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Stranger Things [SPOILER THREAD] We're All Fleas Now


Steve might have been my favorite character in the show. I loved when he twirled that baseball bat inside the house.


that was a cool moment-but overall I hated the guy. Too smarmy for my tastes.

I liked how they twisted his character type in that he's supposed to be the cool kid that Nancy dumps because he's a prick but instead he turns out to be rather reasonable even if he has a few character flaws.


did you make this? if so bravo


Hopper was easily my favorite character. Him (or really, most of the characters) not being completely stupid was so refreshing. What a wonderful surprise this show was.


Just wanted to mention that the writing bit that blew me back and impressed me was the bully going to the police station and allowing Hopper to connect Eleven with the kids. I thought the bully subplot was completely separate from the plot and was more for 'flavoring' but instead it became a crucial link to the narrative.

Really tight writing that paid off at the end. There's so little fat/fluff in the show and I love it for that.


Steve is a rich dork with bad friends, but isn't inherently a bad person. I totally expected him to be sacrificed as the "bad boy who proves his love in the end by taking one for the team so the girl can move on to the nerd" character. When he joined them during the monster hunt at the end, it seemed like he was 100% dead given horror tropes. But somehow he got in a few hits, managed to survived, and got the girl in the end. It was refreshing.


Just wanted to mention that the writing bit that blew me back and impressed me was the bully going to the police station and allowing Hopper to connect Eleven with the kids. I thought the bully subplot was completely separate from the plot and was more for 'flavoring' but instead it became a crucial link to the narrative.

Really tight writing that paid off at the end. There's so little fat/fluff in the show and I love it for that.

It also allowed Eleven to come back in a big way and one of the best scenes in the show played out after that.



Just wanted to mention that the writing bit that blew me back and impressed me was the bully going to the police station and allowing Hopper to connect Eleven with the kids. I thought the bully subplot was completely separate from the plot and was more for 'flavoring' but instead it became a crucial link to the narrative.

Really tight writing that paid off at the end. There's so little fat/fluff in the show and I love it for that.

They did a really good job with setups and payoffs.

Similar with Jonathan being the creepy photographer. The photos came back in a big way a couple episodes later. Additionally, the whole party Nancy went to seemed to be for no great reason but character development subplot, but it brought Nancy and Jonathan together to move the plot forward later in the show. They played the long game with stuff like that and it paid off really well.

Even D&D in the beginning of the show played an important role in exposition later. It was like no scene was wasted.
So Nancy's friend died? I guess no one cares about HER mom :(

And I cant believe Nancy stayed with jerk Steve. Even if he did have a change of heart. Screw that guy.


Steve is a rich dork with bad friends, but isn't inherently a bad person. I totally expected him to be sacrificed as the "bad boy who proves his love in the end by taking one for the team so the girl can move on to the nerd" character. When he joined them during the monster hunt at the end, it seemed like he was 100% dead given horror tropes. But somehow he got in a few hits, managed to survived, and got the girl in the end. It was refreshing.

When he ran out to his car I thought he was dead for sure.
So Nancy's friend died? I guess no one cares about HER mom :(

And I cant believe Nancy stayed with jerk Steve. Even if he did have a change of heart. Screw that guy.

Steve was solid. He got, quite reasonably, pissed off about some guy creeping through the woods behind his house taking pictures of Nancy, and then he got hurt and angry and overreacted when he thought the girl he really liked was cheating on him. He quickly realized his fuck up and both erased what his friend painted and went to apologize.

Oh yeah, he also fought a fucking dimension jumping monster (who minutes before he had just learned even existed) with a baseball bat to save Nancy and Jonathan.
I liked how they twisted his character type in that he's supposed to be the cool kid that Nancy dumps because he's a prick but instead he turns out to be rather reasonable even if he has a few character flaws.

Very refreshing to see a character like Steve. Feel like I've known people kind of like him in my own life.


Steve is a rich dork with bad friends, but isn't inherently a bad person. I totally expected him to be sacrificed as the "bad boy who proves his love in the end by taking one for the team so the girl can move on to the nerd" character. When he joined them during the monster hunt at the end, it seemed like he was 100% dead given horror tropes. But somehow he got in a few hits, managed to survived, and got the girl in the end. It was refreshing.

i love how quickly he joins them too. there's that initial 'whoa what the shit is that!?' and when he has the chance to leave, runs back to save the day... and does. kinda. i mean, not really, but the effort was there.


To me it feels like you're kinda prone to root for Jonathan because of all the struggles he has to put up with. He deserves to be with Nancy.

But of course that's not how things work and Steve is in no way a bad kid. It's not his fault he's rich and handsome.


I loved it.

I think it's probably the most entertaining show I've watched this year.

