I was so angry when I was typing the post that it didn't occur to me until I read the responses that he was trolling. I feel stupid.
She doesn't need it.
People really think it's a good idea to give Cammy an overhead with her low normals?
I just... I literally agree with none of this. (except MAYBE that first one)
EDIT: I take that back. I now literally agree with none of this.
I honestly can't believe you guys are serious. Not a troll post. Granted, i'm not a great chun by ANY measure, but I'm totally NOT understanding this whole 'overpowered' chun thing. This isn't a case of Nash or Ryu who are clearly very powerful and regularly used in top 32/16/8. As I said previously, when you look at any of the tournaments, the best Chuns have been knocked out of the top rather easily. I'm not talking about an Alex Meyers in Norcal regionals either. I'm talking about Ricky Ortiz, Brolylegs, etc. These guys have switched AWAY from Chun because she has to do too much work because her moves aren't powerful enough against high damage characters.
I never said Chun was trash, and she's certainly not a 'scrub' character for scrub players - which I actually find offensive, but whatever. Chun in SFV is on the same level as Dhalsim to me. Awesome characters that have to do an INSANE amount of technical work to lay low your Nash, Necali, Ryu/Ken, or Guile.
Chun needs a slight re-balance with regards to power output. That's all i'm saying.
Edit - I'm still a little shocked that I have to defend this, but look at ANY of the recent tourneys. Hell, look at everything from the ATL Final Round upwards. Look at the top 32 through finals. What are you guys even talking about? When Chun goes against any high damage character, it's LIGHTS out at close range.
She totally is. But Ricky abandoning Chun for Nash was NOT inspiring.![]()
Cammy's the worst character in the game. She needs like 3 overheads.
Are you serious? Chun needs an upgrade, not a downgrade. As a chun player, she needs every advantage possible now! All of the major chun players have given up on her, and she's barely in the top 16 anymore in tourneys. Both Brolylegs and Ricky Ortiz have switched characters moving away from Chun, and it seems like she's just too underpowered to do much damage. Her close range game is easily dealt with when going against ANYBODY with power. Hell, only Rashid is as a weak as she is in this game. Yeah, if there's a rebalance, I'm hoping that they give my girl STRONGER power with her fierce kicks and punches so she can chain with some damn FORCE. I can only DREAM of a fast close-range overhead top down, but that's asking for way too much from Capcom. As is, just boosting her power on even something like her crouching fierce punch or, hell, her EX legs... NOBODY is scared of Chun.
I was so angry when I was typing the post that it didn't occur to me until I read the responses that he was trolling. I feel stupid.
You're saying Chun isnt good partially based on Brolylegs and Ricky dropping her? Cmon. Those 2 arent even close to being the best Chuns. Look at Go1's Chun to see an actual good player using her.
And to think I only want Cammy to have an overhead just to scare people lol.
You crazy dude, I remember a tournament where Snake Eyez was facing a Chun player who had a button for everything that they stood still for about 10-15 seconds... Against fucking Gief.
She also needs a fireball and teleport
Isn't good? I never said that chun isn't good. I LOVE chun li. I've been playing chun since 1991/92. All i said, and continue to say, is that Chun could use a little more damage output. Same with Dhalsim. If you take an equally matched Chun/Dhalsim player versus a Ryu/Ken/Guile/Nash/Nicali, I think you'll find that power will edge out every time.
Snake Eyez dropped Gief because he hasn't quite been able to figure him out in 5. This is why he's trying Alex for now.
Don't forget the command grab.
On another note, anyone up for some games?
GGs. I think I got too predictable in the latter half of those matches as we played more. Guess I got to learn to vary it up more with Mika.
At least I'm not getting as decimated as I was in the past, heh. I feel like I can keep up; a sign of improvement.
I used to be a bitter and lovesick Cammy main until I realized to stop complaining and get good by studying and practicing. Are you guys proud of me?
Forced me to slow it down and focus on the jumps, but then I eneded up eating a ton of rolls into vtrigger, ugh lol.
GG's as always, though! This matchup forces me to stay on my toes so it's kinda fun even though it can get really annoying sometimes.
In the recent episode of Excellent Adventures of Gootecks and Mike Ross, FChamp says a short brilliant speech about how a player has to accept their flaws and overcome them. You can't remain salty and start pointing the finger at stuff to blame. You gotta point the finger at yourself and learn. That's not just a great Street Fighter V lesson. That's a great lesson to have in life in general.
Edit: I'm watching more of the episode and I really like when FChamp talks about don't take a bad game and get incredibly disappointed. It's very easy to get overwhelmed in SFV. It's not an excuse for losing but just know that's how the game is.
The story of Mika. I guess I knew this before, but Karin's CA does about a million damage, it's nuts. And 2-3 times in that set, you managed to get a full bar RIGHT at the end of a combo, where I wouldn't have died otherwise. Made me shake my head.
I was kinda glad to just eat her reversal sometimes because it depleted her meter.
Is that really worth the meter though?
I'm realizing half of the fun for me in fighting games is learning a new character. Kinda feel like learning Nash. I really wanna put time into a charge character to get a feel for the system but it's just still too foreign for me.
