He's actually Sawada.
Saweyga! *put on tinfoil hat*. Anyone remember when udon was given the green light by capcom to do a Q origin comic? Then they were like.. naa.
That's just a sprite that barely looks like him. Just a fan theory.
It was rumored that Q (or someone resembling him) can be seen in Ken's stage background in the original Street Fighter II series. However, the man was removed from the redrawn and redesigned stage in Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix.
Is this true? It's probably for the best because half of what makes Q great is his mystery. The other half is his animations.
I love his fall animation where he falls and bounces on his neck.
Yeah. Rumors were that Q was Rog of all people.
It already happened with SFxT & could happen again with Injustice 2 (if NRS isn't careful with the loot boxes).I can imagine a fighting game dystopian future where you pay money for better versions of characters.
That's great because of the limited official Q art we have you can see that he has white skin and blonde hair.
after leaving shadaloo Rog went Lil' Kim / Trina McGee
didin't know he had a daughter, nice. that could be.... a younger blue mary.
That's great because of the limited official Q art we have you can see that he has white skin and blonde hair.
It already happened with SFxT & could happen again with Injustice 2 (if NRS isn't careful with the loot boxes).
Anyone from EU up for some matches? Invite Rocky_b
Invincible air attacks :O
Problem X on WSO is inspiring me to go back to Alex full time. As fun as Juri is, I don't feel myself improving with her so it might make more sense to go back to learning Necalli/Alex as mains and keep Juri (and probably Urien) as secondaries.
Alex is so great. A few good reads and it's over, and it's so great to train people and switch it up on them. And when you get that stun up?
I'm warming up, baby. The match is over.
If you're interested, we just released episode 1 of our Long Island Joe documentary. I'm very proud of this. Our team has been working on it for months. I hope y'all enjoy it.
Tournaments are safe, yeah, but I was referring more towards casuals.Didn't they already address this? Something about tournament standard versions?
Alex is the quintessential New Yorker, so it's probably an homage to the heyday of Coney Island.That's way too much clothing.
ServersideWasn'tthere meant to be an update yesterday that fixed rage quitting? Where is it, I check for new patch and get nothing.
Anyone down for some games? It's been like a month since I've played, so I'm rusty.
CFN HanksB
Anyone wanna play a few sets?
Still on? I'm down to play for a bit while I try to relearn Alex.
Practicing Ryu's jab as an AA. Can it link to anything when somebody is jumping at you?
Shoryuken. I may be wrong.Practicing Ryu's jab as an AA. Can it link to anything when somebody is jumping at you?
Yeah, just shoot me an invite.
Yeah, just shoot me an invite.
GGs, sorry for only giving you a single set but I've gotta step out of the house for a bit.
This the only time I've ever seen her look Japanese.
Nope, all you get is a reset. If you're close enough you do get a dash under which is pretty good.
Shoryuken. I may be wrong.
Tried ranked to see what it's like with the update and one shitty Ryu decided to rage quit when things were not going his or her way. Everything else was a fight for dear life as I tried to hold my ultra silver rank. I feel bad for mediocre Sim players whenever I run into them. Deep inside I know some of their mistakes were far worse for them than they are for Ryu, Chun and Ken players. Blowing them up makes me feel a bit guilty inside. Zangief players elicit a similar response until they get a couple of SPDs in.
Also, trying to learn a new character is tough, but it is important to have a secondary character. Gotta click with Nash soon.
This the only time I've ever seen her look Japanese.