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Street Fighter V Beta 2 Thread: Welcome, future 21007s! Now on PC!

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Out of the 50+ matches I've had, only about 3 or so laggy matches. Even then, they were playable. Probably because not a huge influx of players, but FeelsGoodMan.


Nope, PS4 is working, too.

It just seems like they're limiting access or something, so not as many people can get in at the moment.
Cool, understandable. I was trying to use the share function and got kicked out and haven't gotten back in since. I had a lot of fun with ryu, don't know why people are calling him boring though.
Cool, understandable. I was trying to use the share function and got kicked out and haven't gotten back in since. I had a lot of fun with ryu, don't know why people are calling him boring though.
Ryu is still good old Ryu. People are complaining about the fact that capcom has been nerfing Ryu pretty heavily recently.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";189454112]Is it just me or is Vega's cMK shorter than before? His whole ankle goes through the opponent now.[/QUOTE]

It's not just you. It was consistently whiffing for me.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";189454112]Is it just me or is Vega's cMK shorter than before? His whole ankle goes through the opponent now.[/QUOTE]

They also nerfed lp/lk. You used to be able to do things like st.lp > st.lk > st.lp > st.lk xx roll. Now it's 2 lp/lk max. After that, target is out of range.

I feel like his st.hp with claw on got a range nerf too. Can't confirm, but feels gimpy.


So tired. Can't log into server...
Been attempting the last hour straight...
Wish some of the idling SFV players reading the Kojima Productions thread would log off so I could play for a while... :(

I hope Sony gave Capcom enough money for real servers at launch, because this is clown shoes...
So did they made Ryu really shitty? Medium DP doesn't seem to be invincible as I was keep getting hit while trying to wake up dp and was crush counter by Ken's heavy punch.


So tired. Can't log into server...
Been attempting the last hour straight...
Wish some of the idling SFV players reading the Kojima Productions thread would log off so I could play for a while... :(

I hope Sony gave Capcom enough money for real servers at launch, because this is clown shoes...

They said it was a mini teat. It's artificially limited right now, not server issues.


They said it was a mini teat. It's artificially limited right now, not server issues.

Exactly, soooo like I said... If some of you are, you know...idling in SFV and not playing because you're reading the Kojima Productions thread....please quit SFV so I can have your spot on the limited (probably crappy) servers. ^_^


This isn't the beta test. This isn't even a full stress test.

People keep forgetting that this isn't an open demo. They're actually testing specific things so that the game runs smoothly...WHEN IT'S ACTUALLY RELEASED.

Save the salt for then.

Sorry for having the unrealistic expectation of common decency telling people that there are either problems with the server, that there is a player cap or at least acknowledging the issue of not being able to connect.

No, instead they just remind people to give codes away so everybody can waste their time 2100e-ing together.

This is not an issue of not working, but communication.
Copy and paste from the FGW

Thoughts from the stress test;

Played Ryu only for the duration of the test and I'm still not sure what they're trying to do with him. Most of his links have been taken away, he has very limited juggles, I couldn't figure out a use for his st.HP crush counter if there is any. I Guess they want you to choose between cr.HK for the hard knockdown (best change) and st.HK.

Cr.HK hard knockdown on counter hit is definitely one of my favourite changes. Ryu (IMO) has a much shorter jump arc in this game so it can make cross ups/fake cross ups really ambiguous.

I saw this video about the normal priority system and tried to use knowledge of it to my advantage and the results were pretty good. By that I mean I got tons of counter hits from players trying to jab in between the st.MP's. I did get hit by a cr.HP from a Vega though.. I'm not sure if it was because I inputted the second st.MP too slow, or if his cr.HP just beats mine through the input priority.

Thanks to FACE for linking me to a frame data page. I noticed a lot of specials that seem safe are actually DP punishable on block. Example; Rolling Crystal Flash/Bison knee press isn't as safe as I thought it was either.

Unlearning bad habits. Few things that I need to stop doing; Thinking backdashes will get me out of trouble. I straight up lost a match because I tried to backdash on wakeup, I thought it'd at least hit me airborne and leave me in a juggle state to reset the situation but nope, ate that solar plexus and lost immediately lol. Another one was thinking that Ken had a kara throw, or thinking that any character (except for Vega apparently) has a decent throw range.

Matchups. Overall I did really well against Ryu/Ken players. I have to remember to incorporate Ryu's parry into my game
(I'll go more into that later)
. My.. should I say.. fundamentals
Which SFIV players don't have apparently
are enough to get me through Shoto matchups. The poor.. poor range on Ryu/Ken's cr.MK makes me sad. Cr.MK -> Fireball is mostly unsafe on block and you have to be closer than ever to get the cr.MK to touch with its ass range.

Against Vega players I was mostly free, definitely my hardest matchup. I had a good match against Graham Wolfe that went down to the last round but I ended up getting bodied lol. I really have to be aware that Vega can V-Trigger in the air to punish fireballs and he can CA to punish fireballs so when Vega has meter it's not.. that good of an idea to try to zone him out. The range on his ex command throw is a bit.. crazy in SFV standards IMO and I wouldn't be surprised if it gets nerfed tbh. I initially was getting bodied by RCF's until I learned that they're all (except EX) punishable on block (Thanks to FACE) which made the matchup a lot easier. He's a really tricky character to fight against and I should've spent my time learning him than playing Ryu lol.

