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Street Fighter V Beta 2 Thread: Welcome, future 21007s! Now on PC!

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Repost from earlier, with video this time:

It seems like some people are having this problem, and I am too. On the main menu, everything seems to work fine, but as soon as I go to pick a character everything loads veeery slow, and in game it's like playing under water. It has actually become a little better some times when playing matches online, but not much.

I have updated drivers, I have reinstalled game, I have both tried lowest settings (Even though I shouldn't need this) I have tried recommended settings and above. There is NO difference. So at high settings and at lowest settings, the game is completely the same to me. Under water with slowdowns.

Asus ROG
GTX 980M
16GB Ram

Does anyone have any ideas of what I can try to make it work?

Video of performance:


The loading times wouldn't be as annoying if I wasn't looking at them constantly because of switching back and forth from training to fighting. I was looking forward to playing the beta over the weekend but the situation is just no good for me, I need a controlled environment to land on my feet here. I'm watching some youtube videos on SF fundamentals in the meantime and will attempt to play some more tomorrow, but it looks like I'll be waiting for release to put actual time into the game. Which is too bad, cause I dropped money on pre-ordering this for the beta. Oh well.

What a thoughtless post. It is indeed a beta. I can't say I've played many fighting game betas, but not having access to a training mode sans interruptions kinda sucks. Wish I was having the connection issues everyone was complaining about days ago, then I'd have enough time to figure things out. I hope you were there telling those people who couldn't find a match that it was a beta too, just so we know all complaints will be equally dismissed.

Dude this isn't even a real beta, it's more of an network test. Be thankful that you can play this game. This test is not to learn the game, only to try it out and test the network.

Some dudes....


Aww yiss got my first victory. Tried Rashid for the first time and just barely managed to try all his moves out once and then got a match. Somehow I managed to beat the other player with him. Rashid seems to be really fun to play and his CA is really good. Still having bunch of problems doing moves with a pad though.


For the people with no or little fighting game experience:

This is how fighting games are. Unlike a lot of other competetive games there is no RNG to save you. This isn't Hearthstone. All comes down to how you yourself play your character. This is probably one of the main reasons why fighting games aren't as big as other competetive games. It's really hard to get good and there is nothing that softens the blow. You won't get handed out lucky wins, you'll have to work for them.


Guys what should I do with Mika and her Qcf + K? What is it good for? Why is there an ex version? Am I doing it wrong

It's an airthrow. You use it when you knock them into the air with your vtrigger, after a f+hp, or after a wall bounce (counts as airborne).

Can Mikas s.mk combo or be combo'd into from anything?

It's pure poke. You can combo into it from s.mp, why you'd want to I don't know.



Hate to say it, but it may be a laptop driver thing. On Capcom/Nvidia's side.

I was afraid of this, but all I want is for them to at least realize there is a problem and fix it now or for the next beta or real release.. It's really sad though, as I was going to produce a lot of content this weekend:(


Guys what should I do with Mika and her Qcf + K? What is it good for? Why is there an ex version? Am I doing it wrong

You can combo it after f + st. HP for example. Or use it as a situational anti air. The ex version is easier to land (it seems to me?) and does more damage. It gets affected by mic drop boost as well.

It's pure poke. You can combo into it from s.mp, why you'd want to I don't know.

And an incredibly good one at that!


I feel so dumb with the air throw. I just never made the dummy jump towards me.

I've played 3 kens in a row now. I maimed ken in SF4 and even this is annoying me lol


Dude this isn't even a real beta, it's more of an network test. Be thankful that you can play this game. This test is not to learn the game, only to try it out and test the network.

Some dudes....

Weird, it says beta...

I'm not thankful for having access to a beta at the time I'm supposed to have access to it, contingent upon me spending money towards the final version of the game. This is what was advertised, and expected. I'm not the guy waiting in line for a glimpse of SFV here, my hype is minimal. I just want to see if this is a game I'm going to enjoy playing in the full release, and unfortunately I don't have the patience to struggle through the current play format to find out.

I regret responding to these posts, but I can't help myself because they're so cliche. Be thankful? I'm far too old for that shit.

Check r/Kappa



Yeah it's pretty hard to play with Mika coming from starting the morning with Ken. Ken feels so fucking good, Mika is awesome, but I need to get better at closing in and using the right normals to build my combos. Game is so fun right now


semen stains the mountaintops
God fucking dammit, the lag is so god awful. Just played a match where each time this R. Mika jumped at me she'd just fuck me up since I had no idea where she actually was. Oh, she's jumping? Let me block then. Oh, now she spawned right in front of me and did a command grab, cool. I'm knocked down, she's 3 character lengths away but guess what? She now spawned an inch away from me and she just did a super. Awesome.

And sadly this is how most matches I've played have played out. The person I'm playing is just teleporting all over the place so half the time I feel like I'm blind. Just have to guess where they actually are.