However, I have mixed feelings about the surreal amount of clichés in the series. In a way it's kind of "Cabin in the Woods"-funny which is still pure genius, on the other hand I think some of them could have been avoidable, for example:

-Nancy basically ditching her best friends because she wanted alone-time with Steve. Sure it's not uncommon among teens, but there could have been a better excuse for Barb to be abducted (also I don't think the scene had very good acting, it seemed overly forced).

-Steve being the classic alpha school boy, then feeling remorse, then becoming the perfect boyfriend. Meeeeh. This Danny Zuko trope always pisses me off, socially and on a "I can relate to that character" level. I'd be totally fine with it if he sort of got to know details about the monster/situation a little bit at a time, but the way it played out really challenged my suspension of disbelief (I actually sighed when he went to Nancy's window and she was inside with Johnathan, most unlikely scene of the movie).

-Barb. We all knew she was 110% dead the moment that her parents and the interaction with them and other common friends was reduced to 2-3 mins of screen time. It sucks, because all other characters are more or less well developed, considering Barb was more or less the pivotal friend of Nancy's she, and her family during her disappearance, should have gotten at least as much screen time as the science teacher. "Oh she's dead, well nevermind we saved the day from this evil monster. What? Tell her parents? Have a funeral? Nah."

Other clichés were a lot easier to deal with (Mike's parents being super stereotyped, all 011's plot etc)


Turned a few friends on to this via Facebook and surprisingly a few I didnt expect to want to watch replied back that they loved the show. A cousin I hadn't talked to in years for example.

Now I just need the salt jpg with Bernie 2016 to piss one of them off...


-Steve being the classic alpha school boy, then feeling remorse, then becoming the perfect boyfriend. Meeeeh. This Danny Zuko trope always pisses me off, socially and on a "I can relate to that character" level. I'd be totally fine with it if he sort of got to know details about the monster/situation a little bit at a time, but the way it played out really challenged my suspension of disbelief (I actually sighed when he went to Nancy's window and she was inside with Johnathan, most unlikely scene of the movie).

I'd actually argue that this is a far less likely trope than anything. Most other shows would have done...

-Killed Steve by having him sacrifice himself.
-Nancy would have felt sad but then got together with John.

The fact that Steve redeemed himself, didn't die, and stayed with Nancy is far less cliche than the alternative.


I just read that keeping Steve was just because he was so nice and charming on set. That made them want to reconcile him with my waifu.


I'm the only who thinks that the moment where Nancy and Jonathan set up the trap to kill the monster have some Evil Dead vibes? I was expecting some "Groovy" reference, but to them Evil Dead 2 is still a few years to being filmed :(

My fav were Dustin and the Hopper, but I HATE he betray Elle. He put the other kids in danger too.


I'd actually argue that this is a far less likely trope than anything. Most other shows would have done...

-Killed Steve by having him sacrifice himself.
-Nancy would have felt sad but then got together with John.

The fact that Steve redeemed himself, didn't die, and stayed with Nancy is far less cliche than the alternative.

Yeah your alternative would have been even worse :)


I'd actually argue that this is a far less likely trope than anything. Most other shows would have done...

-Killed Steve by having him sacrifice himself.
-Nancy would have felt sad but then got together with John.

The fact that Steve redeemed himself, didn't die, and stayed with Nancy is far less cliche than the alternative.

And I'm fairly certain Steve at least pitched in money if not outright bought the replacement camera gift. His comment about if Nancy gave John the gift made it pretty obvious. And the fact that dude was driving a 7 series BMW. Good grief.


And I'm fairly certain Steve at least pitched in money if not outright bought the replacement camera gift. His comment about if Nancy gave John the gift made it pretty obvious. And the fact that dude was driving a 7 series BMW. Good grief.

Yeah that is the assumption. It clearly was a case that Steve wasn't a bad guy, but he hanged out with assholes which made him turn into one. More so after seeing the monster, he probably felt like such shit for what he had said before.


Yeah that is the assumption. It clearly was a case that Steve wasn't a bad guy, but he hanged out with assholes which made him turn into one. More so after seeing the monster, he probably felt like such shit for what he had said before.

The bat twirl is still one of the greatest and most unexpected parts of the series haha. Genius.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
From Reddit:

I would love to have this to hang up on the wall.

Well, you can hang this up on the wall - limited 1-hour order window just started on bottleneckgallery.com


Both I and my wife loved the show. However, I really loved Dustin and my wife hated the character. Talk about taste.

I had a friend that was almost exactly like this kid. Dustin is my favorite part of the show and it made me realize I should probably try finding out what happened to my friend. We lost touch after middle school.
Yes, that's exactly what she did. Again and again. :)

lol! I guess you really liked him.

I heard he was originally not supposed to be redeemed, but the actor talked the producers into it.

Pretty smart guy, probably saved his role and is returning in season 2.
I'm the only who thinks that the moment where Nancy and Jonathan set up the trap to kill the monster have some Evil Dead vibes? I was expecting some "Groovy" reference, but to them Evil Dead 2 is still a few years to being filmed :(

My fav were Dustin and the Hopper, but I HATE he betray Elle. He put the other kids in danger too.

