Psycho Blast range nerfed. NO ONE EVEN USED THAT MOVE.
Unreleased games can have nerfs?
You've figured out the entire game and know that he's shit now because you have to approach it in a different way?
People are way too quick to jump on extremely strong opinions. Give it some more time with the game and messing around, try to look at things from a different approach and how his stuff works relative to the rest of the cast.
Or just complain because one trial concept is different from another, that also works.
They nerfed what made him fun. Thus he got nerfed to shit.
Why even have a point blank range charge move that is punishable yet can't be hit confirmed out of anything but a jump-in?
Bison now has two completely pointless specials. It was bad enough for him to have one.
He still has problems getting locked out of jumps due to two du charge moves.
Several of his already very limited combo options have been removed.
His damage was nerfed.
His arguably best poke got nerfed in range.
Psycho Blast range nerfed.
Knee Press x CA still whiffs sometimes.
He can't even link s.HP to c.MP anymore - why remove something so basic?
That is a pretty extreme set of changes.
Plus, since this is still the beta period, why wouldn't I be vocal about how displeased I am with these changes?