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Maybe there will be a KI situation where Urien being that good portents to the other characters receiving buffs/tools.

I just searched for some Dhalsim lore and found this out, something I didn't know before.

"Dhalsim is a pacifist from India who fights to raise money for his village, but realizes this contradicts his pacifist beliefs. He wears the skulls of children who starved around his neck to remind himself of why he fights."

Holy Shit, that's hardcore.

EDIT: Stolen from the street fighter wikia.

"Dhalsim's fire is actually an illusion that he manipulates with the help of the god Agni.[5] In the UDON comics, the flames won't hurt a person if they believe that they won't be burned; he proves it via engulfing Adon in flames, and as he recoils and notices he's not getting burned, taking advantage of Adon's confusion to knock him out. Also, in Super Street Fighter IV, he calms Hakan after defeating him by mentioning that his fire is only an illusion that won't burn his oil. Furthermore, when defeating Dhalsim, Zangief boasts that Dhalsim's imaginary flames have no chance against his own real muscles."

But he teaches Mahesh to blow fireballs in less than a day...


benevolent sexism
Jumped back into ranked last night because casuals had built my confidence but I had been away so long that nerves dramatically worsened my performance and the losses hit me so much harder. Nonetheless, I had some good fights.

Then I fought a Necalli for the first time in possibly a couple of months and his AA jab did so much mental damage I was still haunted by it when I woke up in the middle of the night.

This post is part of my therapy.

I need to stop thinking about the points.

They prioritized their money to show people they won't stand for this, yet they refuse to fix this shitty netcode..

The money is what makes the game run, so it's an important priority, for all of us.

You can say things like "they refuse to fix the netcode" but all we really know is that it could be better and maybe they are working on it. The fact that it's not patched yet isn't proof that they aren't working on it, nor can we infer much about what they are currently working on based on what is and isn't patched in yet.
The money is what makes the game run, so it's an important priority, for all of us.

So what you're saying is, folks should buy what was advertised as free DLC to support Capcom?

The solution should have been to take a look at survival mode, not flip a finger at players who wanted to avoid it.

If you have three routes to a destination, one that requires walking on spikes for several hours, one that requires paying a taxi and one that teleports you immediately to your destination, if you take the people who go for the teleportation option and throw them onto the spikes and use the argument that they cheated the taxi driver, doesn't that make you a little bit of an asshole?


The money is what makes the game run, so it's an important priority, for all of us.

You can say things like "they refuse to fix the netcode" but all we really know is that it could be better and maybe they are working on it. The fact that it's not patched yet isn't proof that they aren't working on it, nor can we infer much about what they are currently working on based on what is and isn't patched in yet.

Why are you defending them refusing to fix the netcode

How can you be mad you got caught cheating? Survival mode sucks. You got to keep the stuff you bought with it. Just keep it moving. The extra colors is not some social injustice you are backlashing against the system for, haha.


Unconfirmed Member
If you have three routes to a destination, one that requires walking on spikes for several hours, one that requires paying a taxi and one that teleports you immediately to your destination, if you take the people who go for the teleportation option and throw them onto the spikes and use the argument that they cheated the taxi driver, doesn't that make you a little bit of an asshole?
Yeah, that's exactly what happened lol


Broken clock, etc.

Aaaaaaaaaand we're back to the status quo. Nah, given the opportunity to cheat for what amounts to the same F2P system we see in tons of other games, I think most people would cheat. But yeah, I know personally, I wouldn't have if the mode was halfway decent. Like, someone could post a similar trainer for MKX right now and I wouldn't even bother, because the single player stuff in that game is fun to play. But I don't think that would stop 90% of people from taking the opportunity to save a lot of cash on getting all the new characters.

But that's what I'm saying. If the mode was fun and doable, most wouldn't bother, because at the end of the day, they're getting the rewards. Because of the F2P system, and how much they put behind Survival is why the mode sucks.