How did he betray El?

And why did he get into that car?

Also, why didnt the government just kill him? kind of bothered that they just drugged him and bugged his house, when they just killed that diner cook


Great series. It's easily my favorite from Netflix, it was just superb all around.

One thing I REALLY hated was how Hopper gave up the location of the kids to the government agency. Putting the kids in that kind of danger was incredibly reckless. I was bummed out when that happened, he was one of my favorite characters too.

So yeah, Dustin was right. He was Lando.


How did he betray El?

And why did he get into that car?

Also, why didnt the government just kill him? kind of bothered that they just drugged him and bugged his house, when they just killed that diner cook

He told Hawkins where her and the kids were.

The dinner cook isn't the sheriff of a small town. The sheriff disappearing raises certain questions. Additionally, they didn't know who he was talking to so they probably debriefed him and told him to keep his mouth shut. As to why he got into the car, I mean, he probably knew if he didn't comply something shitty would happen, so he did it.
Just finished the show after a binge session started yesterday and I have to say that was a pretty great show. Can't wait to start reading other gaffers theories on the future of the series. But I wonder if they reproduce like Xenomorphs, regarding those slugs and I feel bad for Will, poor kid's been through so much and its still not over and Barbra just wanted to help out her friend and died :(


Great series. It's easily my favorite from Netflix, it was just superb all around.

One thing I REALLY hated was how Hopper gave up the location of the kids to the government agency. Putting the kids in that kind of danger was incredibly reckless. I was bummed out when that happened, he was one of my favorite characters too.

So yeah, Dustin was right. He was Lando.

He was between a rock and a hard place. Either protect 11 and let Will die, or give up 11 and have faith that she can protect the boys and handle herself. Given the options, as agonizing as that choice would have been, I think he did the best he could. He knew Will wouldn't last much longer, and he knew that 11 stood a better chance on her own than Will did.


Shit, I'm watching it again and the ending of episode 3 is hitting me like a ton of damn bricks even though I know what happens. That fucking Heroes cover, man...



I decided to watch the first episode before bed last night and before I knew it, it was 8 AM and I had just finished the entire season. Needless to say I enjoyed it quite a lot.

I really wonder what was so special about Will. Unlike the others that wee taken he wasn't bleeding, and it was tracking him from the Wheeler's house. If it had just planned on feeding then you'd think it would go after the slower target (Dustin).

I really hope they explain what it up with Holly in season 2. She clearly has some connection to the UD.


I really hope they explain what it up with Holly in season 2. She clearly has some connection to the UD.
Mike and Nancy's little sister? Only thing I can recall with her is seeing the monster in the wall in wills room and I am pretty sure anybody who had been in the room would have seen that.

While there may be a reason that will was targeted, or barb, or Holly's presence drew it's attention I am really really confident El is the only one with a true "connection" to the UD since not only did she open the gate but after a couple rewatches I am almost certain it was more of a blank canvas until she punched the hole which is why it looks like a exact mirror of the real world.


Mike and Nancy's little sister? Only thing I can recall with her is seeing the monster in the wall in wills room and I am pretty sure anybody who had been in the room would have seen that.

While there may be a reason that will was targeted, or barb, or Holly's presence drew it's attention I am really really confident El is the only one with a true "connection" to the UD since not only did she open the gate but after a couple rewatches I am almost certain it was more of a blank canvas until she punched the hole which is why it looks like a exact mirror of the real world.

I think El made the first connection with UD, and, as you said, kind of influenced it's looks by punching a hole into it, allow both sides to "seep into" the other.

As far as the monster goes, I feel like it was looking for El after making first contact. I mentioned it before, but it always targeted kids. Sure, it killed some adults, but those feel like examples of "you are in my way". Think back to the final episodes. It killed like what 10+ Hawkins grunts to get to the kids. It didn't take any of the Hawkins guys back to it's world to feed on them. It could've, but it didn't. It was looking for something. It think it was looking for El. It can't distinguish between children, so it just knows it's looking for a small human. Why? Who knows, but I think her being the first one to make contact with it on the other side is definitely part of it.


I think El made the first connection with UD, and, as you said, kind of influenced it's looks by punching a hole into it, allow both sides to "seep into" the other.

As far as the monster goes, I feel like it was looking for El after making first contact. I mentioned it before, but it always targeted kids. Sure, it killed some adults, but those feel like examples of "you are in my way". Think back to the final episodes. It killed like what 10+ Hawkins grunts to get to the kids. It didn't take any of the Hawkins guys back to it's world to feed on them. It could've, but it didn't. It was looking for something. It think it was looking for El. It can't distinguish between children, so it just knows it's looking for a small human. Why? Who knows, but I think her being the first one to make contact with it on the other side is definitely part of it.
Yeah, you make some good points, cannot disagree it wanted kids, but as you say I think El had a lot to do with that.
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