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Street Fighter V Beta 2 Thread: Welcome, future 21007s! Now on PC!

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I didn't realize i couldn't use the same Fighter's ID on both ps4 and pc...i thought it would link or something. Maybe in the final version? :(

This is just a temporary name right? lol


started a ranked match and my screen went black ; ; could still hear the match happening normally but I couldn't see anything.
Boss told me I could leave early today to "follow my dream" lol I already made my hours for the week anyways. Steam awaits!

See you guys at the tourneys next year. Only interested in Mika, maybe Karin.
I didn't realize i couldn't use the same Fighter's ID on both ps4 and pc...i thought it would link or something. Maybe in the final version? :(

This is just a temporary name right? lol

Yeah its most likely temporary. I had to make an ID again after the beta officially launched on PS4 and the game's not saving any settings.
Jesus christ.

I cannot get this to update.

I have it on lan, and this mother fucker is like "Update file installation".

I've hit this button maybe a hundred times if not more this whole morning. Took out the dog for a long walk, and I'm still sitting here trying to update the damn game.

What sort of fresh hell is this?


Getting matches somewhat frequently but not as much as I was yesterday afternoon. Is there a way to turn off matchmaking during training if a buddy and I wanted to go some rounds? I'm assuming you can't but it'd be cool so my buddy and I don't keep getting interrupted mid match.


This arcade stick talk is a little worrisome. Anyone try a PC/PS3 Cthulhu modded stick? That should be a native Windows game device.

I kind of had to fix my old SF4 SE stick once it broke, and that's what I put in as new guts. So i'm curious if this works with the beta. I can't test myself. I need more GPU to join in.


Jesus christ.

I cannot get this to update.

I have it on lan, and this mother fucker is like "Update file installation".

I've hit this button maybe a hundred times if not more this whole morning. Took out the dog for a long walk, and I'm still sitting here trying to update the damn game.

What sort of fresh hell is this?

Nobody has issues getting in.

Probably a faulty install ?

Or your net blocks the game.


I didn't realize i couldn't use the same Fighter's ID on both ps4 and pc...i thought it would link or something. Maybe in the final version? :(

This is just a temporary name right? lol

On one hand, I'm really happy that this system will allow me to not use my crappy PSN name online, but on the other hand I hate how Capcom is following Sony's lead in not letting you ever change your ID.
Played around in the PC beta for about an hour and a half...and that's all the time I'll have for this edition of the SFV beta.

Won a few with Mika, won a few with Rashid. I like both of them, Rashid in particular seems neat.

I kept getting a bunch of server disconnections. Never during an actual match, but sometimes after winning a match, I'd get disconnected and I'd have to wait about five minutes before the game would let me back in.

Overall, game's really fun, it runs like a dream on my PC(using ATI graphics card) and I wish I could play it more. I also REALLY wish I could play Birdie.


Oh! I just found out you can change the voices to japanese.

I also went in the sound settings and greatly increased the music volume. It's very low for some reason. Did you guys notice?
You can still use scissors for pretty good pressure though, right? I'm not saying it was broken before, but this doesn't really seem like a huge nerf. Just means you need to be smarter with your pressure.
I guess it depends on scissors frame data right now. When Beta 1 was out, even on hit, c.MP could be beaten by a throw - the pressure it provided was really weak. The upside was that you could gamble with c.MP into Psycho Inferno (combos on counterhit, but not actually safe), go into c.LP (combos into nothing, sometimes whiffs entirely), or try to bait a poke and punish with another scissors.

A month ago, reports were that scissors were unsafe on block (wtf). Now, they are supposedly back to being safe. I have to admit that I'm pretty worried about him with all the changes they're making. I felt like Beta 1 Bison was perfect aside from a few necessary changes (having two down-up charge attack inputs locks out jumping too easily). I guess I'm just salty that I went from having a perfect main in this game to absolutely nothing. :-/

If you think about it, Rashid gets that same gamble, except he doesn't need to charge anything to get it. He can just throw the whirly attack out whenever he feels like it. It just seems like Rashid gets too much for too little in contrast to Bison, is all.


semen stains the mountaintops
Man, I really wish Chun-li was in this build. I really can't get the "feel" of the game when I have to play characters I've never played before.


i wonder if the ranks are the same for pc and ps4.

