Is there frame data out there for him? I badly needed it when I started doing live matches- it's not obvious.
I seriously hate plinking though.
I seriously hate plinking though.
Thnx! No wonder i felt so awkward in neutral, nearly nothing is safe. It's really weird that the H stomp is the safe one.
I'm liking this Karin. It's not bad she still has a hi/low mixup with out v trigger. Her footies game seems amazing (I never played her previous verions)
Karin got more attention than the entire cast combined.
So I just lost to a rashid who only did lights into his special tornado shit move literally 15 times in a row.
How do I get out of this with Karin ?
Because she just came out.
I meant from the design team.
That's it. I give up. Deleted the beta client, and on Amazon about to cancel my preorder, even though I'm getting it at a discount price since the raised the price after I ordered. But FUCK it. Can't win a single game no matter what character I play, how many combos I learn, how patient I am, how little risks I take. No point in getting this if no matter how long I practice I won't get a single win.
I am ass at street fighter.
everybody got kicked right
Yep, got disconnected right as I dizzied a Ken player in the first round and was about to deliver the final blow. Thought it was a rage quit for a moment.
Boo, I wanted to play more. Karin is as awesome as ever, will main <3
I meant from the design team.
Mika has just as much crazy shit
That'll teach you to mess with me!