO)![]()
- E10+ (ESRB)![]()
- Save Files - 2
- Blocks - 5443 (*)
- Genre - Heartwarming Life Simulation
- Official Websites

Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns is the 20th Anniversary Celebration game in the much-beloved Bokujō Monogatari (牧場物語 - lit. Farm Story) series.
Our story begins with fond memories of a family trip that you took as a child. You remember life in the countryside, picking fresh strawberries with your mother and getting to pet a friendly cow. Ever since that vacation it has been your dream to become a farmer when you grow up...

In pursuit of your childhood dream, you head to a lonely farm situated directly south of a major crossroads. There are three gates and each leads to a different town. In these towns, you'll quickly discover that you can't become a master farmer without a little help from your friends.
- Westown - An idealized Western Town, full of old timey stereotypical American Cowboy Charm. A desert area with a waterfall, natural spring, and a close knit community. If you're reading this, there's probably a snake in your boot. Their traditional greeting is a hug. Available from the beginning of the game.
- Lulukoko - A tropical amalgam of many Pacific Island and Southeast Asian countries. Features lush forests and beautiful white sand beaches. Moana not included, sorry guys. Their traditional greeting is a fist bump. Available starting in Spring of Year 1.
- Tsuyukusa - You're not fooling anyone Marvelous, we know this is Japan™. A sleepy village with rice paddies, winding river, traditional teahouse, and a large central marketplace. Their traditional greeting is a bow. Available starting in Summer of Year 1.

"Are you a boy? Or are you a girl?" - Click on the icons to see the full character art.
*Default names & images for illustration purposes only, you can customize your appearance & name.

"Begun, the waifu war has." - Click on the icons to see the full character art.
- Lisette, the lovely flower girl from Westown.
- Iluka, a feisty shrine priestess & café co-owner from Lulukoko.
- Siluka, a sleepy shrine priestess & café co-owner from Lulukoko.
- Komari, a cheerful waitress for her father's traditional Tsuyukusa teahouse.
- Kasumi, an elegant & fierce teacher who resides in Tsuyukusa.
- - The Secret Bachelorette

"I have all this money but no husbando." - Click on the icons to see the full character art.
- Wayne, Westown's own postman & playboy.
- Ford, a doctor who runs the Westown clinic.
- Ludus, Lulukoko's beefy carpenter, handyman, & jack of all trades.
- Hinata, an apprentice merchant who works in Tsuyukusa's market.
- Yuzuki, Tsuyukusa's resident bishōnen & jewelry maker.
- - The Secret Bachelor

For the second time in the Bokujō Monogatari series, Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns has a small collaboration with Nintendo. You can now wear the costumes of four beloved Mario characters. These provide power-ups to your character's attributes when worn. They're also too cool for school.
Temporary boosts are not exclusive to these costumes, these power-ups are also available through eating cooked dishes.

