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I'd honestly prefer that characters just be standard paid DLC that you can buy if you want like other fighters. I buy alt costumes, and they likely wouldn't have jacked the costume pricing up 4x to make up the cost for them.

I'd rather the store just be consistent. I hate that some things can be bought with FM and some only with real money. I'd rather everything just be purchasable with FM and you just use real money to top off your balance. The arbitrary split bugs me.


Yeah dude, this is a way more logical argument. Colors in a fighting game, steroids. Where does it end?

Apple said: hey orange, why are people comparing us?

No, I compared using a short cut to get ahead. Both are shortcuts. Colors, in this case should be compared with making the team or winning or superbowl or any kind or reward.

Not sure why I'm bothering, someone is just going to make another idiotic analogy and continue crying about getting caught.

- J - D -

As a PS4 player new to the SFV scene, I had no idea there was even a mod that allowed you to do this.

People creating nudie skins for characters and whatever, sure, but this is news to me. Here I am working my ass off to not even get to stage 45 on Hard. Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Bypassing this is cheating matter how much you try this mental gymnastics routine.

Ah, you've misunderstood me.

I'm not debating whether it was a cheat or not (it is). I'm saying why I think Capcom did the wrong thing by punishing those that used the mod.

Of course, if I was able to dip into the future and see that, next year, Capcom patch the game to make Survival Mode have less rounds/not be a game over if you die once/etc, then I'd actually be fine with them taking action, because it isn't a huge deal.

People creating nudie skins for characters and whatever, sure, but this is news to me. Here I am working my ass off to not even get to stage 45 on Hard. Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

Once you get far in to a survival mode run, start pausing the game every few frames to see what the AI is doing. When you see it do something that can actually be punished, punish it. Otherwise, don't do anything.


I'd rather the store just be consistent. I hate that some things can be bought with FM and some only with real money. I'd rather everything just be purchasable with FM and you just use real money to top off your balance. The arbitrary split bugs me.

I hate that their 'for the community' DLC is an advertisement for Platform exclusivity. They can't justify it, and haven't even bothered to try because they know they can't.

Personally, I'd prefer if the game didn't have Fight Money and every piece of DLC was for pay. Because honestly, the F2P monetization model infects the game, hurting it in the process, whether it be Modes being tedious grinds or servers crashing during the middle of an offline match, causing the match to restart.

As a PS4 player new to the SFV scene, I had no idea there was even a mod that allowed you to do this.

People creating nudie skins for characters and whatever, sure, but this is news to me. Here I am working my ass off to not even get to stage 45 on Hard. Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

Survival Mode blows. Everyone knows it.


Yeah, pretty much.

Damascus had a really good tweet on this subject:


Actually, no - if anything I am more surprised by people defending Capcom here than any actual anger at Capcom. I knew full well that this was risky because I reckoned they'd want to try and force those who avoided grinding to pay for the season pass - we all recognised pretty early on that survival was made as crappy as it was to make FM grinding hard.

That's why I'm trying to get people to see my side. It's a bit of a lost cause on the internet, but it's worth a shot.

A lot of this gets back to game ownership. I paid £40 for my game, and my actions at worse cheat Capcom out of a season pass. (Let's leave the morality of let's-make-the-game-bad-so-people-buy-unlock-codes at the door). We've sleepwalked into a reality where Capcom can lean in to your game and punish you for modding single player content. And there's a defence group for it. That's *crazy* to me.

What I just bolded sums it up why you're not getting those who are "defending" Capcom, under every other term, that line right there is the equivalent to piracy, you are "pirating" DLC characters through a hack and all things considered the punishment is pretty damn light to negligable compared to what it could have been.

It's the same with Nintendo shutting down the AMR2, does it suck that Nintendo aren't making a Metrooid 2 remake themselves, yes, do they have a right to protect their intellectual property, yes.

No-one is going to argue with the base point that capcom should have released dailies ages ago, made survival mode better, improve network play etc etc, but making it sound like removing survival whlle reaping the rewards of a survival playthrough is one of the "3 options" to getting FM, just blows my mind.
that line right there is the equivalent to piracy

That's false equivalence. Piracy is not paying a developer for paid-for content. This is clearly different - the content isn't paid for, it's behind a grinding wall, with the option to skip the grinding being a paid option.

