rofl, someone linked this in Cobelcog's chat
yo where alt-nadeshiko at
edit: oh she looks the same. Well that's super lame.
Perfect, thanks!
I cannot get axe kick to connect after V Trigger on Ryu's tenth challenge, wtf.
Umm... why do you think we don't want this?i mean we don't want it turning into
Lol, just take a step, you'll be fine!
About how 2/3 has been implemented. It looks like you can bail after the 2nd match. Basically leaving the game tied 1-1 between you and whoever you faced. I don't like that, I thought the 3rd match would be forced. I hate the idea that someone could lose, win the run back and high tail it out of there because all that matters to him/her is that they won the last match. I experience this plenty of times in SF4 and was hoping this would't be possible with the 2/3 addition to Ranked.
『Inaba Resident』;199483212 said:walk forward before the heavy punch. theres also a demonstration in game you can look at
it looks like you get fm per character but the amount depends on their level. Like, for Laura, who I have around lvl 21ish, I only got 1000fm but Ken, who I never play, got 3000.
But you only get fm for completing ALL of that character's trials? No partial credit?
Argh, ok. That means I just need to complete all 10 for 1 character to put me over 500k fight money. Trial 10 looks rough for ken but oh well. AVERAGE SKILL, PHENOMENAL WILL!
For anyone who's completed them all or several of them, who has the easiest trials?
Argh, ok. That means I just need to complete all 10 for 1 character to put me over 500k fight money. Trial 10 looks rough for ken but oh well. AVERAGE SKILL, PHENOMENAL WILL!
For anyone who's completed them all or several of them, who has the easiest trials?
Where are you supposed to send your rage quit videos too?
Gief and Birdie have it easy. I have only gone through about 3/4, but I highly doubt Necalli and Vega have easier trials.
edit: Just got kicked from server.
Reminder for ryu
Hold df while crouch punching, that way the dp action just becomes 236+p
For the life of me I can't do the jumping EX spd after a crush counter. I can't jump and do the input fast enough or something.
so am i the only one getting super long load times for some reason?
How do you get it to show commands on PC? It shows move names.
For the life of me I can't do the jumping EX spd after a crush counter. I can't jump and do the input fast enough or something.
I've done all of Mika's and Laura's, they're not too bad, though I main Mika so they may be harder for some. I did all of Ken's except the last one, which I can't pull off at all.
Oh. I guess I got a personal collection for nothing then.Nowhere, they stopped collecting them weeks ago.
Man, having a tough time with Ryu's last trial. Can't get the axe kick to connect at all.
There's something odd about his arms when he stands up lol. They look too large?
I cannot get axe kick to connect after V Trigger on Ryu's tenth challenge, wtf.
I haven't seen anyone mention it yet, but you actually get Fight Money for viewing demonstrations. I just got 1000 FM for watching all the Basic demos and 1000 for watching Birdie's Character Demo.
found this.... i don't know if it's been posted here
ALts video
Take a step forward after the crush counter HK and before the HP.
I'm baffled as to why capcom just omitted some of alexs moves in the thing they put out.