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Stranger Things [SPOILER THREAD] We're All Fleas Now


Just finished. I'll echo all the praise thus far; I loved it. It's not perfect, but it's easily the most fun I've had with any Netflix series I've seen.

Also, the show nailed the time period. The production design literally could not have been any better. It made me want to be a kid again in a way no other movie or TV show has ever done.


Finished! Amazing show overall.

I'm glad Steve redemeed himself; watching him fight against the monster was amazing (cool moves, too).
Shame that Jonathan didn't end up with Nancy, though.
I really can't stop thinking about this show. Part of me wants season 2 right now, but the practical part of me says wait and let them do it right.

Hmm, I don't think the monster would be stopped by any keep out signs like that or anything. It seems more like Will was good at running and hiding. What we saw with Nancy when she entered the Upside Down was the monster couldn't seem to sense her with anything other than vision, so unless a person is bleeding it seems to be pretty easy to hide from it. Barb probably could have gotten away if she could have climbed the ladder faster but, well climbing a ladder fast is hard to do in any situation.

Also, kudos to JoeBoy101 for the Spoiler thread caption. Before I watched the series, I was so confused by the flea reference, but now it makes so much sense.


My theory for Will surviving while Barb didn't make it is connected to the Byers Castle. He had a sign on it saying All Friends Welcome or something similar.

Why overthink it? There's no need for a "theory" or anything. Will already knew there was a monster chasing him when he was transported to the other world. So presumably once it happened, he ran. He kept running and hiding, and the monster is a stupid animal who hunts other stuff too, not exclusively Will. So he survived. On the other hand, Barb was transported, tried to climb out of the poop in the other world, had no idea what was going on, got dragged back down immediately and eaten. We actually saw that happen.
Why overthink it? There's no need for a "theory" or anything. Will already knew there was a monster chasing him when he was transported to the other world. So presumably once it happened, he ran. He kept running and hiding, and the monster is a stupid animal who hunts other stuff too, not exclusively Will. So he survived. On the other hand, Barb was transported, tried to climb out of the poop in the other world, had no idea what was going on, got dragged back down immediately and eaten. We actually saw that happen.

Even more simple than that. Will ran and hid in the house. He was only my discovered by the monster because he kept communicating across the barrier with his mom. Then he ran to the fort until it was discovered.

Barb had the bad luck of getting transported at the pool. So she couldn't run at all before it got her.
When we saw Nancy go to the other world, I thought back to Hopper looking in the shed at something, but then getting distracted. Maybe Will ran from the monster and into it's hole? Whereas, Barb was just straight up attacked and probably dragged back.


Great series. Was very sad when i finished the 8th episode to have found it was the last. Hope netflix continue to make great original series.

Now to start boardwalk empire...


Was Will wounded btw? I cannot recall. Why would the Monster have hunted him down in the first place. Anyways yeah, one can immediately understand from watching the show how Will was able to escape and Barb was just straight up dragged into the upside down.
Just finished it yesterday. Awesome show, no doubt. Put me down for #TeamDustin as well!

As for that ending scene with Hopper putting the food in the lock box, does anyone else think that maybe Eleven planned on disappearing (guessing not to put her friends in danger etc) and Hopper was in on it? Seemed kind of random that he would just put her favorite food out in the wild hoping she would still be alive.
My theory for Will surviving while Barb didn't make it is connected to the Byers Castle. He had a sign on it saying All Friends Welcome or something similar.

So, in my mind, the monster could not enter his castle, and that's why it didn't kill him. Barb on the other hand had nothing to defend herself.

I think my theory is supported by what seemed like the monster blowing his castle instead of invading it, cause the sign prevented him from doing it.
Will was hiding in the house most of the time ("I'm right here!" and 11 brings the group to his house). The monster didn't seem to have very good senses besides smell. The house was closed up for winter (until Mom knocked a hole in the wall) so maybe it couldn't detect him easily? The dog also knew when he was hiding in the shack.
On the other hand, Barb was transported, tried to climb out of the poop in the other world
I like this typo.
It irked me that they never gave Barb any closure. Eleven was like "gone" and Nancy was like :( oh ok.

One month later and no funeral, no mention, no memorial or gravestone visit. Just nothing.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I actually wondered if the monster followed El to Will's fort and that's how it finally found him. That and he looked like he was on his last legs so he wasn't running away this time.


Water is not wet!
It irked me that they never gave Barb any closure. Eleven was like "gone" and Nancy was like :( oh ok.

One month later and no funeral, no mention, no memorial or gravestone visit. Just nothing.

The state authorities said she ran away. The only people who know the truth know it via psychic communication. "Look, i know you think your daughter ran away but a psychic 10 year old saw her dead body in an alternate universe. Your daughter is dead."

i wouldnt be surprised if there are old missing posters for Barb in the sequel if its set in the same town.