They have to be, for crossplay to be fair.

I am having a blast with Rashid, but I keep doing QCF for his spinnypunches instead of QCB. -_-

This game has that same ghosting problem a lot of Unreal 4 games have... Maybe I'll try turning down AA when I get back home to see if that changes anything.
Man, Vega is super great. All my matches today have been fun and playable, except one super laggy match where holding down back for five seconds wouldn't block anything.

It's really easy to build his V-Trigger since the range is so long on his V-Skill and his roll OS is super satisfying.


If there is anything I have learned this beta, it is that all beta round 2 characters are super fun. Way, way better than the beta round 1 character snoozefest.
think I kicked enough booty today, only get new guys and not enough fights to rank past level 50. Learned a lot, Ken is unsafe from far away, but can wreck you up close. I like the direction of the game. I would speed it up a tad bit, and everyone's normals needs tweaking, but yeah, should be the best SF game in a long while.

Tighten up them graphics too Cappy!


PC version, what is happening. My game says this:

"The title update beta version 01.05 will now begin downloading
Certain game modes will be unavailable

However, there is no indication that anything is happening. I cannot click close or do anything.

Somehow made it past. It may be an issue with my controller.

qcf x2

Man, I really wish Chun-li was in this build. I really can't get the "feel" of the game when I have to play characters I've never played before.

Doesn't make sense to me, but okay. They're really gonna have to change the previous beta characters imo, after playing Mika, Rashid, Ken and even Necalli I wouldn't even pick Ryu/Cammy/Bison/Nash/Chun Li if they were available. Boring/safe as shit, w/ the possible exception of Nash, since they actually tried to make him fresh.


I have not been getting any fights for 10 minutes, then I got a fight and was disconnected from opponent before the match started.

It's probably going to take at least an hour for the PC storm to calm down :D


semen stains the mountaintops
Doesn't make sense to me, but okay.

Why doesn't it make sense?

I've only ever played Chun-li (aside from Ryu back in 2009) so while playing Ken in SF5 everything is completely different. It's like trying to play a game and get the feel for it when you've no idea what the controls are, you're not really going to understand it well until it clicks for you.
Alluded me, but Rashid's Eagle is the typical follow up after catching someone in the air with a tornado. Didn't even think to try it, but came out by accident.

Annnnd booted. Decent whilst it lasted.


Why doesn't it make sense?

I've only ever played Chun-li (aside from Ryu back in 2009) so while playing Ken in SF5 everything is completely different. It's like trying to play a game and get the feel for it when you've no idea what the controls are, you're not really going to understand it well until it clicks for you.

The command list is in the beta, why don't you just try experimenting and learning a new character? Isn't that half the fun of a new fighting game?
Nobody has issues getting in.

Probably a faulty install ?

Or your net blocks the game.

Might be a faulty install.

But the net isn't blocking the game. I got in for a few seconds past the screen of installation failed. Plus, it was working fine yesterday or the day before. Whatever day I was on the whitelist.


I think the game just goes down every now and again. The games I've played online so far have been pretty smooth I think.
If there is anything I have learned this beta, it is that all beta round 2 characters are super fun. Way, way better than the beta round 1 character snoozefest.

I sort of agree. Cammy's been my main since the days of SF2 so she's always fun to me, but none of the others clicked at all except for Nash, who was fun but I couldn't win for shit with him.

In this beta I've had a ton of fun with Rashid and R Mika, and even Ken feels fun and different even though I'm not normally a shoto guy. I'm looking forward to trying out Karin as well. Vega's style didn't really mesh with how I like to play, but he still felt different and unique.


Doesn't make sense to me, but okay.
Makes perfect sense. If these characters don't click with a person or they hate how they play it makes perfect sense. I mean hell I hate about 70% of the sf4 cast but love the game because the few characters I do connect with make the game for me. This current crop of characters I am either unmoved or I hate them. They gave Mika da booty but she's a grappler and how they make grapplers is not for me and that is fine.


I can't get any controllers to respond at all on PC wtf steam controller or 360 or ds4 all don't work. Anyone else have this problem?
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