So what I think the argument is is that, because Capcom provide a way to skip the grinding, that way should be the exclusive way and any other way of skipping the grinding is wrong?


Personally, I'd prefer if the game didn't have Fight Money and every piece of DLC was for pay. Because honestly, the F2P monetization model infects the game, hurting it in the process, whether it be Modes being tedious grinds or servers crashing during the middle of an offline match, causing the match to restart.

I'd be fine with that too. I just want consistency. lol


That's false equivalence. Piracy is not paying a developer for paid-for content. This is clearly different - the content isn't paid for, it's behind a grinding wall, with the option to skip the grinding being a paid option.

So what I think the argument is is that, because Capcom provide a way to skip the grinding, that way should be the exclusive way and any other way of skipping the grinding is wrong?

Yes, it's capcoms game, they can do as they please. You are not entitled to it, or owed it. Your choice is to play the game or not. They have every right to protect their revenue stream.
the cheap PS4 players are just fucking jealous they couldn't cheat too,

nah PS4 users had access to premium costumes, which are exclusive to the psn/steam store. pretty sure they could have gotten banned from psn but Capcom just removed their unlocks instead. It's not worth playing fire over cosmetic shit.

I'd wager that this is what got their attention, seeing as the the tutorial vid was removed but yet they let one round survival videos slide.




benevolent sexism
Ah, you've misunderstood me.

I'm not debating whether it was a cheat or not (it is). I'm saying why I think Capcom did the wrong thing by punishing those that used the mod.

It's a stretch to call taking back the FM "punishment." Punishment would be if they took away more from users than was gained through cheating in the first place. They're just correcting an exploit. They're not even taking away the stuff people bought with those points.

I'm glad you admit it was a cheat, because the whole "stealing or not" thing is not the crux of the issue. Ultimately you need to make the point that Capcom was not within their rights to undo the results of the exploit. Now, if it was in fact "stealing" then Capcom would absolutely be within their rights to undo it. However, proving that it was not stealing is not sufficient to make the case that Capcom was not within their rights to undo the exploit. They could still be within their rights for a variety of reasons, even if no "stealing" took place. Cheating, I believe, is clearly something they have the right to undo.

No one who used the cheat is worse off than when the started, are they? Unless they aren't allowed to re-earn that fight money by legitimately completing survival? If that's the case, then I concede that "punishment" is apt term. And Capcom are still within their rights to do that, however, it may not be the pragmatic course of action in terms of consumer perception.

And to reiterate, I am not emotionally invested in this issue. I didn't cheat, but I don't care if people did. I also don't mind if Capcom exercises their right to undo the cheat. I'm merely laying out the argument for why people don't have the right to get indignant about losing that fight money.


I dont get the current argument. There was a bug and Capcom fixed it and restored everyone's fight money. What is there to even argue about, its cheating plain and simple.
Whether you cheat in a scummy grinding game or a Non-scummy grinding game doesn't freaking matter.

Yes there are more other issues that Capcom should be working on , but pretty much any publisher does the same thing. They fix these kind of exploits that affect currency asap.

Next thing you know Rage quitters will justify rage quitting because the opponent used a top tier character or lag tactics. "Capcom should have made the game more balanced"
Now that we know the name of Daisuke Dejima "D.D." bring him into SFV! PLEASE

Seriously though, I really want that character to be in SFV sometime in the future.


I dont get the current argument. There was a bug and Capcom fixed it and restored everyone's fight money. What is there to even argue about, its cheating plain and simple.
Whether you cheat in a scummy grinding game or a Non-scummy grinding game doesn't freaking matter.

Yes there are more other issues that Capcom should be working on , but pretty much any publisher does the same thing. They fix these kind of exploits that affect currency asap.

Next thing you know Rage quitters will justify rage quitting because the opponent used a top tier character or lag tactics. "Capcom should have made the game more balanced"

Pretty much this.

