I was just messaging a guy who had the same problem as me! Turns out, I just had to go LAN for the update to work. WiFi was too finicky (and I really should be playing on wired anyway, right?).
Thanks I think he got it.
I was just messaging a guy who had the same problem as me! Turns out, I just had to go LAN for the update to work. WiFi was too finicky (and I really should be playing on wired anyway, right?).
Had some great matches on PC today with Karin (have yet to touch the PS4 beta this window). Still getting used to her Guren Ken only being accessible under V-Trigger but I'm getting there.
It's a pity that fightsticks aren't working on PC at the moment though.
I hate that I'm like rank 45,000 and the only people I ever match with are in the top 5,000. So frustrating, I'm learning but can't beat those people. I've only managed to win 2 matches in this beta
I hate that I'm like rank 45,000 and the only people I ever match with are in the top 5,000. So frustrating, I'm learning but can't beat those people. I've only managed to win 2 matches in this beta
It doesn't mean anything. They should be matching people up according to league points rather than rank. It doesn't really matter if you're in the low thousands but you only have 500 lp.
Isn't rank and LP pretty much the same thing, because rank is based on LP?
I forgot cross-platform play was apparently happening. Guess that means the rankings puts everyone together.
Isn't rank and LP pretty much the same thing, because rank is based on LP?
I forgot cross-platform play was apparently happening. Guess that means the rankings puts everyone together.
That mika is really bad.
That shitty feeling when the opponent wins the two rounds with 1% of HP left.
My ranking hasn't dropped at all after losing 200 lp, so I don't think so. I was ~8k at 1100 lp, I'm still ~8k at 900
I use hopscotch (qcb+k) in place of it, it's not perfect but the rushdown is almost as good. Aside from it being stopped by random pokes from time to time.
Safejump with Karin
end with qcf+k~p, qcb+lk -> walk forward 1 step, j.mk x-up.
If they don't quickstand, after the j.mk x-up whiffs, nj.mk
Mika sounds like fucking Naruto, believe it. Mika is just Naruto in sexy-no-jutsu.
See, I don't mind losing if people really are better than me. I get to learn stuff, and I won't get any better playing against people who are worse than me. I've been playing a lot of Rashid and get excited when I go up against one that is higher ranked than me. I've already learned a few things from them.
I just get irritable when I lose because I did stupid stuff against someone who plays worse than I do, and that's saying a lot.
Well they also have hundreds of not 1000+ lp when I have 0 soo I still feeel hopeless. It's okay though because I'm learning from it . But I hope the full game matches better, because it's just a free win for them and kinda lame.It doesn't mean anything. They should be matching people up according to league points rather than rank. It doesn't really matter if you're in the low thousands but you only have 500 lp.
Especially when it was a ken... fml
Mika's vskill is pretty damn pointless IMO.
No way you're going to pull it off without being punished and without being hit/whiffing a grab against someone who knows what their doing.
Well...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMnr6i-sZ4QMika's vskill is pretty damn pointless IMO.
No way you're going to pull it off without being punished and without being hit/whiffing a grab against someone who knows what their doing.
The damage boost that comes from it being pressed without even holding it is dramatic, and you can get at least that with a good amount of distance or Nadeshiko (hold) covering Mika.
Right but even if you're untouched during the speech now you have to land a throw without being hit or whiffing it. The odds are just against you for not much damage gain.
I disagree that it's not much damage gain. It's significant, and the trade-off for trying to pull it off is fair. That plus it helps her V-Gauge and it has armor. I don't think useless is a good way to describe it.
Highest was 1400 something I think. I'm at 2k something LP. Gonna leave for now since I gotta do some stuff and I might be out for the night. We got Brett (Rufus player from the US) in Peru right now and he's staying at my friend's.I think I'm done for the time being. What rank/LP did everyone manage to get to? I'm at around 1500 LP and around rank 3900. Can't remember exact numbers.
Soon as you're hit (even after the vtrigger is done) you lose the buff. The chances of getting a throw off and not getting poked while you have the buff is pretty low IMO. Stupid gamble to take when a single medium hit gives you the same damage the minimum vskill boost gives ya.
They really need to work on that post processing and the constant crashes on the PC version.
At the moment I have 2008 LP and rank was in the 500s. I've been using Ken, Vega and Karin mainly.I think I'm done for the time being. What rank/LP did everyone manage to get to? I'm at around 1500 LP and around rank 3900. Can't remember exact numbers.
Been trying to utilize hopscotch as well and seeing how best I can rushdown and launch mixups from there. The pokes can get annoying but it's all part of the learning process.
Thankfully the motion blur is easy to disable in Scalability.ini, needs to be a real option though.
To tell you the truth it looks really good in motion, but it just needs to be toned down.
Just looks at this.
I want motion blur, but it needs to be turned down just a hair. Does that scaleability.ini file reduce it. When I set post processing to medium it takes it off completely.
I think I'm done for the time being. What rank/LP did everyone manage to get to? I'm at around 1500 LP and around rank 3900. Can't remember exact numbers.