It irked me that they never gave Barb any closure. Eleven was like "gone" and Nancy was like :( oh ok.

One month later and no funeral, no mention, no memorial or gravestone visit. Just nothing.

Nancy was probably like "Do you think we should do something for Barb?" and Steve was like "Naaaaaah."
The audience knows what happened to Barbara. Nancy knows and its her burden to carry. Thats more interesting than going through mundane steps of explaining Barbs situation.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
There were several people taken. I believe Brenner said six right? Will, Barb, the scientist at the beginning, the soldier who walked through the portal, and the two hunters in the woods. So there were several disappearances in the area though not all of them to the public.
There might have been a script for a 9th episode, but because it was a wrap up episode, they might have tried to drop it and condense it down for the budget.

I can almost gaurentte that the writers had more to close it out. They either moved the story to be in the next season or just shrunk down the conclusion.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Just finished. Fantastic show.

So, I'm assuming that El is alive and Hopper knows it, and that box was built specifically for her so they could give her food in the Shadow realm?

Then Will having the ability to "switch" will be the key to getting her back? Maybe he'll need to be holding her or something a la Freddy Kreuger in order to bring El back to the normal world?


Ok, so just finished. Kind of knew I would like it going in (loved super 8 and SK's IT) but holy cow did this really blow me away. I think 8 episodes suited it really well. I was just long enough to give most of the characters an arc and explain what was happening, while never being bogged down with unnecessary drama or filler. The silent hill aesthetic of the upside down was just icing on the cake.

Now with that said, I'm kind of conflicted on another season. I mean, I definitely WANT to find out what ends up happening to 11, and what was going on with will. But at the same time this series relied heavily on the mystery and suspense regarding the monster and it's true nature. If there were a s2, and we know all about the upside down and it's inhabitants, that would be lost.

regardless, if they decide to answer the questions from the first season or go with a new monster in a new setting, I'm down for whatever.
I'm hoping season 2 is more like Fargo or True Detective, similar stylistically and thematically, but with different characters and mysteries. I don't really need to delve further into the upside down.

Sean C

Now with that said, I'm kind of conflicted on another season. I mean, I definitely WANT to find out what ends up happening to 11, and what was going on with will. But at the same time this series relied heavily on the mystery and suspense regarding the monster and it's true nature. If there were a s2, and we know all about the upside down and it's inhabitants, that would be lost.
According to the producers, they began the series with a big outline on the upside down that has a lot more details, etc., so I think there's a lot more to get into there.

I'm hoping season 2 is more like Fargo or True Detective, similar stylistically and thematically, but with different characters and mysteries. I don't really need to delve further into the upside down.
They already said they would use the same characters.
Loved it.

Only question I had was why is Hop dropping food in random-ass bins outdoors? Does he think El is still alive and she's going to retrieve it on the other side? Anyone think we'll see her again in a future season?

Clearly we're going to have another monster in the future and her services seem pretty much required at this point.
Loved it.

Only question I had was why is Hop dropping food in random-ass bins outdoors? Does he think El is still alive and she's going to retrieve it on the other side? Anyone think we'll see her again in a future season?

Clearly we're going to have another monster in the future and her services seem pretty much required at this point.

Either Hop knows or hopes that she's alive. I'm assuming that wasn't the first time he's left food for her.

I hope they bring back El, she was fantastic.


Fail out bailed
I'm hoping season 2 is more like Fargo or True Detective, similar stylistically and thematically, but with different characters and mysteries. I don't really need to delve further into the upside down.

I hoped the same, but that doesn't seem to be the case from what I've seen the show-runners say in interviews.

Time Flashes

Neo Member
This show copies a lot of both good and bad things shows or movies had 30-40 years ago. The plot and the characters are simple but at same time appealing, the music is good and boy if I loved to watched that 70s-80s style like in Fargo's second season. On the bad note it's a show basically for all ages so you know nothing really bad is going to happen (only secondary characters die, most of them being "the bad ones"), but you've got stuff to keep you entertained.


I'm hoping season 2 is more like Fargo or True Detective, similar stylistically and thematically, but with different characters and mysteries. I don't really need to delve further into the upside down.

I was thinking the same thing, but I like the 80s and the kids too much. :(


Someone mentioning IT, makes me kinda want to get a second series that takes place 10 years later (1993). The kid protagonists in their early 20's and they get a cryptic message from 11 that she needs their help.

Sadly if you want to do that right we'd have wait 10 years.
The show was entertaining as hell and came at the perfect time. Everybody I know binged it!

To be honest I think I enjoyed the themes, setting, and premise more than how the story or scenario actually played out. I fell asleep multiple times during the last episode but was awake for the final 20 minutes or so. I loved the show but I'm hoping they do another scenario and execute it a bit better.

The kids were all great and I enjoyed how they didn't rely on the same old archetypes from the 80s. No standout cool kid, nerd, or jock. They all had realistic strengths and faults. I also found it fun that the kids were able to envision the beast and its world because of their activw imaginations and experience role-playing.


