so DLC character coming in march
Probably won't be Ibuki, but I hope she doesn't take too long.
so DLC character coming in march
Maaaajor citation needed. I'm one of the people that think the direction Capcom is going with SFV has been completely on point from start to finish and how they're playing to both casual and hardcore, but I can't stand when hardcore fans believe that casuals suddenly don't make a majority of the install base (for all major video game titles, tbh).Mk didn't change shit. Also to the majority of sf players its not a priority, and if it is how about you just wait until it releases and just buy it 4 months for now. Its not rocket science and can't see why you didn't think of that yourself..
Fighting games like gg and tekken had stories long before mk has.
But there are more casual players then competitive players so the fact that SFV goal is to be competitive doesn't matter
so DLC character coming in march
For ppl saying MK raised the bar with SP content - this has been true of MK long before MK9. The last two or 3 games prior to MK9 featured way, WAY more SP content, and longer SP story campaigns, than any SF game to date, SFV including.
SP content is very much a part of the core appeal of the MK series. They go that far with those modes & features because they have to for their core audience. Heck, we can easily argue that there was more thought & better execution in the story content in even MK 1-3 than there were in SF2 & 3.
Honestly, I was not expecting a 3D animated campaign out of SFV, ESPECIALLY once the Bengus artworks were uploaded to the tutorial portion of SFV's beta. Today's announcement is completely out of left-field, and is honestly one of the last/biggest surprise of this game outside of its announcement & platforms, seeing as how no prior leak even suggested we were getting a 3D fully-animated campaign at all.
People lambasting the delayed launch of a 3D animated campaign, when there wasn't even a SUGGESTION such a mode was coming, and when we are already getting SP/story content on day 1 ANYWAY, are really baffling me.
Maaaajor citation needed. I'm one of the people that think the direction Capcom is going with SFV has been completely on point from start to finish and how they're playing to both casual and hardcore, but I can't stand when hardcore fans believe that casuals suddenly don't make a majority of the install base (for all major video game titles, tbh).
It's so disingenuous to the reality of things.
Hoping for Alex, expecting Guile, happy with either.
This is kind of bad in my opinion.
For casual joe trying to ease into SF series and not have a story mode to dick with is a huge turn off to drop $60.00 on release.
Even if it does come later free that's still not a good sign to withhold.
I'm actually eager to see AngryJoe review this. He'll shit on them hard for this kind of decision.
For me personally I don't give a big shit because it's all about the MP for me, but even then I enjoy doing the story mode/arcade modes when the game first releases to unlock titles, colors, etc.
hoping SFV Guile's theme still goes with everything
They weren't pure SF games but I prefer those over the udon art from Tatsunoko and MvC3. The ending arts for those games were pretty gross.Worst art in a SF game ever.
The SFIV iterations sold around 8M copies combined. Pro players are a few hundreds, and in the online rankings have been several thousand people, not millions. So most people mainly play SFIV single player or with friends only.Mk didn't change shit. Also to the majority of sf players its not a priority, and if it is how about you just wait until it releases and just buy it 4 months for now. Its not rocket science and can't see why you didn't think of that yourself..
Fighting games like gg and tekken had stories long before mk has.
...lmaoThere will be Bengus art.
It'll probably be either Guile or Balrog first. That being said, I would love for Alex to be first, but I'm not expecting it.Alex will be first!
Probably Balrog since he's apparently already playable.so DLC character coming in march
Alex will be first!
So, if Decapre is featured, along with an updated look, does this mean she might be in the batch of DLC season 2 characters?
On another note, one of the benefits of having a fleshed out fully-animated 3D campaign is we might get to catch glimpses of characters who may never make it into the roster of SFV.
four months after release whew. Capcom just trying to get the game out for Evo at this point
Wonder who this is.
I am happy with everything Capcom has done however you gotta admit the game is barbones.
If they delayed this game for June it would have launched with cinematic story mode as well as a 18-20 character roster. I'm not mad though as I want the game ASAP.
I'm fully expecting Street Fighter 2 The Movie:The Game somewhereyeah MK even stuck Kart Racers and Puzzle games, lol
What others games having story has to do with Street Fighter?It's been 8 years since SF4, dude. Almost a decade.
MKX has story. All of ASWs games have stories. Naruto games are built upon story mode. Tekken has always had single player modes. SoulCalibur as well.
Feel free to deny what Capcom acknowledges by providing the content people are obviously demanding. Whatever floats your boat.
What others games having story has to do with Street Fighter?
Please shows me casuals cares about story in SF games today please... looks still anecdotal for me.
It'll probably be either Guile or Balrog first. That being said, I would love for Alex to be first, but I'm not expecting it.
I think the pictures we got will be the release order.
Who this is?
i leaned too heavily on Guile in SFIV, so i hope he doesn't come out the gate too fast... i want time to build a new main
This image is very stylish and shows the potential of the graphics engine they're using. If we can get this type of consistent quality I know this mode will be a success. I would rather they focus on tight high quality chapters over quantity. Just my personal preference.This shot alone looks like a painting.