Why doesn't it make sense?
I've only ever played Chun-li (aside from Ryu back in 2009) so while playing Ken in SF5 everything is completely different. It's like trying to play a game and get the feel for it when you've no idea what the controls are, you're not really going to understand it well until it clicks for you.
Any PC players getting matches consistently with little to no disconnections?
2P controls dummy in training mode.Is there a way to play with friends or is it only mm?
I can't seem to do Mika's V reversal. What's the trick here.
2P controls dummy in training mode.
It requires a can of beer.I think it's just back and 3P or 3K when in blockstun
Ryu plays differently in SFV too. It's a new game, new system, new combos, new properties. We all have our ways, but things are going to be new and different anyway; your SF4 combos aren't going to work in V, so why not pick a character you're unfamiliar with? Shouldn't impair you from "understanding" the game unless you only have like 3 minutes to play, in which case things won't click regardless of who you choose. Embrace it.
Edit: Chun Li plays differently too.
What about online?
No, just ranked.
Anyone know relatively how safe Vega's rolling crystal flash is? Some guy kept doing c.mp -> rolling crystal flash on me over and over in the corner and I couldn't find any way before the next c.mp came. Jumping didn't help. And Necalli's buttons were too stubby to reach him (as far as I could tell).
They're all unsafe,not sure what to punish with necali though.
Anyone grind the 2000FP yet to unlock Kanzuki Estate yet?
Question: The stage you pick for training mode doesn't restrict you to just that stage for online VS? My only two matches has been on Waterfall.
Makes wonder if its only matching me with other people who are training on the waterfall.
i believe it favors whatever is marked as both players' "favorite stage" which is waterfall by default
Any PC players getting matches consistently with little to no disconnections?
Any PC players getting matches consistently with little to no disconnections?
Any PC players getting matches consistently with little to no disconnections?
Anyone grind the 2000FP yet to unlock Kanzuki Estate yet?
Anyone grind the 2000FP yet to unlock Kanzuki Estate yet?
I guess it depends on scissors frame data right now. When Beta 1 was out, even on hit, c.MP could be beaten by a throw - the pressure it provided was really weak. The upside was that you could gamble with c.MP into Psycho Inferno (combos on counterhit, but not actually safe), go into c.LP (combos into nothing, sometimes whiffs entirely), or try to bait a poke and punish with another scissors.
A month ago, reports were that scissors were unsafe on block (wtf). Now, they are supposedly back to being safe. I have to admit that I'm pretty worried about him with all the changes they're making. I felt like Beta 1 Bison was perfect aside from a few necessary changes (having two down-up charge attack inputs locks out jumping too easily). I guess I'm just salty that I went from having a perfect main in this game to absolutely nothing. :-/
If you think about it, Rashid gets that same gamble, except he doesn't need to charge anything to get it. He can just throw the whirly attack out whenever he feels like it. It just seems like Rashid gets too much for too little in contrast to Bison, is all.
I want to play SF V beta so damn badly but don't have $60 to shit out right now. Fuck.
I want to play SF V beta so damn badly but don't have $60 to shit out right now. Fuck.