fucks sake, good point.
Didn't know we'd be getting bonus Rule34 from you, Garrett... or should I say Gawker!
fucks sake, good point.
that'll be $115m plsDidn't know we'd be getting bonus Rule34 from you, Garrett... or should I say Gawker!
It's not 2/3, never was. It's just a runback.About how 2/3 has been implemented. It looks like you can bail after the 2nd match. Basically leaving the game tied 1-1 between you and whoever you faced. I don't like that, I thought the 3rd match would be forced. I hate the idea that someone could lose, win the run back and high tail it out of there because all that matters to him/her is that they won the last match. I experience this plenty of times in SF4 and was hoping this would't be possible with the 2/3 addition to Ranked.
yup loading times are worse. i still have time to return that game think i'm going to do it, this is just ridiculous
About how 2/3 has been implemented. It looks like you can bail after the 2nd match. Basically leaving the game tied 1-1 between you and whoever you faced. I don't like that, I thought the 3rd match would be forced. I hate the idea that someone could lose, win the run back and high tail it out of there because all that matters to him/her is that they won the last match. I experience this plenty of times in SF4 and was hoping this would't be possible with the 2/3 addition to Ranked.
tried tricking the game into thinking selecting Ryu is selecting Alex and it lets me load in but just get a white screen after the earth zoom
so going to try and copy Alex's mesh on top of Zangief's to just get him in game
edit: actually, does anyone want me to do like a video of all CA's in the new costumes?
I can't do Zangief's CA tho LOL
I only have 2I want to see all the different colors of Karin new costume![]()
The servers are getting crushed. Try offline and see how it works.
About how 2/3 has been implemented. It looks like you can bail after the 2nd match. Basically leaving the game tied 1-1 between you and whoever you faced. I don't like that, I thought the 3rd match would be forced. I hate the idea that someone could lose, win the run back and high tail it out of there because all that matters to him/her is that they won the last match. I experience this plenty of times in SF4 and was hoping this would't be possible with the 2/3 addition to Ranked.
You don't get fight money if you're offline.
I only have 2![]()
Ugh, I can't do Ryu trial no.10. The v-trigger to b.HK just ain't comboing together.
Really, capcom can't even map the touchscreen to reset while you're doing trials.
Walk forward after you do the s.hk
someone quick help how do I do Zangief's CA without jumping?
Do you only get the FM by doing all the trials of one character?
Perfect, thanks!after a dash or jump will work, pretty much doing the input while hes doing something else so that the jump wont come out
someone quick help how do I do Zangief's CA without jumping?
it looks like you get fm per character but the amount depends on their level. Like, for Laura, who I have around lvl 21ish, I only got 1000fm but Ken, who I never play, got 3000.
About how 2/3 has been implemented. It looks like you can bail after the 2nd match. Basically leaving the game tied 1-1 between you and whoever you faced. I don't like that, I thought the 3rd match would be forced. I hate the idea that someone could lose, win the run back and high tail it out of there because all that matters to him/her is that they won the last match. I experience this plenty of times in SF4 and was hoping this would't be possible with the 2/3 addition to Ranked.
it is r3 in trial mode.
really dumb i know
someone quick help how do I do Zangief's CA without jumping?
Doing that I can link it 1 in 25 tries, after which I invariably fuck up the tatsu into super link.
This trial is going to make me punch a hole through my wall.
It's not 2/3, never was. It's just a runback.
It wasn't supposed to be a set and more like something instigated by the person who lost so they could either get their points back or take a double dose of Ls. Did they say 2/3 or rematch?
Rotate the stick really fricken fast.someone quick help how do I do Zangief's CA without jumping?
Amazing job Capcom
Capcom concept artist's PCyo where alt-nadeshiko at