The Beta has been modded to work offline. Not sure if anyone has posted this info yet. Very limited functionality though and it seems it won't work once the actual beta ends so not sure how useful this is.
Asus ROG
GTX 980M
16GB Ram
The loading times wouldn't be as annoying if I wasn't looking at them constantly because of switching back and forth from training to fighting. I was looking forward to playing the beta over the weekend but the situation is just no good for me, I need a controlled environment to land on my feet here. I'm watching some youtube videos on SF fundamentals in the meantime and will attempt to play some more tomorrow, but it looks like I'll be waiting for release to put actual time into the game. Which is too bad, cause I dropped money on pre-ordering this for the beta. Oh well.
What a thoughtless post. It is indeed a beta. I can't say I've played many fighting game betas, but not having access to a training mode sans interruptions kinda sucks. Wish I was having the connection issues everyone was complaining about days ago, then I'd have enough time to figure things out. I hope you were there telling those people who couldn't find a match that it was a beta too, just so we know all complaints will be equally dismissed.
Guys what should I do with Mika and her Qcf + K? What is it good for? Why is there an ex version? Am I doing it wrong
Can Mikas combo or be combo'd into from anything?
Hate to say it, but it may be a laptop driver thing. On Capcom/Nvidia's side.
Guys what should I do with Mika and her Qcf + K? What is it good for? Why is there an ex version? Am I doing it wrong
It's pure poke. You can combo into it from, why you'd want to I don't know.
=Ferrio;182765684It's pure poke. You can combo into it from, why you'd want to I don't know.
And an incredibly good one at that!
Dude this isn't even a real beta, it's more of an network test. Be thankful that you can play this game. This test is not to learn the game, only to try it out and test the network.
Some dudes....
Check r/Kappa
Weird, it says beta...
I'm not thankful for having access to a beta at the time I'm supposed to have access to it, contingent upon me spending money towards the final version of the game. This is what was advertised, and expected. I'm not the guy waiting in line for a glimpse of SFV here, my hype is minimal. I just want to see if this is a game I'm going to enjoy playing in the full release, and unfortunately I don't have the patience to struggle through the current play format to find out.
I regret responding to these posts, but I can't help myself because they're so cliche. Be thankful? I'm far too old for that shit.
Weird, it says beta...
I'm not thankful for having access to a beta at the time I'm supposed to have access to it, contingent upon me spending money towards the final version of the game. This is what was advertised, and expected. I'm not the guy waiting in line for a glimpse of SFV here, my hype is minimal. I just want to see if this is a game I'm going to enjoy playing in the full release, and unfortunately I don't have the patience to struggle through the current play format to find out.
I regret responding to these posts, but I can't help myself because they're so cliche. Be thankful? I'm far too old for that shit.
God fucking dammit, the lag is so god awful. Just played a match where each time this R. Mika jumped at me she'd just fuck me up since I had no idea where she actually was. Oh, she's jumping? Let me block then. Oh, now she spawned right in front of me and did a command grab, cool. I'm knocked down, she's 3 character lengths away but guess what? She now spawned an inch away from me and she just did a super. Awesome.
And sadly this is how most matches I've played have played out. The person I'm playing is just teleporting all over the place so half the time I feel like I'm blind. Just have to guess where they actually are.
I feel like most of my posts in this thread so far is bitching but this beta is driving me fucking bunkers.
Wait for a demo if you want to see if the game is right for you. Not the BETA which is different to the FINAL release
It's a beta test but it's primary reason for being done is to test the network. I'm not going to tell you should be thankful, but if you're not enjoying the game maybe it would be better if you sat this out and tried the next one when it starts.
I do think Capcom is sending mixed messages by attaching it as a pre-order bonus though. They really should just just explained what it was and had people sign up for it, by taking money for it they are setting expectations.
Most of my matches were pretty good, but my last match before signing off was 2/3rds speed against a teleporting Ken. Pretty rough, but seems like it depends on the opponent. I'm used to suggesting people use a wired connection, but I don't know how much of a difference that makes for PS4/PC users... Maybe see if you can get on in prime-time tomorrow and catch matches with people closer to your location? Sorry if you got these suggestions already, as you can probably see from this page, I'm new here.
Money ship has sailed, that's ok. This isn't an ELI5 here, I know what a beta is. You disagree. I maintain my opinion and don't get the weird defensive responses to my complaints. Agree to disagree.
Doesn't he have a tendency to joke around ... a lot?
Guys what should I do with Mika and her Qcf + K? What is it good for? Why is there an ex version? Am I doing it wrong
God fucking dammit, the lag is so god awful. Just played a match where each time this R. Mika jumped at me she'd just fuck me up since I had no idea where she actually was. Oh, she's jumping? Let me block then. Oh, now she spawned right in front of me and did a command grab, cool. I'm knocked down, she's 3 character lengths away but guess what? She now spawned an inch away from me and she just did a super. Awesome.
And sadly this is how most matches I've played have played out. The person I'm playing is just teleporting all over the place so half the time I feel like I'm blind. Just have to guess where they actually are.
I feel like most of my posts in this thread so far is bitching but this beta is driving me fucking bunkers.
I watched an SFV stream for most of the day yesterday, and the netcode was perfect until the PC version went live. So maybe it was cross platform issues?
Honestly you should always be on wired if you're playing online multiplayer outside of a few genres (Racing, MMOs you're usually fine on a decent wireless connection). Fighting games especially. I just think the netcode's still shaky, matchmaking, server issues, etc.
The thing is that it's an actual beta, things break and don't work as advertised. It's not a glorified demo like most publishers advertise a "beta" as. I think people complaining is fine though, since it tells Capcom that the networking stuff is still quite a bit off from "finished".
Has to be region MM.I watched an SFV stream for most of the day yesterday, and the netcode was perfect until the PC version went live. So maybe it was cross platform issues?
If your idea of "mastering" SF5 is learning some good combos in training mode and beating randoms in online beta, then you have an extremely narrow view of fighting games.
If your idea of "mastering" SF5 is learning some good combos in training mode and beating randoms in online beta, then you have an extremely narrow view of fighting games.
I was from Infiltration... I am sure he knows what it means to master a fighting game.
Yeah, and that just furthers the point I'm making. He knows SF4 so well that it's coloring his impression of SF5. He feels like it's easy to master without having real competition.
Lol @ people saying Necalli is bad in stream chats. Good. Keep saying he sucks, I wouldn't mind some buffs.
Standing HPTrying to learn some Karin. Am I missing something or is her anti air game really terrible? The only decent AA seems to be crouching HP and even that has a pretty bad hitbox as it hits mostly in front of her instead of over her head.
Buff all his normals to have more range!Reduce his damage by 20%
Trying to learn some Karin. Am I missing something or is her anti air game really terrible? The only decent AA seems to be crouching HP and even that has a pretty bad hitbox as it hits mostly in front of her instead of over her head.
Standing HP
Standing HP is her anti-air just like in A3. I think an EX Ressenha would also work but I haven't had the chance to try it yet.
Buff all his normals to have more range!Reduce his damage by 20%