Tier Whore
Like the game, but not into the characters. Hope they bring dudley and guile...
Wow you can link cr mp off of necallis med bootstomp. Really having fun with him
Servers seem to be crapping out. I got kicked, it let me back in without going to the main menu, got in a match, and now it's frozen on the win screen.
That might be it for tonight.
Im on my phone so excuse the laziness in punctuation.Share that training mode knowledge with me, GB!
"No boobs, no ass. Just boring"
Karin is not Infiltration approved.
"No boobs, no ass. Just boring"
Karin is not Infiltration approved.
can someone explain Karin's command grab? sometimes it will whiff with her doing a flip over the opponent.
Theyre definitely workable, but they lean towards situational rather than reliable. Knowing when to RH vs cFP vs FP Slash, for example. Down trigger is also pretty awkward.I don't really think Vega's anti airs suck, standing roundhouse has worked great for me. Except maybe against necali jump in fierce but its not a big deal. Vega seems to shit on him pretty bad.
I believe it only catches standing opponents, though I only tried it a few times. I think it's a pretty bad option, because if you block low, you avoid both followups on block anyways, at least the kick option combos on hit...
cr.HP stands the opponent up doesn't it? Doesn't that mean cr.HP -> QCB MP will land the full combo including the grab?
Anyone else not getting matches?
Just did some testing. cr,hp > qcb lp combos while cr.hp > qcb mp does not, though both do land on counter hit. Even when cr.hp > qcb lp lands and you go for the command grab flip, they can just crouch back down making it whiff. So basically, if you block the qcb special, you should generally be going for a low block to guard against any followups and if you do get hit by qcb, you might as well hold down back anyways because the kick option will combo you or they will try to reset with the throw. Though I need to test if she has any frame trap potential off the move using the guard action on the dummy.
Lol. dude rage quitting in a beta. I knew it was bout to happen sooner or later.
Anyone else not getting matches?
Sounds interesting. It seems like blocking low is just the best way to go to block that move so I wonder why they even have the command grab as an option.
Hm. I get the following running 4k DSR on a gtx 970:
32% GPU usage
2101 MB GPU Ram
25% per CPU core
yet it'll just stick around 30 fps and randomly go up to 44 and down to 16 sometimes. Anyone have a similar problem? I get 60 fps at 1080p with only 8% GPU usage.
Same, gpu fan doesn't even kick on at 1080. Crank the resolution higher and the frames drop.
Good news it sounds like we'll be able to hit 4k DSR (probably by release time) pretty easily as long as the gpu gets utilized![]()
I ran into one too which surprised the hell out of me. Match was actually good, just had a bad round and guess he didn't want to deal with that shit anymore.
"No boobs, no ass. Just boring"
Karin is not Infiltration approved.
Sounds interesting. It seems like blocking low is just the best way to go to block that move so I wonder why they even have the command grab as an option.
Just tested some things, but it was kind of goofy since the dummy is a dummy (For some reason the reversal guard recording makes it stop blocking the 2nd hit of the qcb punch, so I had to distance it so the last punch hits only). If I do qcb special and Mika blocks, if I do nothing or the low kick followup, she can reversal ex grab me (meterless command grab probably works too). If I do the flip, she whiffs the command grab and Karin lands on the other side, but if I were to guess we are both back to neutral. But if Mika goes for a wingless airplane, she can just snatch Karin out of the flip on reversal, though if Karin did anything else she will be safe and Mika just flips over to the other side and we both play neutral again. So in other words, mind games lol.
edit: Also tested ex peach bomber, it is the same as if Mika went for the command grab. So if you did the low kick followup, you get beat, but if you flip, you go over her. If you just block if the qb hits their block, the ex peach will still punish you. So in this case go for the flip grab.
So in short what I learned is that the flip grab followup to Karin's qcb punch special can be used to make yourself safe from command grab reversals, though it can be read and get you hurt.
Phew, had a pretty good session with Karin. When you move from a character like Guy in USF4, it's pretty hard to play these other characters now. I haven't tried the other characters, but I think Karin's the closest to the playstyle that I like. Of course, until Guy gets that DLC. He will get one right, Capcom?
Karin has Guy's stand strong, a similar range stand forward and a shoulder check. Ex arm tornado wiggle thing is basically like ex tatsu..and she has a command run. Practically the same character =)
She absolutely will not wear these peasant shoes!I'll only concede to this logic only if Karin gets a costume with Nike Dunks.