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If only there were an attack strength between light and roundhouse... j/k.

I don't know jack about Boxer and what would work, but with the way you phrased that, I just had to be a smartass. ;)

When my cousins and I played the SF2 games back in the mid to late 90's we didn't use the medium attacks. We mapped heavy attacks to X and A on the SNES pad and didn't really use the mediums on the shoulder button much if at all. Light and heavy was all we needed, what's the point of using medium our 12-15 year old minds thought back then.

With that said, does anybody want to play my Ryu?
You should try fighting Rapid Cancel before you call it a quits. He's got me believing the character's high tier lol.

He put that good ship lollipop on you didn't he? I've been there.

Before I caught on to him and evened things out a little, I had to remind myself that he is just a man.

I feel like Ibuki finally "clicked" for me this week. I haven't touched rank in forever so I decided to give it a go and ended up on a 13 win streak straight from silver to gold before I finally lost and stopped so I've been feeling myself lately lol. I do need to work on getting match up experience on the majority of the cast though.

That happened to a gaffer not so long ago ! He feared how it made him look bad.

Hah, this was actually me. My video card driver crashed and the screen went blank before the KO, but once I heard he KO my entire game crashed and booted me back out to Windows. Admittedly, I've been having problems with my video card but don't want to spend the money for a new one.


What character do you use? Maybe I could give you a few tips to improve or run a few sets.

I use R. Mika currently, may switch to Juri once she drops. I feel like I lose points to laggy Ryu's and Ken's often so that doesn't help but yeah I'm down. My CFN name is: SoNecessary
Hey guys, how does a necalli deal with a jumpy Bison ? I've been playing a lot with a friend, and he's discovered a jump game I can't really deal with, particularly when he's V triggered. Devil's reverse or whatever? Even if I guess right on the cross up, he's plus and i'm still at a disadvantage. Hp DP always seems to whiff, and lp dp seems to trade and whiff. And the cross up more than once has had a c grab come out instead.
I feel like I'm missing something here


EX does I think

Yeah, EX has to. The other ones definitely have great active frames and still are good punish moves. I think they're more used at the end of combos though.

Also anyone want to play my Juri? Wink Wink

Probably shouldn't though.


I started playing Karin again and noticed that I'm having a surprisingly hard time to consistently cancel cr.MK into Tenko. It appears that my inputs for the Tenko tend to be too early because I frequently just get the command dash. I input the qcf as soon as I hit cr.MK and then LK, MP when I see the hitspark. Is there a better visual cue too look out for?


Also just spending a lot of time playing the game =/= getting better. So yea you could be level 40 and play tons online but still be bad at the game.


I started playing Karin again and noticed that I'm having a surprisingly hard time to consistently cancel cr.MK into Tenko. It appears that my inputs for the Tenko tend to be too early because I frequently just get the command dash. I input the qcf as soon as I hit cr.MK and then LK, MP when I see the hitspark. Is there a better visual cue too look out for?

that took me a minute to get down correctly. think of it more like you are cancelling the qcf+k motion into the punch.

also consistent time in between the button presses.


Hey guys, how does a necalli deal with a jumpy Bison ? I've been playing a lot with a friend, and he's discovered a jump game I can't really deal with, particularly when he's V triggered. Devil's reverse or whatever? Even if I guess right on the cross up, he's plus and i'm still at a disadvantage. Hp DP always seems to whiff, and lp dp seems to trade and whiff. And the cross up more than once has had a c grab come out instead.
I feel like I'm missing something here

You should be able to easily Anti Air Devils reverse. It looks deceiving but it has a huge hurtbox.
You should be able to easily Anti Air Devils reverse. It looks deceiving but it has a huge hurtbox.

Thing I didn't mention, dude has 3 bar internet. No joke, I've had games across the ocean that were better than with this guy who lives less than 20 miles from me.[dudes a bud so what are you gonna do?] Dp seems out of the question, risk reward on jab seems questionable too, particularly since he seems to land far enough away that I can't follow up effectively. Plus, tend to trade those jabs more often then they land.
I'm open to any advice


I was super bronze and then played ranked after too much whiskey the other night and lost like 300 LP. I'm really good at the street fighting.


Capcom needs to fix their 'oh, this assumes you're facing the right side' bullshit with tutorials and Trials. Every other fucking fighting game fixed this shit. Why? Because sometimes the combos they present put you on the opposite side. Lazy asses.

Also, the PC version has this weird graphical effect on the Grid. When you move the background kinda...smudges out for a tiny bit where your animation wise. I don't know if that's a universal thing or what. I don't know if I can fix it, either, but it's been a problem since Day 1.
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