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Xeteh, you can definetely combo with cammy given the opportunity. Try to add mre mix ups and setups to your play. Use her holligan as cross up and the one that she hurls herself in the air. Cammy has to continue in the agression since she doesn't have any long range tools.
Can't give you too much hints because I don't play with cammy too much =/
Karin can also be played quite reactive as well.I'll be back in 10-15. I need to make some food. GGs though
Cammy is my favorite character but I've come to the conclusion that she's the wrong character for my playstyle, I try to be too reactive and defensive. Gonna try Guile once he's out tomorrow night. Thanks for the advice, though!
Yes. Give your ID and I will send you an invite
Cammy is my favorite character but I've come to the conclusion that she's the wrong character for my playstyle, I try to be too reactive and defensive. Gonna try Guile once he's out tomorrow night. Thanks for the advice, though! preparation for the Guile update we will be taking down the #SFV servers from 8AM PT to 6PM PT tomorrow. Thank you for your patience.
Oof, that rollback was pretty rough.
Karin can also be played quite reactive as well.
Lastly, there are a few bug fixes involving certain moves and scenarios that have not been behaving as intended. These have been fixed in the April update.
Ryu/M. Bison/Vega(no claw)
Bug: After dishing out Ryu & Vega's (no claw) C. LP or M. Bisions C. LK, while doing a light attack rapid cancel at the absolite latest timing possible, if you input another action (V-Skill, Special Move, etc.) at the same time, if the opponent does an attack the "other action" will come out, and when the opponent does nothing, the rapid cancel attack will come out, creating a special option select.
Fix: Made the rapid cancel timing of said moves 1F shorter.
Bug: In the guard animation branch of Ryu's C. HK, there was a counter box that was present up to the 13th frame. Therefore, during this time it was possible to eat counter damage.
Fix: Adjusted the counter box on Ryu's C. HK so that it is no longer present afterter the hitbox is not longer active.
Bug: In Ken's C. LP (including rapid cancels), for the 3 frames that it takes for the hitbox to become active, there wasn't a crouching state set to the move. This allowed moves that are only intended to hit standing opponents to hit Ken.
Fix: Adjusted the first 3 frames of Ken's C. LP (including rapid cancels) so that Ken is in crouching state.
Bug: In Ken's M. Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, the feint box that causes the opponent to go into a guarding standby state was not functioning correctly. The V-Trigger M. Tatsumaki Senpukyaku also caused the same phenomenon.
Fix: Corrected the feint box on Ken's M. Tatsumaki Senpukyaku so that it functions correctly, forcing the opponent to guard when used from a certain distance.
Bug: When a portion of Ken's EX Shoryuken (V-Trigger ver. included) hits as a ground counter hit, the hit real animation of the opponent continues when knocked into the air, which is an unnatural behavior.
Fix: Adjusted that specific portion of the EX Shoryuken (V-Trigger ver. included) so that when it hits as grounded counter hit, the correct knock up mottion occurs.
Bug: In Chun-Li's EX Hyakuretsukyaku, after the moves has completely ended (freeze state finished), she was unable to perform mobility actions (move forward/back or jump).
Fix: Adjusted EX Hyakuretsukyaku so that she is moveable after the move has completely ended.
Bug: In Chun-Li's J. MP, she can follow up with Yosokyaku to EX Airborne Hyakuretsukyaku on counter hit.
(There is an unintentional difference between the number of continuous airborne hit limiter values between when this hits as a normal and and when it hits as a counter hit)
Fix: Adjusted the juggle potential of Chun-Li's J. MP so that it is the same whether or not it is a normal hit or a counter hit.
Bug: Cammy's S. HK's hit box is no longer active, she was throw invincible.
Fix: Added a throw box to Cammy's S. HK & Lift Combination while the move is active.
Bug: While Cammy's EX Razer Edge Slicer is active, she was throw invincible.
Fix: Added a throw box to Cammy's EX Razer Edge Slicer while it is active.