I feel like most of my posts in this thread so far is bitching but this beta is driving me fucking bunkers.


Weird, it says beta...

I'm not thankful for having access to a beta at the time I'm supposed to have access to it, contingent upon me spending money towards the final version of the game. This is what was advertised, and expected. I'm not the guy waiting in line for a glimpse of SFV here, my hype is minimal. I just want to see if this is a game I'm going to enjoy playing in the full release, and unfortunately I don't have the patience to struggle through the current play format to find out.

I regret responding to these posts, but I can't help myself because they're so cliche. Be thankful? I'm far too old for that shit.


Wait for a demo if you want to see if the game is right for you. Not the BETA which is different to the FINAL release


Things have been really smooth on my end. R. Mika is the most fun I have had with a character in a long time. I am just having a great time.

The only real bad match I had seemed a little suspicious to me. Like, it was a smooth match... until I had a huge life lead, then it was the worst match in the world. Second round went the same. Third round was identical as well (I eked out the win in the end).


Weird, it says beta...

I'm not thankful for having access to a beta at the time I'm supposed to have access to it, contingent upon me spending money towards the final version of the game. This is what was advertised, and expected. I'm not the guy waiting in line for a glimpse of SFV here, my hype is minimal. I just want to see if this is a game I'm going to enjoy playing in the full release, and unfortunately I don't have the patience to struggle through the current play format to find out.

I regret responding to these posts, but I can't help myself because they're so cliche. Be thankful? I'm far too old for that shit.

It's a beta test but it's primary reason for being done is to test the network. I'm not going to tell you should be thankful, but if you're not enjoying the game maybe it would be better if you sat this out and tried the next one when it starts.

I do think Capcom is sending mixed messages by attaching it as a pre-order bonus though. They really should just just explained what it was and had people sign up for it, by taking money for it they are setting expectations.


God fucking dammit, the lag is so god awful. Just played a match where each time this R. Mika jumped at me she'd just fuck me up since I had no idea where she actually was. Oh, she's jumping? Let me block then. Oh, now she spawned right in front of me and did a command grab, cool. I'm knocked down, she's 3 character lengths away but guess what? She now spawned an inch away from me and she just did a super. Awesome.

And sadly this is how most matches I've played have played out. The person I'm playing is just teleporting all over the place so half the time I feel like I'm blind. Just have to guess where they actually are.

I feel like most of my posts in this thread so far is bitching but this beta is driving me fucking bunkers.

Most of my matches were pretty good, but my last match before signing off was 2/3rds speed against a teleporting Ken. Pretty rough, but seems like it depends on the opponent. I'm used to suggesting people use a wired connection, but I don't know how much of a difference that makes for PS4/PC users... Maybe see if you can get on in prime-time tomorrow and catch matches with people closer to your location? Sorry if you got these suggestions already, as you can probably see from this page, I'm new here.

Wait for a demo if you want to see if the game is right for you. Not the BETA which is different to the FINAL release

Money ship has sailed, that's ok. This isn't an ELI5 here, I know what a beta is. You disagree. I maintain my opinion and don't get the weird defensive responses to my complaints. Agree to disagree.

It's a beta test but it's primary reason for being done is to test the network. I'm not going to tell you should be thankful, but if you're not enjoying the game maybe it would be better if you sat this out and tried the next one when it starts.

I do think Capcom is sending mixed messages by attaching it as a pre-order bonus though. They really should just just explained what it was and had people sign up for it, by taking money for it they are setting expectations.

Yeah their messaging led to certain expectations from my side. I'll maybe play for a half hour tomorrow (went to the trouble of digging out my arcade stick after all) and then wait for a more standard "sneak peak" in the future. No biggie.


Most of my matches were pretty good, but my last match before signing off was 2/3rds speed against a teleporting Ken. Pretty rough, but seems like it depends on the opponent. I'm used to suggesting people use a wired connection, but I don't know how much of a difference that makes for PS4/PC users... Maybe see if you can get on in prime-time tomorrow and catch matches with people closer to your location? Sorry if you got these suggestions already, as you can probably see from this page, I'm new here.

Honestly you should always be on wired if you're playing online multiplayer outside of a few genres (Racing, MMOs you're usually fine on a decent wireless connection). Fighting games especially. I just think the netcode's still shaky, matchmaking, server issues, etc.

Money ship has sailed, that's ok. This isn't an ELI5 here, I know what a beta is. You disagree. I maintain my opinion and don't get the weird defensive responses to my complaints. Agree to disagree.

The thing is that it's an actual beta, things break and don't work as advertised. It's not a glorified demo like most publishers advertise a "beta" as. I think people complaining is fine though, since it tells Capcom that the networking stuff is still quite a bit off from "finished".
I am tapping out for the night, haha. The teleporting around is driving me crazy. Every move is a kara move, lol.