Q. Any there any guides for this game?
A. There sure are!
- http://wikiwiki.jp/boku3sato/![]()
- http://fogu.com/sos2/![]()
- http://www.thonky.com/story-of-seasons-trio-of-towns/![]()
Q. How long is the tutorial?
A. The tutorial is very short.
Q. What's up with the DLC?
A. It is coming, and it will be paid DLC in North America. No current release date or pricing information. All of the bug fixes applied to the Japanese version through patches are included for free in the North American base game on release.
Q. Any amiibo functionality?
A. Nope. I know the Mario Outfits make it seem like that might be the case, but those are rewarded through the Part-Time Job system and not through amiibo.
Q. What online services are there?
A. You can connect with other players and trade items on an isolated "Multiplayer Island" area. It hosts a special idol which can exchange 3 unwanted items for a random selection of other goodies. You can chat & fish there. There's also a StreetPass mode which you can activate after getting a pet.
Q. What difficulty options are there?
A. Seedling Mode and Veteran Mode make their return from Story of Seasons. Seedling Mode provides a 50% reduction when using Stamina and a 30% shop discount. Note that it provides no direct advantage to finishing the story goals in this game. Seedling Mode save files will be marked with a sprout (), Veteran Mode save files will not be marked. There are no penalties for playing on Seedling Mode, it is for those who have limited playing time or would like a more casual experience.![]()
Q. What are the differences between Story of Seasons and Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns?
A. Here's a quick list of a few of them.
- Use the L button to quickly greet everyone you meet. This counts as taking to them for the day.
- More NPCs and more events. Every NPC with a character portrait has at least one event, and all bachelors and bachelorettes have two extra friendship events viewable by both genders. Having three towns makes for a very busy and varied Festival schedule.
- Less opacity in all areas of the game. Characters are more free with sharing their likes & dislikes. No more guessing or looking up what items you have to ship, the game tells you what you must do to accomplish all major story goals. Intensive tracking and customization added to the various qualities of Livestock & Crops.
- Shops don't have a limited inventory anymore. They are also open a wider variety of hours, each unique to the town that they are located in.
- The Shipping Bin returns, with New & Improved features!
- Blueprints, Tool Upgrades, and Clothing now handled by NPC shopkeepers that specialize in those professions. You can still do some crafting and cooking on your farm.
- Ergonomic maps. No more running forever to town and back with nothing to do along the way.
- Special relationship events are easier to get. This includes the Reverse Confession, Reverse Proposal, and the Breaking Up scenes.
- A new Personality Trait bonus selectable at character creation, including two New Game+ Personality Traits which are added to your options after you've completed the story.
- And so much more...
- See also: http://fogu.com/sos2/
Q. What pets are there?
A. There are 28 different pets. These are divided into 16 distinct dog breeds, 10 unique cat types, and two colors of capybara. Unfortunately, XSEED was not able to secure the rights to Hamtaro and Cheburashka in North America, so those pets will not be included. There are eight horses to choose from.
Q. What personality type should I pick when starting a new game?
A. All five starting traits provide a small boost in one specific area of your character's day to day life. They all gradually lose effectiveness as you progress through the game. The Tycoon and Charmer traits seem to be the fan favorites, but don't be afraid to pick whichever trait you like.
Q. Any items that I should hoard?
A. A ton of Milk. Coconuts, Vanilla, and Thyme. Building materials and gems are always safe bets, but many of these are available for purchase later in the game. There are several other wild plants that you can not grow on your farm, so keeping a reserve of those items is wise.
Q. Where's the Hammer? How about a Fishing Pole?
A. Upgrade your house once and Ludus will give you a Hammer. Walk from the Crossroads to Westown on Spring 8th to receive the Fishing Pole tutorial. You must purchase the Fishing Pole.
Q. Is trading region-locked again?
A. Yes. Please pray for our fallen PALs.
Q. Speaking of our PALs, any news about the European release?
A. Nothing at this time.
Q. Does this game support same-sex marriage?
A. No, it does not. There is a "using the very robust crossdressing system and pretending really hard" option, but this is hardly a substitute for true representation. XSEED Games staff members have recently mentioned that they would enjoy this feature as well.
Q. What's up with the chibi characters all over this OT? Does the game actually look like that?
A. They're a small part of the official artwork released for the game. No, the game doesn't look like that.
Q. Anything else I should know before diving in?
A. There's a spiffy guide right here! Please feel free to ask any other questions, arrange trading sessions, and communicate in this thread.
Q. Why is the acronym for Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns sometimes written as 3oT instead of ToT?
A. Because there's already a previous ToT in the Bokujō Monogatari series, Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility. Please note the similar use of an Arabic numeral in the Japanese title for Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns, 牧場物語 3つの里の大切な友だち.
Q. Should I buy this game?
Joke A. Yes.No bias detected in the official thread for the game. /s
Joke Q. Best Girl? Best Boy?
A. Lisette & Yuzuki![]()

- Graphics re-hosted from a variety of sources including Amazon.com, the Official Website, famitsu.com, and the fogu.com/hm guide.
- Differences between SoS and SoS: 3oT provided by Kirie. Many thanks!
- This OT may contain hidden links! Thanks to you for finding them and for reading the OT.