Bug: During C. MK, Dhalsim was throw invincible.
Fix: Added a throw box to Dhalsim's C. MK.
Bug: When the fourth hit of Karin's EX Mujinkyaku hits an airborne opponent, the opponent's float is differed from when it is a normal hit and when it is a counter hit.
Fix: Made it so that the 4t hit of EX Mujinkyaku would cause the same float on counter hit as it does on normal hit.
Bug: There were 2 bugs in Karin's EX Ressenha.
①When the second hit hits as a counter hit, the opponents Critical Gauge increase would be "0"
②On counter hit, EX Ressenha's starting juggle potential would be "0" for each hit.
Fix: Adjusted EX Ressenha on counter so that the opponent's gauge increase and starting juggle potential are the same as when it is a normal hit.
Bug: Under specific circumstances, how S. MP hits changes from when on the right corner or on the left corner.
Fix: Expanded S. MP's hit box downward so that the move yields the same results in both corners.
Bug: When rapid canceling Necalli's C. LP during V-Trigger, the advantage after hit would be plus 1F more than the normal version.
Fix: Unified Necalli's V-Trigger C. LP to the normal version.
M. Bison
Bug: When throwing an oponent with Psycho Fall, depending on M. Bison's position and the side he is facing, the distance the opponent is thrown greatly changes, which was unintended.
Fix: Adjusted the behavior of Pyscho Fall so that the distance the opponent is thrown is fixed.
Bug: When M. Bison takes damage in the middle of performing and EX Double Knee press, the opposing character's behavior would be irregular after the hit.
Fix: Changed the behavior after hit on the EX Double Knee Press.
R. Mika
Bug: In R. Mika's C. HK, there wasn't a throw box in place.. Even though the move is visually performed on the ground, it was throw invincible.
Fix: Added a throw box to R. Mika's C. HK while the move is active.
Bug: The the time frame of the stop theatrics applied to an opponent hit by Sledge Hammer differs from when Sledge Hammer is used on its own and when it is used in a combo canceling from another move. Due to this, the circumstances are different after Sledge Hammer hits as part of a combo.
Fix: Made it so that the time frame of the stop theatrics of the Sledge Hammer (when cancled into) is the same as when it is used on its own.
Need a full rundown of Guile? Check out the Guile announcement post here which includes his moves and his new stage with screenshots! You can also watch his trailer on our YouTube Channel.
Please note that in preparation for the Guile update we will be taking down the Street Fighter V servers for maintenance starting at 8AM PT until 6PM PT. Additionally, you can follow @SFVServer on Twitter for the latest server status updates.
That's it for today! As always, follow us on Twitter @StreetFighter for the latest news and updates!
There goes that. I wonder if R. Mika has the worst cr.HK in the game.R. Mika
Bug: In R. Mika's C. HK, there wasn't a throw box in place.. Even though the move is visually performed on the ground, it was throw invincible.
Fix: Added a throw box to R. Mika's C. HK while the move is active.
The lack of detail for the "rage quit" punishment system worries me.
It said "during" implying the the startup frames were also affected. If it was just the active frames they would've said so.Wow, Sim's mk slide was throw invincible. I had no idea...
That's a pretty big deal for grapplers looking for meaty throws only to get clipped by xx v-trigger.
Edit: Or maybe it was only throw invincible during it's active frames?
I guess it's decent if you want to use it to get a guaranteed hard knockdown for some nadeshiko setups but otherwise, it's just a's slide (the cr.HK if I'm correct) was pretty shit anyway right? like I only used it for sliding under the occasional fireball. looks like Cammy got nerfed again
lol looks like going full aggressive on seph only worked for 1 round
GGs guys, need to go back to studying now![]()
It's still good for exactly what you said and it's another option to move you forward. It's ability to low profile under some moves is handy too. Like Mika's own charged drop kick for example.Mika's slide (the cr.HK if I'm correct) was pretty shit anyway right? like I only used it for sliding under the occasional fireball.
