This is really great advice thank you so much! I don't know how to get rid of the habit of using cr hk i think it comes with using Dualshock 4 and my finger always resting on the R2 button.
I used to have the exam same problem, I would spam all day long
my tip: with ryu, every situation where you want to do a instead. Its much safer and you can cancel it into a fireball later for some chip damage ( or an easy 2 hits combo).
Seriously, is your best friend. Remove the from you mind. Get into a match and tell yourself ''I will only use and never'' and punch yourself everytime you do a Cancel every blocked into a fireball.
You pretty much only use to punish something that is too far from your and that's it.
It took me a while ( like, at least a good month) before I stopped spamming and started using instead. You will see how much better it is.
Also yeah, you need to start AA more. I can't help you much with it because I still have problems with that, but try using Ryu's cr.hp instead of DP if you find that you're inputting the motion too late. It's a good AA. That and his if they're trying to jump from medium range.
Also you should always use mp dp on wakeup because IIRC, it's the Dp with the most invulnerability ( that and ex dp). It has full invincibility while the others only have upper body invincibility.
If you see tht a guy likes jumping in then grabbing, tech it everytime ( in this case the laura was pretty much doing only that). But be careful because most people WILL adapt and will stop doing it every time.