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Street Fighter V Beta 2 Thread: Welcome, future 21007s! Now on PC!

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Practice it, set a number of times you must do it in a row

Practicing it when everything's static isn't too helpful, since I can do it practically every time in those cases (though, I was still doing it in the waiting time for new matches). It's when there's action and I have to do it in the heat of the moment that I have trouble making it come out. I was getting much better near the end, though.


Yeah. Won't be back up until 2AM PST.




Sucks to live on the east coast I know.

Didnt know we would have issues with matchmaking the during the whole beta :(

Hey everyone. We have a quick update regarding the SFV beta 2 test user experience. As many of you have noticed, we started testing earlier than scheduled, in an effort to optimize prior to our regularly scheduled beta dates. Unfortunately, several new issues arose last night in regards to our match-making system and the rate at which matches were made, and we are not confident that the matchmaking rate will improve significantly throughout the course of this beta period. That said, user experiences will vary.
As such, we want to inform our users that the beta 2 experience will likely be limited and will not operate exactly as we intended. As planned, we will keep the servers up for the previously-announced timeframes, however, matchmaking will likely take place very slowly. While players wait for online matches, they are free to access training mode, and there are new features added to this version that allow players to change the training dummy to be computer AI, or be playable by a friend locally.
The PS4 beta is live now and the PC beta will begin at its previously scheduled time on 10/23/15 at 9:00am PST (17:00 BST and 10/24 01:00 JST). Following this beta and throughout the optimization process, we will continue to periodically turn on our servers for players to access, so keep your eyes open for new opportunities to play more SFV. Our goal is to provide the highest quality user experience as possible when the final product releases, and we thank you for your continued support.

Bob White

Overall...I'm not liking this beta outing. Not the down times, but the actual game.

Normals across the board for these 4 characters seem...stubby. Feels like SF4 all over again. What happened? The first few characters seemed nice and SF5 feeling. Like, Nash's low forward. That felt like getting back to SF. Now compare Nash's low forward to Necalli's. Just feels like a step back. Meating feeling poke ranges, reliable anti airs...I want that back.

This time out things feel less settled and more gimmicky. Like, when the beta comes back up, go try some normals out for these 4. Most of their best ranges leave you in a HUGE dead zone where you'll get crossed up because you have no buttons to deal with it.


15 matches today, all but one was Ken.

25 years to play the boring blonde git and still they flock to him.

I don't know why so many people hate on Ken/Ryu/Shotos in general. They are the most iconic fighting group in Street Fighter to the masses. It's probably the easiest to pick up, and therefor easiest to test mechanics of a new game out. They are great characters usually prettey evenly balanced and accessibility goes a long way. It's a beta of a new game, people are gonna flock to these characters.
Oh damn, didn't realized the second beta had started. I didn't get to play during the first beta with all the server issues, so hopefully I'll get some matches in this time. I'm nowhere near pro or anything, but I always enjoy a little Street Fighter. I just know I'm going to get my ass handed to me online, though.

I'm particularly looking forward to trying Rashid. He looks really fun. Ken, too.


Practicing it when everything's static isn't too helpful, since I can do it practically every time in those cases (though, I was still doing it in the waiting time for new matches). It's when there's action and I have to do it in the heat of the moment that I have trouble making it come out. I was getting much better near the end, though.
There's a bot in there too, set infinite meter for yourself
I don't know why so many people hate on Ken/Ryu/Shotos in general. They are the most iconic fighting group in Street Fighter to the masses. It's probably the easiest to pick up, and therefor easiest to test mechanics of a new game out. They are great characters usually prettey evenly balanced and accessibility goes a long way. It's a beta of a new game, people are gonna flock to these characters.

Yeah when your options are Vega, Mika and a brand new character otherwise, its not surprising to see people, especially new ones, jump to Ken.
Normals across the board for these 4 characters seem...stubby. Like, Nash's low forward. That felt like getting back to SF. Now compare Nash's low forward to Necalli's. Just feels like a step back. Meating feeling poke ranges, reliable anti airs...I want that back.

Not every character has to feel the same. Necalli isn't Nash. He's an in your face, frame trap monster. Why would he have long range normals? That doesn't make sense. Especially when his V-skill hits people nearly full screen. Especially when his cr.mk can cancel into a HK Stomp, which leaves him plus on block.

This time out things feel less settled and more gimmicky. Like, when the beta comes back up, go try some normals out for these 4.

Lol, we've all been playing the game for hours. What exactly would we suddenly discover that we didn't already notice?

Most of their best ranges leave you in a HUGE dead zone where you'll get crossed up because you have no buttons to deal with it.

I played Necalli a lot, and I had no trouble anti-airing. Cr. HP and his DP work just fine.

As far as that "dead zone", the point is to stop people from getting there in the first place, which Necalli is fully capable of doing. Do you really want a game with anti-air SO good that you can't even cross people up at ALL? SF5 is filled with great anti-airs. People should be allowed o cross you up, if they work hard enough to get in that "dead zone".


Agreed about the UI, it's sleek and simple and it's non obtrusive because of that. If I have to look at SF IV's menus again I'll just barf.


Overall...I'm not liking this beta outing. Not the down times, but the actual game.

Normals across the board for these 4 characters seem...stubby. Feels like SF4 all over again. What happened? The first few characters seemed nice and SF5 feeling. Like, Nash's low forward. That felt like getting back to SF. Now compare Nash's low forward to Necalli's. Just feels like a step back. Meating feeling poke ranges, reliable anti airs...I want that back.