As is, you're looking at an extremely small amount of people that can and will do it legitimately because it's designed to not be enjoyable. It takes a ton of time, it's tedious and there are tons of systems in place to try and get you to fail, like their own servers not being stable.

Big Brett

How can you be mad you got caught cheating? Survival mode sucks. You got to keep the stuff you bought with it. Just keep it moving. The extra colors is not some social injustice you are backlashing against the system for, haha.

Nobody is mad except the people who are against the cheating. These people who said nothing about it until Capcom did something about it.
How can you be mad you got caught cheating? Survival mode sucks. You got to keep the stuff you bought with it. Just keep it moving. The extra colors is not some social injustice you are backlashing against the system for, haha.

The fact that it flat out wasn't wrong to cheat in this instance is why it's funny. It's universally accepted that survival mode sucks. The fix was to apply a mod to the game (something that is in the case in many other games on PC) that fixed it so that you could avoid playing through the mode and still get access to the free content.

The game had something that sucked, the community fixed it, Capcom punished the community.


Is there any reason for me to be using Necalli's dive kick? It's the slowest dive kick ever.

Same reason you'd use any dive kick. if an AA with good amounts of recovery will beat jump hp, use that occasionally.

Even without good amounts of recovery. Gief's jab can whiff and be hit by it.

On hit you don't get a ton, but you do get enough with meter to make people scared


The fact that it flat out wasn't wrong to cheat in this instance is why it's funny. It's universally accepted that survival mode sucks. The fix was to apply a mod to the game (something that is in the case in many other games on PC) that fixed it so that you could avoid playing through the mode and still get access to the free content.

The game had something that sucked, the community fixed it, Capcom punished the community.

Just because Survival sucks doesn't mean you're okay to cheat, it's like saying because FANG is the weakest character in the game it's okay to mod him a one hit kill 1 frame jab.

The community didn't "fix" shit, they bypassed it completely, fixing it would be making it an acceptable mode to play.


I guess. The way I've been using it puts me in perfect position to eat a shoryuken. I've been playing Necalli for about 2 hours, so it's all uphill from here.

His divekick doesn't work as well against shoryu's. Light punch dp has enough frames to cover most jumps and divekick timings from necalli


The fact that it flat out wasn't wrong to cheat in this instance is why it's funny. It's universally accepted that survival mode sucks. The fix was to apply a mod to the game (something that is in the case in many other games on PC) that fixed it so that you could avoid playing through the mode and still get access to the free content.

The game had something that sucked, the community fixed it, Capcom punished the community.

That wasn't really a fixing the mode though. It was straight up removal of that mode. Now if someone had added buyable continues or made it shorter with harder AI right out of the gate then it would be fixed. Having it set on one round with easiest AI is same as you just pressing "give me the FM now!" button.
Yeah, that's exactly what happened lol

There are three routes to getting access to all six DLC characters.

One: grind LP via the various methods, the overwhelmingly best route being to get the FM awards from Survival Mode once the other routes are exhausted, as online wins give a negligible amount. Beating survival mode on hard with most of the cast is pretty much required for anyone who wants to unlock the full roster via this method. Nobody wants to grind through the mode, which is awful, just to get enough FM to unlock what was advertised as free. It takes about 40 minutes at least to do one run on Hard and you have to use pause menu strats to win consistently - this has nothing to do with how good you are at the game, and everything to do with the AI being the traditionally awful and unfun SF AI. This is the "walk over spikes" method.

Two: Pay Capcom to unlock everything for you. This is the "take a taxi" method.

Three: Install a mod, quickly get enough fake money to unlock everything. This is the "teleportation" method.

Capcom had four choices: they could have made the cab driver free or much cheaper (obviously not ideal), they could have removed the spikes on the road they anticipated people would walk along instead of paying the cab driver (which would take some development time) or they could say that the easy method made you a cheat and punished you. Finally, they could have taken no action at all.

Three of those options do not involve punishing people who are playing your game, make them feel like cheaters and gimp their save files.


Unconfirmed Member
Three of those options do not involve punishing people who are playing your game.
You aren't playing Capcom's game, Capcom's game doesn't give you anything after one round of survival. These analogies are ridiculous.

