SFVGAF, I need your advice on this: I was just gifted enough money to purchase this game. I have to do this fast if I want to take advantage of Greenmangaming's 22% discount (like, tomorrow morning will be too late). BUT, and there are many buts, LOL:
I'm probably risking a ban here but I'll take my chances (that's how badly I want SFV): To those who played the, uhm... "offline" beta: How was performance? Did it ran at flawless 60fps in training mode? or was it constantly hovering around 58, 59.9, 60 fps? (and some times 57fps, maybe lower in some rare cases which looked more like loading pauses) I say this because I have a way too old CPU for this game (Core 2 Duo E8400) but it runs near-high settings and is very, very playable, except for those hitches.
(Disclaimer: I did it to test if my way below minimum-req PC could handle the game, since there is no benchmark available like with SFIV)
I tested every configuration and resolution down to the lowest, and the performance was the same, this sounds like CPU bottleneck, I know, I'm asking this because I want to get every possibility out of the way: Could it be instead that the "offline" version is doing something in the background that is making the game stutter by 1 or 2 frames? If I was truly CPU limited I would be seeing way more variation in my framerate, but no, it's just constant 57-60 fps. I wish I could uncap the framerate to see how high it really goes but the game is hardcoded at 60fps so I guess I'll never know.
Then there is the fact that Unreal Tournament Pre-alpha runs way above 60fps (with low settings) when Vsync is disengaged, and Rising Thunder runs flawless as well. I know, different games but they're all Unreal Engine 4 and Unreal Tournament Pre-Alpha should be more demanding than 2 fighting games, right?
EDIT: I did more tests, here's what I found:
-CPU usage in SFV beta never goes above 82%, It stays at a cool 67-75%. That means I can't be limited, right?
-I removed Vsync from Rising Thunder, the game runs at a mammoth 220-240 fps, LOL.
-Unreal Tournament hovers between 80-115 fps, lowest recorded was 64 when it got too intense. It went all the way down to 44 once due to a loading pause.
-I made sure my computer didn't have extraneous things, like background processes and stuff, it's a very recent clean re-install of Windows 10. All my other games run perfectly fine.
EDIT 2: Complete PC specs, nothing to brag about.

-Intel Core2 Duo E8400 @3 ghz
-4GB DDR2 RAM @800mhz
-Nvidia Geforce GTX 750 1GB
-Windows 10 Pro, free upgraded from Microsoft, then fresh re-install.
TL;DR: Did you play the unofficial "offline" beta? was there constant stuttering? was that stuttering present in the official beta?