In the recent episode of Excellent Adventures of Gootecks and Mike Ross, FChamp says a short brilliant speech about how a player has to accept their flaws and overcome them. You can't remain salty and start pointing the finger at stuff to blame. You gotta point the finger at yourself and learn. That's not just a great Street Fighter V lesson. That's a great lesson to have in life in general.
Edit: I'm watching more of the episode and I really like when FChamp talks about don't take a bad game and get incredibly disappointed. It's very easy to get overwhelmed in SFV. It's not an excuse for losing but just know that's how the game is.
Is that really worth the meter though?
Fchamp is my favorite player right now. He keeps tweaking and tweaking his already technically excellent Dhalsim, and it's a joy watching him play the character despite him rarely making it to the top 4. In my mind, Fchamp is the best Dhalsim player in the world.
I actually try to play my Chun li a lot like Champ plays his dhalsim: As careful as I can utilizing the tools that I know. Again, I'm no expert or even any GOOD, but i know where i want to be.
I've spent the better half of the day looking at Chun players. Mov. Alioune. GO1. Ortiz. Filipinoman. Brolylegs. I can see why people think she's just this button mashing powerhouse, but the thing about Chun that's consistent amongst all these guys is that you cant screw up. They just apply so much pressure and chip away with speed until they find any opening, then it's a cross up super or EX legs or whatever. Then repeat. It's so draining mentally and physically. You have to be on high the entire match, and because she just doesn't hit as hard, your barrage needs to be so constant. And the amount of READING you have to do on the other player is just so intense and unrelenting.
What bummed me out after watching all of these matches is that GO1, who seems to be the best Chun I've seen so far, is like a MUCH FASTER RICKY ORTIZ. They play very similarly, but GO1 doesn't drop combos. Ever. The amount of speed and pressure i saw in the GO1 vs MOV match made ME want to get some air!
I've been trying so hard to learn to play a different way with her. I wanted to play her slower and super calculating, but it seems that when doing that, you're open to so much punishment when you err.
For you Chun players, (again, I"m just super bronze, so I suck), :
1. is the only way to stop a character from grabbing you is to do a throw reversal? I fought a Ryu and a Ken who could just grab me from crouch block OR low jab with no problem every time. What are my options? They could just walk up and throw me and even as i see them coming to do it, i didn't know how to stop it.
2. Also, does Ken's uppercut always have priority from wake-up?
3. I've seen R.Mika and Ken low jab or low slide me OUT of the beginning of a spinning bird kick. When in that position, what's the best thing to do? When fighting KEN, I instinctively low block and maybe try a jab, but he'd throw me. What do you do there?
4. Does Nash, Guile, and Ryu's fierce sweep have more priority than chun's fierce low kick? They seem to win out when I fight them.
Any suggestions? Thx.
20+ yrs later and it's the same for me. That's why I usually prefer as diverse a cast with as many new characters as possible. As far as charge characters, why not start with a hybrid like Chun or Alex?
I think getting a solid understanding of frame data would be the most beneficial for you at this point. The FAQ I linked is a bit dated but all the important information is still relevant and explained in a way that is easy to understand, in my opinion. You can't really understand what your options are until you know how your and your opponents moves work. But here are the basics:
- All normal throws are active on the 5th frame
- The fastest normals are active on the 3rd frame
- If P1 does a normal (5 frame) and P2 does throw (5 frame) and they are active on the same frame, the throw will always win.
- Street Fighter V has a priority system. If one person does a light move and another does a medium move and they are both active on the same frame, the medium move will always win. So strength obviously goes Heavy > Medium > Low
- The startup of a jump is throw invincible on the first frame: ie, if you think you are about to be thrown, just jump as you can't be ground thrown out of a jump.
All that considered, your options are going to change depending on the situation you're in and your frame advantage/disadvantage. Hope that helps.
Look at how broken these Guile loops are.
Wait...Wong doesn't need them for Guile, and the way you play him doesn't usually put you into position to use them.
Amazing, that KBrad won a tournament with such a low tier character.
Amazing, that KBrad won a tournament with such a low tier character.
For shame Chaotix, you’re supposed to hit Flux with like a 10-3 set so he gets discouraged and posts feelsbadman.gifs and then he contemplates dropping Mika! Looks like it’s up to me! -_-Yeah, you had really good instincts on offense. It was really difficult to make the correct read the whole set. Something I'm glad you picked up on was how bad Karin's anti air is at the cross up range within st mk. Made it really scary for me to press buttons since I'd have to deal with the jump in at any point if I guessed wrong. Forced me to slow it down and focus on the jumps, but then I eneded up eating a ton of rolls into vtrigger, ugh lol.
GG's as always, though! This matchup forces me to stay on my toes so it's kinda fun even though it can get really annoying sometimes.
For shame Chaotix, you’re supposed to hit Flux with like a 10-3 set so he gets discouraged and posts feelsbadman.gifs and then he contemplates dropping Mika! Looks like it’s up to me! -_-
I rarely if ever dominate flux and it’s always back n’forth between us. I hope they nerf her stupid clap so Flux drops her lol
Anyone down for a set?
If you are still down, I can play
mika's CA looks so weird head on