Your whole assumption that Capcom promised everyone to get all DLC easily for free is wrong. Then they would've just given it away.


benevolent sexism
So what you're saying is, folks should buy what was advertised as free DLC to support Capcom?

The solution should have been to take a look at survival mode, not flip a finger at players who wanted to avoid it.

If you have three routes to a destination, one that requires walking on spikes for several hours, one that requires paying a taxi and one that teleports you immediately to your destination, if you take the people who go for the teleportation option and throw them onto the spikes and use the argument that they cheated the taxi driver, doesn't that make you a little bit of an asshole?

Folks should pay for the DLC however they choose. Hacking the in-game currency isn't really a defensible way of doing that.

Of course they should make survival mode more fun. That's not mutually exclusive with stopping people from getting currency for free. Any dev/publisher of a game with currency would do the same.
You aren't playing Capcom's game, Capcom's game doesn't give you anything after one round of survival. These analogies are ridiculous.

No, I think you're not understanding my argument.

There are three options for unlocking the free content in SFV. Miserable grinding, paying up or modding the game.

Capcom had four options. Make the grinding less miserable, make the cost of unlocking everything cheaper, doing nothing or dishing out punishments to those who mod the game.

The reason why Capcom's use of punishment is bad is because:

1. It punishes players who, understandably, did not want to grind or pay for what was advertised as free content.
2. It does not fix survival mode or make grinding for FM any more fun.

It also does not actually fix people modding the game.

Folks should do whatever they want to do. If you want to steal currency with an easy hack, do it. If Capcom takes that currency away, tough luck.

Of course they should make survival mode more fun. That's not mutually exclusive with stopping people from getting currency for free. Any dev/publisher of a game with currency would do the same.

It's interesting that you're saying that it's stealing currency. That currency is there for the taking if you actually want to sit down and beat survival mode.

If I hire somebody to sit and grind survival mode for hours using pause buffer strats whilst I sleep, am I still stealing FM?

Plus there's the matter of the colours, which some people do actually want, which are locked behind the mode or the season pass.

Also, I am reasonably sure that the people using the mod have already dropped £40/$60/€60 on the game. This isn't a freemium mobile gacha game.


benevolent sexism
No, I think you're not understanding my argument.

There are three options for unlocking the free content in SFV. Miserable grinding, paying up or modding the game.

Capcom had four options. Make the grinding less miserable, make the cost of unlocking everything cheaper, doing nothing or dishing out punishments to those who mod the game.

The reason why Capcom's use of punishment is bad is because:

1. It punishes players who, understandably, did not want to grind or pay for what was advertised as free content.
2. It does not fix survival mode or make grinding for FM any more fun.

It also does not actually fix people modding the game.

It's interesting that you're saying that it's stealing currency. That currency is there for the taking if you actually want to sit down and beat survival mode.

If I hire somebody to sit and grind survival mode for hours using pause buffer strats whilst I sleep, am I still stealing FM?

Plus there's the matter of the colours, which some people do actually want, which are locked behind the mode or the season pass.

Also, I am reasonably sure that the people using the mod have already dropped £40/$60/€60 on the game. This isn't a freemium mobile gacha game.

Was it advertised as "free content" or was it advertised as "earnable" content?

By all means, hire all the assistants you want. I'm sure it'll end up being cheaper than 6 dollars per character, right?

Did people get their colors taken away?

How does paying for the game entitle you to content that is explicitly not included in that purchase?
How does paying for the game entitle you to content that is explicitly not included in that purchase?

Excuse me? You can unlock all the colours and characters via in game grinding. It's content that's included with the £40 purchase - it's just behind a miserable grinding experience.

I do want to know though - if someone else unlocks the FM for me via grinding, am I stealing FM? You didn't answer that.
Spent a little time in ranked tonight. Started at 1500lp, progressed to 1600lp, then ended the night at 1400lp. It's fine, could have been a worse drop.

