Yo, Astrael you just read my mind lol. I was so gonna pick Gief against Xetehlol.
You monster.
Yo, Astrael you just read my mind lol. I was so gonna pick Gief against Xetehlol.
This new stick is killing me.
I don't want to blame everything on it but I'm jumping when I don't mean to, dropping combos and can't dash anymore.
I just need time to get used to it but right now, it's driving me crazy.
I can't SPD for shit on pad ;_;
Kept waiting for your CA to get me lol, I gave you so many chances!
I can't SPD for shit on pad ;_;
I had an epiphany with that shit a few months ago after years of fail, from any button if you buffer the top half of the SPD while throwing out any attack (including light attacks, like say s.lk *hint* *hint*) all that's left is the bottom half of the SPD, this applies to dashing as well.
GGs guys. Super tired and getting salty with my mistakes. Gonna stop here. Night all.
Damn I had a good little 7 win streak going there. My stick started moving to one side all by itself for some reason though. What is going on... I may have to switch back to the Sanwa.
Anyways, thanks for the games Xeteh and crew.
Welp, disconnected. GGs guys! Gonna have to work on a pocket Gief. Need the macho man alt already.
All SPD can be done on the ground with 412369+P. I don't think the CA can be done without jumping or hitting.I had an epiphany with that shit a few months ago after years of fail, from any button if you buffer the top half of the SPD while throwing out any attack (including light attacks, like say s.lk *hint* *hint*) all that's left is the bottom half of the SPD, this applies to dashing as well.
Standing SPD's and Zangief's Critical Art without jumping is still beyond me though lol.
GGs everyone and a lot of fun fighting tonight.Phazon, I panic so hard against grapplers, that added mind game of command grabs just makes me freeze up on the pressure game. I gotta figure out how to deal with that :<
Did ranked for the first time in a while. Vsed a 2000lp Zangief, won, good match. "Failed to send results to server". Oh ok. Sat there waiting for 10 mins for next match. Nothing. Went to see favourites list. Empty. Quit game.
are you on pc or ps4? wait times have gotten pretty long for me on PC with 5 star required
Did ranked for the first time in a while. Vsed a 2000lp Zangief, won, good match. "Failed to send results to server". Oh ok. Sat there waiting for 10 mins for next match. Nothing. Went to see favourites list. Empty. Quit game.
PC. If people on PS4 are turning off the PC crossplay then that's a shame.
GGs guys. Super tired and getting salty with my mistakes. Gonna stop here. Night all.
What should I being doing when a ken does his flying tastsumaki at full screen with gief? It seems no matter what I do I lose.
if he DPs after the first blocked tatsu then you know he's gonna keep doing it so block after tatsu + dp and get a free crush counter combo
if he doesn't DP after blocked tatsu then just grab him or something
Dude I'd literally send you my FC4 for free I got it for chump change and it's just sitting here.
What should I being doing when a ken does his flying tastsumaki at full screen with gief? It seems no matter what I do I lose.
So it's a completely safe approach tool then? I can't anti air it or anything?
Fucking crapcom indeed.Sunday morning. Barely getting any games. Fucking crapcom.
how do you unlock colors for story mode costumes?
Play through the survival modes while choosing a story mode costume.
The sad part isI'm not even joking.
And then you get to buy a premium costume one day and do it agaaaain. SO EXCITING!
Play through the survival modes while choosing a story mode costume.
The sad part isI'm not even joking.
If you selected the story mode costume when you played through survival, then you should have gotten color #3 for that story costume. Try checking again.weird i did this for easy on laura and didnt get anything
And then you get to buy a premium costume one day and do it agaaaain. SO EXCITING!
I just... I literally agree with none of this. (except MAYBE that first one)Changes I'm hoping by the end of the year:
Chun Li can't no longer cancel St.HP into V-Trigger. Probably the best poke in the game and makes her impossible to deal when trying to play footsie because of how safe it is.
Characters with overheads(Excluding Crush Counter Overheads,Chun-Li and Karin) should be able to cancel into V-Trigger. Overheads are slow and unsafe at least make them worth using.
Add a priory system. I fucking hate how jabs and standing short is a better AA option than the character's actual AA. Characters with 3f normal shouldn't be waking up with jabs and shorts either. I just played a Chun-Li who counter hit Nash's Crush Counter with wake up jab. Maybe it's the netcode I don't know.
Make R.Mika's Irish Whip whiff on crouching opponents, Get rid of her tick C.Throw and her Drop Kick can only crush counter when fully charged.
Increase regular throw on characters that has a small throw range. I fucking hate seeing the entire arm of a character passing through the character model and whiffing. Or at least bring back Kara Throws.
Reduce Guile Sonic Boom Recovery. Guile as a defensive character isn't really great when he is free on jump in while standing. Right now Nash is a better Guile because you can react with EX Genocide Cutter and all his other AA.
Ran into Wolfkrone last night and he had a 45 game win streak Surprisingly he didn't quit out on me.
I mean if you're offering and wouldn't mind that'd be awesome. Totally up to you though.
If you selected the story mode costume when you played through survival, then you should have gotten color #3 for that story costume. Try checking again.
So it's a completely safe approach tool then? I can't anti air it or anything?
Changes I'm hoping by the end of the year:
Chun Li can't no longer cancel St.HP into V-Trigger. Probably the best poke in the game and makes her impossible to deal when trying to play footsie because of how safe it is.