That's only for Japan.
That's only for Japan.
Bit late to reply to this but:
And if you still have something to complain about after floe-senpai shows you the ropes, idk what to say. Getting in is just playing the neutral game. She has good buttons, which he shows you at the end.
Don't know if it was posted but this Ryu parry vid is pretty cool.
"SF5 2nd Beta Critical Arts without Cinematic Camera"
they might be pc players someone cracked it for offline play.
Don't know if it was posted but this Ryu parry vid is pretty cool.
As awesome at it may look in that video. I am hard pressed to see much good use for the V-Skill in it's current form.
To build V trigger? It's not supposed to really be a SF3 style parry.
To build V trigger? It's not supposed to really be a SF3 style parry.
Yeah, the problem with Ryu's parry is really that its one of those balance type problems where it could very easily end up being waaay too good for only one character to have access to, so naturally the devs have to err on the side of caution, which will more likely make it pretty worthless.
The best case for it in this scenario is that instead of blocking, you have a more difficult option that will award V-gauge.
Since I haven't tried Ryu or looked into him much yet, does it at least offer much meter building?
is there going to be a third beta, or was 2 the last?
It's pretty much been Tyrone Biggums mode everywhere since everyone got their first taste. Game mechanics are crack and the thirst is pretty much as real as possible from looking at any SF thread.If I was in charge at capcom I'd leave the beta up for like a month 3 months before release. Then at 2 months before release I'd just pull the plug and watch people get dat Tyrone Biggums itch.
It's pretty much been Tyrone Biggums mode everywhere since everyone got their first taste. Game mechanics are crack and the thirst is pretty much as real as possible from looking at any SF thread.
It's pretty much been Tyrone Biggums mode everywhere since everyone got their first taste. Game mechanics are crack and the thirst is pretty much as real as possible from looking at any SF thread.
c.MK have decent range and lead to some of the most damaging combos out of a c.MK in the game, one of if not the best c.MK in the beta.Already watched that. S.Mp mix up is way better than that s.Hp one. Definitely what all Karins should be going for. Cross up set up is a gimmick. He is being quite hyperbolic about her buttons. Sweep is slow and punishable, c.Mk is just an average c.Mk, s.Mk is good but does little damage, st.Hk has the same range as .S.Mk but more damage and slower, its like a worse version of Ken's. All that and she still has the problem of closing the gap to us her mix ups.
She can deal with cross ups better than most characters with her command dash, and her uppercut hits before running out of invincibility, if you're trading or loosing to jump ins with it, you're just timing it wrong.Also about her antiairs, borh s.Hp and her uppercut loose/wiff to cross up jump angles. Also she was the same problems all characters that rely on normals for antiairs have on top of that.
Ryu is solid. Basically a defensive brick wall. He is the Akira from Virtual Fighter but in Street Fighter. These fighters are technical and powerful, at the expense of being boring.
That's what I believe too.
None of the characters are bad. It's hilarious seeing people playing a character with godlike normals and a ton of options complaining that the specials that take them across the entire screen in 20 frames are unsafe. Do you even wanna play the game? Should capcom just patch in a win button for you? 'You can be jabbed out of special x or special x is unsafe' welcome to the game. 90 percent of things are unsafe or minus 1 or 2 on block.
Ryu is solid. Basically a defensive brick wall. He is the Akira from Virtual Fighter but in Street Fighter. These fighters are technical and powerful, at the expense of being boring.
As awesome at it may look in that video. I am hard pressed to see much good use for the V-Skill in it's current form.
It has startup of at least 2 frames, which means meaties and certain frametraps blow it up.
It also means that the parry itself has 2 timeframes of counter hit. You press too fast, you get counter hit from recovery, you press too late you get counter hit from startup. Plus no parry to escape super chip kill setup at wakeup.
Some info from testing:
When parry is used against lights, you only get frame advantage at best.
Target combos need to be parried completely.
Jump ins can be parried but most of the time you cannot punish after a parry.
Some special cancels like Ryus into Hadoken or Karins into flip kick can be stuffed when parrying the normal attack before the cancel to special.
Faster cancels like Chuns EX kicks need to be parried and cannot be stuffed due to fast startup.
It can be used as reversal.
No "Red Parry".
Evo moment 37 was possible and even made sense due to how the Parry worked in 3S.