What did annoy me was everyones unwillingness for a best of three. In casual just about everyone will go for a rematch, however in ranked, it's 50/50 whether they hang around or flee after a loss. All of a sudden the time spent transitioning through loading screens become more and more apparent.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised.


benevolent sexism
Excuse me? You can unlock all the colours and characters via in game grinding. It's content that's included with the £40 purchase - it's just behind a miserable grinding experience.

I do want to know though - if someone else unlocks the FM for me via grinding, am I stealing FM? You didn't answer that.

It's not stealing. It's also not feasible for the vast majority of people, hence not being a financial concern.

Is your argument really that people should just take what they want if they don't like the terms on which it is offered?

Is your position really that it is wrong of Capcom to stop people from cheating their system?


Unconfirmed Member
No, I think you're not understanding my argument.

There are three options for unlocking the free content in SFV. Miserable grinding, paying up or modding the game.

Capcom had four options. Make the grinding less miserable, make the cost of unlocking everything cheaper, doing nothing or dishing out punishments to those who mod the game.

The reason why Capcom's use of punishment is bad is because:

1. It punishes players who, understandably, did not want to grind or pay for what was advertised as free content.
2. It does not fix survival mode or make grinding for FM any more fun.

It also does not actually fix people modding the game.

It's interesting that you're saying that it's stealing currency. That currency is there for the taking if you actually want to sit down and beat survival mode.

If I hire somebody to sit and grind survival mode for hours using pause buffer strats whilst I sleep, am I still stealing FM?

Plus there's the matter of the colours, which some people do actually want, which are locked behind the mode or the season pass.

Also, I am reasonably sure that the people using the mod have already dropped £40/$60/€60 on the game. This isn't a freemium mobile gacha game.
It's been a long time since I've seen so much jumping through mental hoops on GAF.
It's not stealing

Good, we're getting somewhere.

OK, so now I'm going to go into the .ini file of SFV, unlock the framerate so that the game runs 3x as fast on my machine, then use the speed boost to try and get through survival mode grinding faster.

Is that stealing?

We've already established that my *personal effort* in unlocking the FM via grinding is irrelevant - someone else can do it for me, and there's no issue.


benevolent sexism
Good, we're getting somewhere.

OK, so now I'm going to go into the .ini file of SFV, unlock the framerate so that the game runs 3x as fast on my machine, then use the speed boost to try and get through survival mode grinding faster.

Is that stealing?

If you can beat it that way, more power to you. Can you? Can anyone?

I'm going to cast a magic spell that hacks the .exe and unlocks everything. Is that stealing????
If you can beat it that way, more power to you. Can you? Can anyone?

OK, so that isn't stealing either.

So now I'm going to use a method that's even faster than my 3x speed! It beats the mode in 20 seconds - the one round survival mod.

Now, how can you say that it's not stealing if I beat it 3x as fast, but it is stealing if I beat it in 20 seconds?

Is there an acceptable amount of time or effort that needs to be spent by somebody which serves as a stealing/not stealing threshold?

Just to be clear - I'm not trying to argue some ridiculously insane argument or wind anyone up - I'm trying to explain why I think this was a bad move by Capcom, and it's useful to use this sort of argument to explain it.

Big Brett

Remembering when nobody gave one iota of shit about the survival mod. Not one single problem with it.


I'll see you all when this blows over.

edit. iota of shit is totally not right, but it stays.
Remembering when nobody gave one iota of shit about the survival mod. Not one single problem with it.

Yeah, pretty much.

Damascus had a really good tweet on this subject:


Huw is mad, hehe.

Actually, no - if anything I am more surprised by people defending Capcom here than any actual anger at Capcom. I knew full well that this was risky because I reckoned they'd want to try and force those who avoided grinding to pay for the season pass - we all recognised pretty early on that survival was made as crappy as it was to make FM grinding hard.

That's why I'm trying to get people to see my side. It's a bit of a lost cause on the internet, but it's worth a shot.

