Juri will probably suck because I actually kinda think about maining her. That's my super power, I have a nose for low tiers.
I don't care much about tiers, but we're going to raise some hell with her.
Juri will probably suck because I actually kinda think about maining her. That's my super power, I have a nose for low tiers.
Juri will probably suck because I actually kinda think about maining her. That's my super power, I have a nose for low tiers.
You and me both brother. I'm interested in playing her as well.Juri will probably suck because I actually kinda think about maining her. That's my super power, I have a nose for low tiers.
I don't care much about tiers, but we're going to raise some hell with her.
You and me both brother. I'm interested in playing her as well.
Oh most definitely. Nobody likes ibuki anyway, everyone loves Juri.Will we see a Juri army online at launch ? Will it top the current Ibuki army ?
Will we see a Juri army online at launch ? Will it top the current Ibuki army ?
Juri will probably suck because I actually kinda think about maining her. That's my super power, I have a nose for low tiers.
I don't know why you're asking this from me. I only said that Nash's V-reversal is one of the best in the game, never that it's abusable or overpowered. I'm just confused when people try to say it's mediocre when it's such a powerful and relatively unique tool that Nash has. It's one of the reasons why Nash doesn't need a DP when that's a "weakness" people are always putting on him.Also can we get some actual examples of this V reversal being abused? I am not seeing it in those gifs. Apart from the Ken one where it looks like Eita dropped the fireball punish.
Every other gif is Nash doing a V-reversal of a high recovery move like a Fireball. or Mikas St.HK and Mikas C.HP->V trigger which also has recovery. Which is what the move is meant to escape from.
Anyone wanna play some practice matches? Thinking of trying out some new characters.
Anyone wanna play some practice matches? Thinking of trying out some new characters.
I V-Reversal any time my stun gets too high or I think my opponent is getting too much momentum.
I V-Reversal every time I remember it is a mechanic in the game which isn't often.
I V-Reversal every time I remember it is a mechanic in the game which isn't often.
Sometimes I feel like double dipping on this game on PS4 just to get trophies.
But then I remember that I'd lose all my DLC and have to make an imposter CFN name. =/
That's probably what I'd choose if I had money to blow on a PS4, but I don't. I chose PC, I will die by PC.
Dude, they're super good. Your stun declines from using it.
I thought about double dipping into PC just for the mods.
I'm probably going to get PC at the end of the year on the cheap if my USB Saturn Pad still doesn't work on PS4.
I can't tell myself right now how good she'd be in her current iteration. She seems somewhat simple but has easy hit confirms and good buttons so I think in the right hands she will be strong.
Her V-Skill looks pretty dumb as it is currently. You can charge it up, then dash cancel it, and it still keeps the full charge.
I have it. My issue is that I can't play charge characters well on it at all.Not sure how it compares to the Saturn pad, but I love my Hori Fighting Commander.
Native support for PS3, PS4 and PC (Xinput). One pad to rule them all.
GGs! Yeah I don't know what's causing that, seems to be going in and out. Might be Comcast trying to screw me over again. Maybe we can see if it'll work better next time.
And GGs FireSol! Gonna duck out for now cause the lag seems to be getting worse. We'll have to play again soon, I think we both learned a lot from even that short session!
Not sure how it compares to the Saturn pad, but I love my Hori Fighting Commander.
Native support for PS3, PS4 and PC (Xinput). One pad to rule them all.
This and her hazanshu is why I feel she's not getting that divekick back.
A cracked up at "WannaSeeMyKungFu" near the top of the Chun leaderboard. lol
His chun is ass. Hes an RQer
There's two shoulder buttons on each side, with a toggle switch to change the left side between standard L1/L2 and L3/R3.
Too bad SF5 doesn't let you map anything to L3/R3, though, which means it's still useless for his needs.
How so? You can map to L1/L2.
How so? You can map to L1/L2.
You made it sound like you can choose either L1/L2 or L3/R3 for the shoulders when the choice is actually L1 L2 + L3 R3 or R1 R2 + L1 L2
Ah, yeah I was just mentioning the buttons on the left side since he said he can't use the right.