Against Bison players I did alright. His walkspeed is garbage but that teleport dash.. Capcom pls. I went against a really good Bison player that used V-Reversals consistently (best use of it that I've seen tbh) and then would immediately go on the offensive which caught me off guard each time because.. Bison has a teleport dash, It's been really weird to adjust to. The character knocking me down while I'm on the offense with a V-Reversal, then teleporting into a low normal or into a throw or st.HK and fish for the CH. Really cool, but different. The good type of different I was hoping some characters would get (Ryu). Zoning Bison out also doesn't feel to effective. He's got the headstomp and his V-Skill which throws back a 2 hit fireball at you. I didn't end up taking the time to see what all his specials were on block except for knee press so I ended up letting a lot of Bison players get away with attacks that might've been unsafe. I got hit by a V-Trigger combo by him.. whew. I'm still not even sure what changes anymore but what I got from it is that Bison get's to go hamlet for a few seconds and has a crossup devils reverse that goes invisible before he starts to come down :/ and Ryu can't even get a damn juggle off a ex tatsu smh smh.

The connection for this stress test was pretty good. I had one absolutely terrible match out of like 50. I'm still iffy on the rollback netcode but hopefully they still improve on it as the game launches.

I read somewhere on here that they took out the changing sides on where you were last round.. I hope that stays. A few times I forgot which Ryu I was and walked into incoming traffic when I was trying to walk backwards :/.

I still don't understand the direction their going with Ryu. His Parry V-Skill is very underwhelming. Using it to parry jump-in attacks then getting jabbed out the recovery .. why. His fireball game outside of Denjin mode is very lackluster, especially with damn near half the cast having an answer for the fireball or using it to gain them meter. Cr.HK -> V-Trigger is my favourite change that he's received. If blocked, the cr.HK leaves so much blockstun that you can overhead go for an overhead afterwards or another cr.MK or charge a fireball. Out of like 15 attempts at CH cr.HK xx V-Trigger -> Unblockable fireball.. I didn't hit it once. I actually got command thrown by Vega for trying and from a pretty far range too :/.His cr.HK actually moves him forward which gives him additional range but LAWD if you swing with this button you bet not miss. His st.LK is gdlk though, easily is my favourite normal that he has.

Overall Ryu is still very boring. They keep taking away from him meanwhile Bison is outchea invisibly flying and teleport all over the screen and shit, Vega outchea pressing buttons -> stance changing then command throwing you for hesitating and Ryu can't even get a gotdamn juggle off an ex tatsu lmao

Also, Ken feels like a clunky mess.

tl;dr pls make Laura fun
Everyone but Ryu seems to be decent in this build. I don't know how they handle balancing but they are doing a really poor job with it. I expected everyone getting the same treatment but Necalli and Ryu seems to be the only ones who got nerfed really hard and I think his Medium DP is no longer invincible after getting crush countered by Ken. Meanwhile Ken has soo many options from the air and ground and for Vega I don't know what he is doing but he has a full screen command throw and a safe V-Trigger and M.Bison look like he's broken being able to teleport from the front after a jump in

Overall connection is worse. I was DP out of a regular throw. I did a empty jump throw and see the animation but then get DP while the ryu player was doing the throw tech animation
Aww man, why does Capcom hate Ryu so much


Copy and paste from the FGW

Thoughts from the stress test;

Interesting stuff.

I didn't play this beta but i played the last one. The small throw and cr.mk range on ryu, ken does feel bad right now and i agree what you said about ryu and ken overall.

edit: that ken dash animation looks like he is limping, kind of nitpicking but can't get used to it.


Sorry for having the unrealistic expectation of common decency telling people that there are either problems with the server, that there is a player cap or at least acknowledging the issue of not being able to connect.

No, instead they just remind people to give codes away so everybody can waste their time 2100e-ing together.

This is not an issue of not working, but communication.

This, so much this.
I wasted a night attempting to log in endlessly because they never acknowledged to anyone who Tweeted to them about the 2100e message.

It's not Konami levels of d-baggery, but come on Capcom...
Man... played for hours last night on PC and I'm deeply impressed. The last mini-test was really really rough and laggy- but they did something to fix that this week. I was getting smooth matches... east coast, west coast... and even international matches in UK, France, and Sweden ranged from totally smooth to still very playable.

fingers crossed it wasn't just a one night fluke


This, so much this.
I wasted a night attempting to log in endlessly because they never acknowledged to anyone who Tweeted to them about the 2100e message.

It's not Konami levels of d-baggery, but come on Capcom...

Sorry for having the unrealistic expectation of common decency telling people that there are either problems with the server, that there is a player cap or at least acknowledging the issue of not being able to connect.

No, instead they just remind people to give codes away so everybody can waste their time 2100e-ing together.

This is not an issue of not working, but communication.

I suppose it never occurred to you that you not being able to log-in is actually providing them with relevant data, which is kind of entirely the point.

From Wikipedia:

"Stress testing is a software testing activity that determines the robustness of software by testing beyond the limits of normal operation. Stress testing is particularly important for "mission critical" software, but is used for all types of software. Stress tests commonly put a greater emphasis on robustness, availability, and error handling under a heavy load, than on what would be considered correct behavior under normal circumstances."

I feel like this whole game have no sense of direction. Constantly removing options making questionable changes. This game if it didn't have the money poured into the tournament scene would not have flourished like it did with sfiv. It would have gone down the same route as sfxtekken or mk games. This game is just not a very good fighting game imo. Super casual super streamlined.


I feel like this whole game have no sense of direction. Constantly removing options making questionable changes. This game if it didn't have the money poured into the tournament scene would not have flourished like it did with sfiv. It would have gone down the same route as sfxtekken or mk games. This game is just not a very good fighting game imo. Super casual super streamlined.

Dude, like...it's not even out.
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