A lot of this gets back to game ownership. I paid £40 for my game, and my actions at worse cheat Capcom out of a season pass. (Let's leave the morality of let's-make-the-game-bad-so-people-buy-unlock-codes at the door). We've sleepwalked into a reality where Capcom can lean in to your game and punish you for modding single player content. And there's a defence group for it. That's *crazy* to me.


No, I think you're not understanding my argument.

There are three options for unlocking the free content in SFV. Miserable grinding, paying up or modding the game.

There's 2 legit ways and there's one way that's basically using hacking the game with Action Replay (Geez do I feel old).

Also, I am reasonably sure that the people using the mod have already dropped £40/$60/€60 on the game. This isn't a freemium mobile gacha game.

No but those 6 DLC characters didn't come on the disc with the inital purchase either.

I'm starting to think people want Capcom to use the old Super Street Fighter model of their being only 1 way to obtain the DLC characters with cash only, this is why we can't have nice things.


OK, so that isn't stealing either.

So now I'm going to use a method that's even faster than my 3x speed! It beats the mode in 20 seconds - the one round survival mod.

Now, how can you say that it's not stealing if I beat it 3x as fast, but it is stealing if I beat it in 20 seconds?

Is there an acceptable amount of time or effort that needs to be spent by somebody which serves as a stealing/not stealing threshold?

Just to be clear - I'm not trying to argue some ridiculously insane argument or wind anyone up - I'm trying to explain why I think this was a bad move by Capcom, and it's useful to use this sort of argument to explain it.

Wow this is a stupid augment.

Ignoring that beating the game at three times the speed is likely impossible, you are still playing through the matches as intended, just faster. One could say that Justin Wong could beat it three times faster than me, and that's all fair because he's better at playing the game.

Bypassing this is cheating matter how much you try this mental gymnastics routine.

This is you: man training for football is hard and unpleasant. I'm going to take steroids. It's bullshit that it's so demanding.

- J - D -

Remembering when nobody gave one iota of shit about the survival mod. Not one single problem with it.


I'll see you all when this blows over.

edit. iota of shit is totally not right, but it stays.

People are only giving a shit now because it's a reaction to modders openly complaining that "their" ill-gotten fight money was "stolen" from them by Capcom or even having the gall to casually talk about actually using the mod.

It's a case of Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil. Like with piracy, people know that it happens, but if pirates aren't actively and openly whining about how (for example) a game crack doesn't work or whatever then there won't be a big hubbub over it.


It's fine, I've already spent so much FM I still come out on top.

Yeah, I'm not mad at all. I had purchased the season pass until I discovered the survival mod and then I got a Steam refund on that shit (which is no longer possible for DLC). Considering I only paid like $30 for the game itself on launch day I'm still coming out way the fuck ahead.

Though I did buy the CPT arena stage. And a couple premium costumes. Like 2 or maybe 5 idk.
they still got me in the end...

Big Brett

This is you: man training for football is hard and unpleasant. I'm going to take steroids. It's bullshit that it's so demanding.

Yeah dude, this is a way more logical argument. Colors in a fighting game, steroids. Where does it end?

People are only giving a shit now because it's a reaction to modders openly complaining that "their" ill-gotten fight money was "stolen" from them by Capcom or even having the gall to casually talk about actually using the mod.

It's a case of Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil. Like with piracy, people know that it happens, but if pirates aren't actively and openly whining about how (for example) a game crack doesn't work or whatever then there won't be a big hubbub over it.

Truth. I need to just step away lol. This sudden outcry is ridiculous. We've spoken about 1 round survival on so many occasions in this thread. Smells like hypocrisy. I did it, I got what I wanted, I have no fight money, I'm content.


I'm starting to think people want Capcom to use the old Super Street Fighter model of their being only 1 way to obtain the DLC characters with cash only, this is why we can't have nice things.

I'd honestly prefer that characters just be standard paid DLC that you can buy if you want like other fighters. I buy alt costumes, and they likely wouldn't have jacked the costume pricing up 4x to make up the cost for them.
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