I don't think it's as much the length of combos, but more the options presented. Due to the leniency of the system it's fairly easy to find an optimized combo, with an understanding of the mechanics, in around 30-60 minutes. The execution of said combo is no longer an issue, making that the go to for any scenario. Ryu was a good example, early on he had many combo options, although their length wasn't very long. However, he could get close to maximum damage on a few different combos and have some decent setup combos, ala MP-MP-Sweep. Even then, the system felt limited, as exploration for veteran players took very little time outside of awkward 1 frame link walk forward combos.
However, big thing still stands. Game isn't out, need more time to break the system to find better things. It's the whole point of fighting games.
Yeah, exactly, I don't know why people are talking about long combos. SF has never been Marvel.
There's nothing long about a Ryu combo in IV, but you can't just mash it like an idiot and it'll connect like it happens in SF V. I have nothing against them removing 1 frame link bnbs, but no need to make them 1000 frame links, or whatever the fuck the practical amount is, since you can just mindlessly mash it.
That being said, I definitely agree with you about the game not being out, which is why I still have my preorder and intend to give the game a few hundred hours of its fair chance before I declare I don't like it or whatever.
And, like it or not, I'll probably still play it anyway. Unfortunately there's an immense gap in online players when you compare Capcom's latest game to, well, everything else out there. So in the end,
it doesn't even matter I'll play whatever they make. Didn't even buy Xrd on PC because I know the game will be dead in weeks. Being an online warrior pretty much means you'll be playing the latest Capcom game, regardless of what you think about it and about other games. I love Skullgirls, rarely play it at all.
Good post max but bro games only 2 months out. You played the latest builds and unless they drastically change things there ain't much depth in SFV. I suspect they aren't gonna change a lot of the things in 2 months. Right now at this point its basically system optimization, and final touches for release.
Well, there will certainly be some big ass balance changes. They said they're not making us buy new entries, but they can still release them every year or something. Wouldn't surprise me if season 2 of DLC characters also comes with a huge patch to add selectable supers, for example.
And then they change the title screen to Street Fighter V: 2nd Impact.
Capcom, please.
Combofiend, someone, please.