And people should complain. It's the point of a beta. To see what is wrong and get feedback.

And capcom put this in a weird spot concerning expectations, as they offered it as a pre-order bonus. People have a reason to be irked.
I watched an SFV stream for most of the day yesterday, and the netcode was perfect until the PC version went live. So maybe it was cross platform issues?


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Doesn't he have a tendency to joke around ... a lot?

Shh. Let them argue.

Guys what should I do with Mika and her Qcf + K? What is it good for? Why is there an ex version? Am I doing it wrong

Already been said, but it's an air-throw. Like her super, it can be comboed into, so that also makes it the only meterless combo-ender she has that's affected by her mic boost.

God fucking dammit, the lag is so god awful. Just played a match where each time this R. Mika jumped at me she'd just fuck me up since I had no idea where she actually was. Oh, she's jumping? Let me block then. Oh, now she spawned right in front of me and did a command grab, cool. I'm knocked down, she's 3 character lengths away but guess what? She now spawned an inch away from me and she just did a super. Awesome.

And sadly this is how most matches I've played have played out. The person I'm playing is just teleporting all over the place so half the time I feel like I'm blind. Just have to guess where they actually are.

I feel like most of my posts in this thread so far is bitching but this beta is driving me fucking bunkers.

Honestly, if every match you have has terrible lag, the problem is probably on your end (or your ISP's), or you're playing during off-hours for your region and are getting matched with overseas players or something. I've had some really janky teleport-ridden fights, but they're rare.

I watched an SFV stream for most of the day yesterday, and the netcode was perfect until the PC version went live. So maybe it was cross platform issues?

I'm on PC and have been doing mostly OK. I can't find a way to tell whether my opponent is on PS4 or PC though.


Honestly you should always be on wired if you're playing online multiplayer outside of a few genres (Racing, MMOs you're usually fine on a decent wireless connection). Fighting games especially. I just think the netcode's still shaky, matchmaking, server issues, etc.

The thing is that it's an actual beta, things break and don't work as advertised. It's not a glorified demo like most publishers advertise a "beta" as. I think people complaining is fine though, since it tells Capcom that the networking stuff is still quite a bit off from "finished".

I'm all about that Powerline connection myself...

I don't mind the online hijinks so much, I just want to play training mode indefinitely ;_;

Besides my one teleporting Ken match, online seemed to work alright for me.

Watching the Fundamentals series in the OP right now and a little annoyed I don't have access to Ryu too.


I watched an SFV stream for most of the day yesterday, and the netcode was perfect until the PC version went live. So maybe it was cross platform issues?
Has to be region MM.

I was on PC at SEA region and managed to get smooth games including with JP. In SF4 days any JP guy instakicks when seeing my yellow bar ass.


If your idea of "mastering" SF5 is learning some good combos in training mode and beating randoms in online beta, then you have an extremely narrow view of fighting games.
finally did some training with Vega, as well as some matches. I fucking suck >.< Only won 3 out of 15-25 matches

Gonna try some of the other characters later today


If your idea of "mastering" SF5 is learning some good combos in training mode and beating randoms in online beta, then you have an extremely narrow view of fighting games.

I mean...it was from Infiltration... I am sure he knows what it means to master a fighting game.


I mean...it was from Infiltration... I am sure he knows what it means to master a fighting game.

Yeah, and that just furthers the point I'm making. He knows SF4 so well that it's coloring his impression of SF5. He feels like it's easy to master without having real competition.


could never
God I love Vega.




Obviously his EX version into super can't be done in a real match but it looks slick af.


Trying to learn some Karin. Am I missing something or is her anti air game really terrible? The only decent AA seems to be crouching HP and even that has a pretty bad hitbox as it hits mostly in front of her instead of over her head.


Trying to learn some Karin. Am I missing something or is her anti air game really terrible? The only decent AA seems to be crouching HP and even that has a pretty bad hitbox as it hits mostly in front of her instead of over her head.

Standing HP is her anti-air just like in A3. I think an EX Ressenha would also work but I haven't had the chance to try it yet.


Buff all his normals to have more range!
Reduce his damage by 20%

imo his lk stomp maybe should move him forward more so that max range cr. mk > lk stomp can connect
question for the necalli players, when an enemy is down, do you guys do hp or cr. hp? or should i use mk instead? i haven't been using mk alot because i still stuck at mk > cr. mp link, i only use it for target combo to build v bar
what about his dive kick? like what am i supposed to do after an opponent blocks it? in normal mode btw, not v triggered mode
i haven't been using v trigger either :<


I guess it's down now? I've been stuck in the training mode for 15 mins now :D

Enjoying it so far, feels kinda in-between SF4 & SFxT. And thank god they got rid of the lax inputs for specials that SF4 seemed to have, feels great to play.

Looking forward to playing again later!.
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