Hey everyone. We have a quick update regarding the SFV beta 2 test user experience. As many of you have noticed, we started testing earlier than scheduled, in an effort to optimize prior to our regularly scheduled beta dates. Unfortunately, several new issues arose last night in regards to our match-making system and the rate at which matches were made, and we are not confident that the matchmaking rate will improve significantly throughout the course of this beta period. That said, user experiences will vary.
As such, we want to inform our users that the beta 2 experience will likely be limited and will not operate exactly as we intended. As planned, we will keep the servers up for the previously-announced timeframes, however, matchmaking will likely take place very slowly. While players wait for online matches, they are free to access training mode, and there are new features added to this version that allow players to change the training dummy to be computer AI, or be playable by a friend locally.
The PS4 beta is live now and the PC beta will begin at its previously scheduled time on 10/23/15 at 9:00am PST (17:00 BST and 10/24 01:00 JST). Following this beta and throughout the optimization process, we will continue to periodically turn on our servers for players to access, so keep your eyes open for new opportunities to play more SFV. Our goal is to provide the highest quality user experience as possible when the final product releases, and we thank you for your continued support.