For ppl saying MK raised the bar with SP content - this has been true of MK long before MK9. The last two or 3 games prior to MK9 featured way, WAY more SP content, and longer SP story campaigns, than any SF game to date, SFV including.
SP content is very much a part of the core appeal of the MK series. They go that far with those modes & features because they have to for their core audience. Heck, we can easily argue that there was more thought & better execution in the story content in even MK 1-3 than there were in SF2 & 3.
Honestly, I was not expecting a 3D animated campaign out of SFV, ESPECIALLY once the Bengus artworks were uploaded to the tutorial portion of SFV's beta. Today's announcement is completely out of left-field, and is honestly one of the last/biggest surprise of this game outside of its announcement & platforms, seeing as how no prior leak even suggested we were getting a 3D fully-animated campaign at all.
People lambasting the delayed launch of a 3D animated campaign, when there wasn't even a SUGGESTION such a mode was coming, and when we are already getting SP/story content on day 1 ANYWAY, are really baffling me.