Don't know if anyone who can do it will see this but I feel like a link to the variety interview and a blurb about the duffers bro's plans should be added to the OP. It's not their fault but every person that finishes hopes for the anthology thing and someone having to inform them what's been said.


that was the second cover of 'heroes' i heard in the last couple of days. can't remember what the other one was for, but it was a trailer shown ahead of ghostbusters.


semen stains the mountaintops
I feel like it was just for a bit of shock value.

No real reason for it and that style didn't continue with the show.

Helped to established that these guys weren't really playing by the rules and showed that everyone's life were in danger if they helped Eleven.


All 26 hours. Multiple times.
so, gaf im in the mood for some more mystery shows. What woudl you recommened? prefereably netflix or amazon.

Takes me back to when I was in my dad's balls.

No really, it almost makes me feel like I grew up in the 80s. The atmosphere was amazing. The story was good then got a little worse as it went on. It suffers from most shows/movies with a monster. The more you show the monster, the worse it gets.
so, gaf im in the mood for some more mystery shows. What woudl you recommened? prefereably netflix or amazon.

I recently watched the Agatha Christie Poirot series on Netflix. I believe it started in the late 80s, early 90s and continued on sporadically to a few years ago. The last few seasons have some decent production values and Murder on the Orient Express was amazing (my opinion of course).


Wow. I'm really impressed. These 8 episodes are very entertaining. I liked how in episode 7 the writers gave us what we want which is the 3 teams uniting to find Will.
Team 1: The 3 kids + Eleven
Team 2: Nancy & Jonathan
Team 3: Mom (Joyce) & cop (Hopper)

I also liked the chemistry between the 4 friends. Their adventures together and the way they interact with each other is amazing.

I wanna be nit picky on one thing I'm not sure that worked. What do you guys think of Steeve being a hero at the end?
It wasn't convincing. I believed that he has the right to be mad at Nancy because she didn't explain to him what is going on. But out of nowhere he felt guilty towards Jonathan who almost beat him to death and got upset with his douchey friends and left to talk to Jonathan!!
I felt Steeve can be a hero if they spent more time cooking it up.
I wanna be nit picky on one thing I'm not sure that worked. What do you guys think of Steeve being a hero at the end?

It wasn't convincing. I believed that he has the right to be mad at Nancy because she didn't explain to him what is going on. But out of nowhere he felt guilty towards Jonathan who almost beat him to death and got upset with his douchey friends and left to talk to Jonathan!!
I felt Steeve can be a hero if they spent more time cooking it up.

I think after the whole slut incident at the movie theater Steve realized that he loves Nancy. My guess is that he was heading over to tell Jonathan the usual stuff like I love her too and I'm going to fight for her, stay away from her, I'm not going anywhere, she's mine etc etc, When the monster appears and Nancy tells Steve to leave and he runs to his car he again realizes that is the point of no return. Leave the woman he loves to possibly die, or even worse she lives and I look like a coward and get shown up by Jonathan? Oh hell no!


True hero with a heart and hair of gold, imo.

I actually thought Steve was going to die when he ran back inside the house lol.


Fantastic series-the Stephen King influence was just delightful. This may be my favorite tv series in a very long time.

Mr. Clark and Dustin were my two favorite characters.

Some of my favorite moments:
Nancy finding the tree and then crawling through it to the other side. My jaw was on the floor.
Lucas putting that bandana on and going to do recon work solo.
Hopper and Joyce walking around in The Upside Down town with their suits and flashlights-total Silent Hill and then the directors confirm that was the intention!
I think el is the reason the monster found will. She was making a lot of noise when she was talking to him in the UD.

amazing show. loved it. I wonder what they will do with season 2. I mean, there were EGGS in the UD that hopper looked at and stuff in side the bodies of the victims, as if they were being used to feed something ELSE. then Will throwing up small ones and transporting between both worlds, ah snap.

RIP barbara. Everyone thinks she still ran away. :(

I hope EL is alive.

Love that there is still mystery at the end of the show, but idk how they can top it. A new monster? eh... more abiliity users? eh... Maybe a focus around will searching for EL because she is in trouble and being convined by his friends?
Fantastic series-the Stephen King influence was just delightful. This may be my favorite tv series in a very long time.

Mr. Clark and Dustin were my two favorite characters.

Some of my favorite moments:
Nancy finding the tree and then crawling through it to the other side. My jaw was on the floor.
Lucas putting that bandana on and going to do recon work solo.
Hopper and Joyce walking around in The Upside Down town with their suits and flashlights-total Silent Hill and then the directors confirm that was the intention!

Mr Clark was awesome, and I hope season two features more of him. I really want to know why he knows about all this obscure stuff and just kind jumped right on board with all the very bizarre stuff the kids ask him about.
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