This time out things feel less settled and more gimmicky. Like, when the beta comes back up, go try some normals out for these 4. Most of their best ranges leave you in a HUGE dead zone where you'll get crossed up because you have no buttons to deal with it.

glad im not he only one who feels this way


I don't know why so many people hate on Ken/Ryu/Shotos in general. They are the most iconic fighting group in Street Fighter to the masses. It's probably the easiest to pick up, and therefor easiest to test mechanics of a new game out. They are great characters usually prettey evenly balanced and accessibility goes a long way. It's a beta of a new game, people are gonna flock to these characters.

Because out of the three characters, theres one who hasn't been seen in 14 years, one who's been completely reworked into a stance characer and one who's completely new...and Ken.

People sure do love to mash out them flaming uppercuts and hope for the best I guess.
Got my computer fixed just in time for the beta tomorrow. I'm so fucking hyped.

Because out of the three characters, theres one who hasn't been seen in 14 years, one who's been completely reworked into a stance characer and one who's completely new...and Ken.

People sure do love to mash out them flaming uppercuts and hope for the best I guess.

Its not like they paid for the game to play the characters they want to play.


I don't know why so many people hate on Ken/Ryu/Shotos in general. They are the most iconic fighting group in Street Fighter to the masses. It's probably the easiest to pick up, and therefor easiest to test mechanics of a new game out. They are great characters usually prettey evenly balanced and accessibility goes a long way. It's a beta of a new game, people are gonna flock to these characters.

I don't get it, either.

I mean, I would understand if it was just a complaint for the beta and because matchmaking isn't working, but people bitch about it all the time. Like there's something wrong with playing the two characters upon which the foundation of one of the largest fighting franchises is built.

And oh noes, they suck and spam uppers. As opposed to sucking in the same way with another character? /shrug

Bob White

Not every character has to feel the same. Necalli isn't Nash. He's an in your face, frame trap monster. Why would he have long range normals? That doesn't make sense. Especially when his V-skill hits people nearly full screen. Especially when his cr.mk can cancel into a HK Stomp, which leaves him plus on block.

Lol, we've all been playing the game for hours. What exactly would we suddenly discover that we didn't already notice?

I played Necalli a lot, and I had no trouble anti-airing. Cr. HP and his DP work just fine.

As far as that "dead zone", the point is to stop people from getting there in the first place, which Necalli is fully capable of doing. Do you really want a game with anti-air SO good that you can't even cross people up at ALL? SF5 is filled with great anti-airs. People should be allowed o cross you up, if they work hard enough to get in that "dead zone".

Ok, it's just me then. I just find it irritating as hell having the range I want to be in being the range the character is weakest at in regards to the air.

qcf x2


Seems I'm not the only one thinking Necalli has shit normals.

I don't really see the big deal here. Ken and Ryu have hilariously bad cr mk, and those are, you know, medium kicks. Is a standing jab or crouching lk supposed to hit 2x outside of throw range now? If his point is the hit box doesn't match up with what we're seeing, well, that applies to most of the characters. Chun's boot is basically invincible. And SF4 had hilariously bad hit/hurt boxes too. With that said, I'm sure Capcom will fix some of the sillier looking stuff (like Chun).
Granted, I have the PC version so I can't say much until tomorrow, but as someone who generally finds Ken boring his SFV incarnation looks really cool and like something I want to play. Run cancels are so my thing, even if they're nerfed now. So for once, regarding the mass number of people who play him, I get it.


I don't really see the big deal here. Ken and Ryu have hilariously bad cr mk, and those are, you know, medium kicks. Is a standing jab or crouching lk supposed to hit 2x outside of throw range now? If his point is the hit box doesn't match up with what we're seeing, well, that applies to most of the characters. Chun's boot is basically invincible. And SF4 had hilariously bad hit/hurt boxes too. With that said, I'm sure Capcom will fix some of the sillier looking stuff (like Chun).

Necalli has even shorter range than the shotos, even in his enhanced state


If you didn't like Ryu and Ken wouldn't you just get enjoyment out of bodying them?

Nah... it gets real boring to play against the same character over and over again. It wasn't too bad here and it's understandable given the circumstances, but if the game was actually out and I see 70% Kens online? That'd be awful.


No, because it's boring to fight the same character over and over again.

I just never experienced that. I played SF IV online for most of its life and while I probably fought more Ryu and Kens than other characters I still fought the other characters so I never felt like I was continuously fighting the same two characters over and over again.


Because out of the three characters, theres one who hasn't been seen in 14 years, one who's been completely reworked into a stance characer and one who's completely new...and Ken.

People sure do love to mash out them flaming uppercuts and hope for the best I guess.

You realize, outside of the extreme fandom we all have for SF and the hardcore fans, many regular fans are gonna play this game and have it preordered. It's a mainline SF game and it's being marketed to the masses. R. Mika and Karin, believe it or not, are not the most popular characters. That was a vote from hardcore fans. The casual and slightly more interested players are gonna play Ryu, Ken, maybe Zangief, maybe Bison, & maybe Chun-Li. That's how it goes.


Passing metallic gas
At first i was against whiffed DP's being counter hits on recovery, but man did it make me smile punishing kens for almost 400 damage every time.
Ken looks so fresh. Makes me sad at how utterly bland Ryu is in comparison. It's an even bigger disparity in this game. Wish Capcom would stop refusing to let Ryu evolve and get some new tricks.


Ken looks so fresh. Makes me sad at how utterly bland Ryu is in comparison. It's an even bigger disparity in this game. Wish Capcom would stop refusing to let Ryu evolve and get some new tricks.
That's his schtick. He stays familiar and solid while other Shotos explore zanier playstyles.
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