I can understand the mod users though, survival mode sucks and there was no other way to unlock colors. Having to unlock colors for every costume is some ridiculous shit as well. Personally i couldn't be bothered to even unlock my main character's colors with any method, i just bought the colors for leveling up your character.

A company like capcom who put out such a rushed product and haven't fixed many of the problems months after launch dishing out punishment on it's users for trying to bypass some of the bullshit is well bullshit but these are the realities of doing business. Regardless of what stupid mistakes capcom have made if the game doesn't make money, there will not be any support for it so revenue is high on the priority list.
Yeah, pretty much.

Damascus had a really good tweet on this subject:


Actually, no - if anything I am more surprised by people defending Capcom here than any actual anger at Capcom. I knew full well that this was risky because I reckoned they'd want to try and force those who avoided grinding to pay for the season pass - we all recognised pretty early on that survival was made as crappy as it was to make FM grinding hard.

That's why I'm trying to get people to see my side. It's a bit of a lost cause on the internet, but it's worth a shot.

A lot of this gets back to game ownership. I paid £40 for my game, and my actions at worse cheat Capcom out of a season pass. (Let's leave the morality of let's-make-the-game-bad-so-people-buy-unlock-codes at the door). We've sleepwalked into a reality where Capcom can lean in to your game and punish you for modding single player content. And there's a defence group for it. That's *crazy* to me.

This is more layered than that. I am not defending the shitty survival mode.

The content is obtained by their terms (it's their game). You didn't like it (I don''t like it either), so you found a way to circumvent it. Fine. You do you. But why have an issue when they enforce the rules of the product they are selling and people not accessing content as they intended. How those things are unlocked are the terms of the deal. If you don't like it, ask for a Steam refund or something.

idk man, even if I did the cheat the survival, I would just laugh, like, they got me, when they took away my FM.

Shitting on survival mode and ways to improve it are different that trying to justify not liking you getting caught cheating the system (even if you don't like the system).

If you were cheating a corrupt voting system so you get your voice heard in an election, I am for that.


idk man, even if I did the cheat the survival, I would just laugh, like, they got me, when they took away my FM.

This seems to be the reaction from the vast majority of us, no? I've only seen a couple people act offended, and yeah, that's pretty immature. All things considered, I think Capcom dealt with it decently, showing people cheating is no longer tolerated while making sure the punishment was relatively light (which almost seems to indicate that they understand how terrible survival was to encourage so many to go that route for colors).

A lot of the tension in this thread is coming from the victimized/holier than thou attitude some people are exhibiting, so both sides need to chill out a bit.


Punishing people for circumventing your ABSOLUTELY GARBAGE SURVIVAL MODE is bullshit. Fix that garbage first, then penalize people if you want.


benevolent sexism
Anybody playing right now?

I'm too tired to play but also addicted to the game so I need some casual encounters.

CFN Hey_its_that_dog
East coast US/southern Ontario.


Passing metallic gas
Punishing people for circumventing your ABSOLUTELY GARBAGE SURVIVAL MODE is bullshit. Fix that garbage first, then penalize people if you want.

I believe circumventing the rules is literally the textbook definition of cheating.


The only part I'll give them credit on is that they said they are fixing Color unlocks being per color (what it is now) and not per character (what it will be). Unless I dreamed it, in which case, fuck them.


Junior Member
The only part I'll give them credit on is that they said they are fixing Color unlocks being per color (what it is now) and not per character (what it will be). Unless I dreamed it, in which case, fuck them.
They're gonna have Premium Costumes come with all 10 colors from the start, if that's worth anything.


Any good tips for consistently landing Orochi off a Tenko juggle? I can only do it rarely and every time I think I have the timing, my brain snaps and I start spazzing all over again.

- J - D -

Why did Capcom give ryu all the anti airs? They're all viable.

Dp, crHP, stHK, and the best aa jab in the game.

They gave him everything and the farm.

Edit: and his Parry!


This outrage over the Survival mod is absurd.

The only thing that shoukd have been done better was Capcom should have cracked down on it quicker.
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