But right now the Parry V-Skill utility is for a very hard read. Considering the many points where it can fail I would assume that most people will not use it at all.
If I were to include hyperbole, I'd say it is straight up trash.
But.. they're having 3 public betas, bringing it to every trade show imaginable, and extended/unnanounced public tests.I really wish this game would be released under Sony's Early Access plan(whatever they call it). This game could really benefit from having a nice pre-release player-base so Capcom will be able to tune this game better. You just know the balance at release won't be that great without it.
Wow, thanks! That's awesome.
Right now, Rashid and Karin are not available, even with the crack. Still, 10 chars is nothing to sneeze at.
The problem is that competitive players are going to play local VS a ton until the game comes out, and will have an unfair advantage because of the hundreds/thousands of hours of practice
That's not good for competition.
Even if I spent $1k on a PC and cracked the beta (I already bought the game, so it's technically not illegal) I would have nobody to play against locally.
I feel like this crack only benefits the pros.
I would agree if
- His normals weren't so stubby.
- Not moslty everyone had a good anti projectile move.
- His V-Skill was more useful.
Right now Ryu is even more geared towards rushdown.
Then why even have it at all? Can he even parry from the air?
Then why even have it at all? Can he even parry from the air?
How can Ryu played as rushdown?
Until he meets Birdie that isRyu is solid. Basically a defensive brick wall. He is the Akira from Virtual Fighter but in Street Fighter. These fighters are technical and powerful, at the expense of being boring.
this floe karin tutorial video is awesome:
this floe karin tutorial video is awesome:
No air parry. The parry is useful to walk through projectiles and gain V-Gauge.
In theory it can also be used to neutralize mid range attacks and punishing them. The guess work has to be on point though since you have 2 weak points which is the startup and recovery. How useful it is in actual gameplay rather than theory remains to be seen.
Go and get a 2nd hand pc, way cheaper and better for your budget.
Got a great looking high end pc with 680, i5 3570k for 380 for a friend.
It's more than enough for 1080p max settings.
Also this will benefit everyone who's interested in game who has a pc and has friends for local play.
We weren't able to play the beta on PS4 (we heavily dislike the DS4) and the matchmaking worked when we played against each other so we weren't able to play longer matches.
I hardly played the beta because I only wanted to play my boy Ryu. I do want to try other characters but I'm not interested in trying to learn a new character in two days and be forced to remember how to do special moves during a match. When they finally made him available I was pretty disappointed with all the nerfs he received. I really liked him the way he was before and he wasn't even considered that good before by most people.
Not sure about other characters but it seems like Ryu and Bison got hit pretty badly with the nerf bat. I expect the both characters to get better by release but it sucks that they're the way they are right now. It's just not as fun to play and I hope the emphasis will be on making characters equally good instead of everybody equally shit.
I would pay lots of cash or fight money for new stages.
I would pay lots of cash or fight money for new stages.
I'm uploading a 3-4 minute R. Mika beta match showcase video to youtube right now. I honestly didn't get to record all my best rounds, because I didn't want to stop the SF V flow when I got rolling on a win streak. Once you're in it, you're in it. I do feel however that this video will show how strong and sneaky R. Mika's normals and grabs are, I love her combo and mix up potential.
I recorded all these clips with my PS4, which is weird because I thought you couldn't record footage of betas? I've been thinking of getting a 60 fps capture card, but at the same time I feel like Sony is gonna make the capture quality better on the PS4 in a year or two. Decisions decisions.
Shoulda put some time into Ken. He's fun as hell. Ryu is still my guy, but your right about the nerfs. He's still a force, though.I hardly played the beta because I only wanted to play my boy Ryu. I do want to try other characters but I'm not interested in trying to learn a new character in two days and be forced to remember how to do special moves during a match. When they finally made him available I was pretty disappointed with all the nerfs he received. I really liked him the way he was before and he wasn't even considered that good before by most people.
Not sure about other characters but it seems like Ryu and Bison got hit pretty badly with the nerf bat. I expect the both characters to get better by release but it sucks that they're the way they are right now. It's just not as fun to play and I hope the emphasis will be on making characters equally good instead of everybody equally shit.
Not mine! Just posting shit people probably want to see.
Not mine! Just posting shit people probably want to see.
Not mine! Just posting shit people probably want to see.