I'm so free, holy shit. How depressing.
Thanks for the matches everyone. Sorry about my connection, but here was playable.
Your Ryu is good. You know how to deal damage with him. You need to improve on the when. You miss punish opportunities and this allow your opponent to get the upper hand.
For example, when you blocked my Ressenha EX (the Karin shoryuken), you had a completely free combo, but you used a normal right after blocking and that was enough for me to land and get my defense back
I guess after you start observing and capitalizing on those moments, you are gonna grow fast.
Mika's slide (the cr.HK if I'm correct) was pretty shit anyway right? like I only used it for sliding under the occasional fireball.
After playing and watching many Mika's I think it's a OK tool for her. Yes it's very punishable on block, but the thing I'm seeing is that most people don't want to be near her. So they walk backwards a lot when kind of up close and that's how I see Mika players landing it so often. It's not just thrown out for the hell of throwing it, I think they're reacting and sometimes just making good reads based on how they're opponent has been playing.
I can't understand why someone would find her cr.HK bad, I mean aren't pretty much every cr.HK -12 on block and super punishable?
Anybody interested in critiquing a few videos of my play? I know what I'm doing wrong mostly, but hearing it really laid out to me from another set of eyes would help tremendously.
This is a win, and this is a 0-2 loss.
Also this is the blog which I posted both in. I'm just going to sort of journal about what I'm trying to do to improve, but I thought I'd start with why I'm doing it, and a couple videos. PS both videos were taken today just before posting the blog. I'm not doing this to get blogspam dolla$, I just think putting this out there will help me personally improve.
The problem I realized with her ex dp is that when she land shes crouched... I usually use HK to punish those but in that case it would whiff everytime because of that, I need to think about something else vs karin to punish
I realized it when Astrael used that ex dp like twice, and I tried to HK it twice and missed lol
That's how I always feel, and you did better against Mika than I did that's for sure! I never know how to handle the faster grapplers (I struggle with Laura the same way).
GGs everyone it was fun seeing such a wide variety of play styles, now if only I could stop losing all the time haha.
thank you, your karin is real good too. Feels like I can't punish that fullscreen anti-projectile even when I see it coming!
The problem I realized with her ex dp is that when she land shes crouched... I usually use HK to punish those but in that case it would whiff everytime because of that, I need to think about something else vs karin to punish
I realized it when Astrael used that ex dp like twice, and I tried to HK it twice and missed lol
That's how I always feel, and you did better against Mika than I did that's for sure! I never know how to handle the faster grapplers (I struggle with Laura the same way).
GGs everyone it was fun seeing such a wide variety of play styles, now if only I could stop losing all the time haha.
Thanks, I've played a fair bit of Mikas but I was still making the wrong choices between getting meatied or having wakeup DP's blocked and punished.
I was most frustrated by Whales destroying me again, we play a set like a week ago and I still couldn't muster up a single round win. Super frustrating.
Astrael, your last set against Whales was really good. You opened his defense a lot of times, just needed to capitalize on them more.
One thing you can use is Karin V-Trigger. If you are unsure, every time you make a hit try to use VT. If it hits, you should have enough time to combo from it. If it didn't, you have enough time to think about how to open your opponent.
I'm 1-for-10 in Ryu mirror's recently. Even basic Ryu players understand the neutral game better than me.
I should show replays to friends to get outside advice.
Thanks, I've played a fair bit of Mikas but I was still making the wrong choices between getting meatied or having wakeup DP's blocked and punished.
I was most frustrated by Whales destroying me again, we play a set like a week ago and I still couldn't muster up a single round win. Super frustrating.
He plays Ryu very patiently, so it doesn't leave him very open to punishes which Cammy excels at. I can understand the frustration there, I was trying everything in my bag of tricks to get him to throw out a whiffed shoryuken and couldn't ever capitalize on it when he did. :< .
Too lazy to record videos hahais this thread not your friend