Users over on Neogaf have discovered a file in the PC version of Street Fighter 5 that are indicative of Season 2 changes. This file is said to be larger than the game's current branch by about 1.76 GBs.
The file is not password protected, so it is easy to obtain.
Ucchedavāda;226665754 said:EventHubs put up a news-item about the leak, and I don't think they actually understood what is going on:
Also, it looks like I missed everything today. Finally got home, and now the 'test200' branch is password protected. But props to everyone who managed to find out stuff!
Ucchedavāda;226666090 said:
Wohooo All the Nash nerfs from the WSO build seem to have gone away. Backdash is still slightly reduced range.
St.MP now combos into LP Tragedy Assault. With Meter gain being reduced , this could be a huge tool in Footsies. Nash can completely prevent opponent from gaining a bar by using St.MP->TA buffered as a poke.
Wohooo All the Nash nerfs from the WSO build seem to have gone away. Backdash is still slightly reduced range.
St.MP now combos into LP Tragedy Assault. With Meter gain being reduced , this could be a huge tool in Footsies. Nash can completely prevent opponent from gaining a bar by using St.MP->TA buffered as a poke.
EX scythe is confirmed to have no invinc.
Is it the DLC maybe? Gotta uncheck that.My friend already have the file, for some reason the game didn't see his install and made him reinstall today, his install went from 10.4 gigs to almost 18..
Is it the DLC maybe? Gotta uncheck that.
Ikr, lol.Why would you go to Japan and get fucked up in a hotel room? Especially if you are going to play in Topanga?
Wohooo All the Nash nerfs from the WSO build seem to have gone away. Backdash is still slightly reduced range.
St.MP now combos into LP Tragedy Assault. With Meter gain being reduced , this could be a huge tool in Footsies. Nash can completely prevent opponent from gaining a bar by using St.MP->TA buffered as a poke.
EX scythe is confirmed to have no invinc.
M.scythe and h.scythe leave you at a much bigger advantage midscreen, i don't think better meter gain is enough to make the move used much more outside of the corner.
Why wouldn't you want them nerfed?On the one hand, AA jabs are nerfed. On the other, Laura buffs.
Birdie changes from reddit
Not sure how I feel about these. st.HK into st.MP doesn't seem really that necessary but I'll take it.
Also what does raw confirm mean?
Why wouldn't you want them nerfed?
I love Logan Sama, but man is he salty over the DP nerfs on twitter.
can't expect otherwise from Ken players
I'm just waiting to co-main Akuma and Nash. Nash hasn't been touched that much so I'm thankful for that.
I'll be trying to main Alex, Urien, and Akuma come season 2. Dunno how much they balance each other out, but man are they fun to play.
I might also add in Ibuki or Juri if the buffs are kind to them.
I'll be trying to main Alex, Urien, and Akuma come season 2. Dunno how much they balance each other out, but man are they fun to play.
I might also add in Ibuki or Juri if the buffs are kind to them.
Are you me? I usually rotate between Alex, Guile, Urien, and soon to be Akuma. Haven't really touched Nash as much last few months.
DatFeetLee said Juri got some buffs but I didn't see what.
And David said he doesn't like the meter gain and life being lowered. Did it seem that ig of deal in the beta?
Definitely Akuma and Urien. I've put too much time in the latter to drop him despite my constant bitching. I'll probably keep a pocket Nash around because I like his TA stuff getting more focus. I wanted to learn Vega but his stance stuff isn't vibing with me well, Bison's buffs might b cool but charge characters are pretty hard for me, and my Necaili got ate up so much I dropped him. So maybe just those three.
You live in the bay too, right? I'm probably you.
Well I was born there. Live in SoCal now.
>Is maining Urien.
>Won't play Bison cause he's charge;hates charge characters.
lol just playing with ya. I'm actually gonna try & do Alex/Urien/Bison for S2, unless one of the newcomers really blow me away, or they buff Juri in a way where picking her up again makes sense. God, I wanted to love Juri so bad but she was just ass.
Same here actually; not sure what it is but I remember having way more trouble with Bison's trials - think I didn't get beyond 8 - whereas I breezed through Urien's.For whatever reason, Bison feels harder to do shit with. At least Urien's normals hide the fact that I can't partition right!
DatFeetLee said Juri got some buffs but I didn't see what.
And David said he doesn't like the meter gain and life being lowered. Did it seem that ig of deal in the beta?
Definitely Akuma and Urien. I've put too much time in the latter to drop him despite my constant bitching. I'll probably keep a pocket Nash around because I like his TA stuff getting more focus. I wanted to learn Vega but his stance stuff isn't vibing with me well, Bison's buffs might b cool but charge characters are pretty hard for me, and my Necaili got ate up so much I dropped him. So maybe just those three.
Wait, what even happened to Necalli?
Mbius;226672996 said:Same here actually; not sure what it is but I remember having way more trouble with Bison's trials - think I didn't get beyond 8 - whereas I breezed through Urien's.
Wait, what even happened to Necalli?
shoutouts to capcom for the radio silence a week before the big update
Not a bad remix, but I don't like it for his main theme. Stage theme is alright
This, though, is some good shit