I feel like this whole game have no sense of direction. Constantly removing options making questionable changes. This game if it didn't have the money poured into the tournament scene would not have flourished like it did with sfiv. It would have gone down the same route as sfxtekken or mk games. This game is just not a very good fighting game imo. Super casual super streamlined.
It's easy to say that, but once again, this is the error of people seeing the inner workings of a game before release. Shifting and changing, balance goes back and forth until release. It happens every time, but SFV is the first to do constant balance changes.
People are also basing Ryu changes on an old build (AFAIK, we aren't getting the FANG one).
Even with all that said, players aren't letting things cook. Not going so far as to call it knee jerk reactions like Sent was, but people really need to give this shit time before calling for buffs. The constant back and forth AFTER the game comes out will hurt it far more in the long run.
That's not to say people shouldn't level concerns at Capcom. Just that people should be realistic that some of this stuff won't stick (like Mika).
But anyway, how does this make the game casual?