You don't decide the rules, .
I don't. I'm not capcom, ono or whoever is tasked with developing the lore side of street fighter.
However, I am using common terminology such as the idea of a retcon, one of the most common things in fiction nowadays along with the real world elements implemented in this game, like HD tv',s wifi, computers that look like they were made past the year 2002, cellphones and the internet, modern slang, modern cars, to suggest that things take place in a certain era. Which is an actual argument.
Unlike yours which is, which is the functional equivalent of " Well everyone dies so who cares" . I mean you aren't wrong, everyone dies and fiction is function. But if we are going to break things down argumentatively to concepts as broad as this, why even argue in the first place. Why are you on a forum, clearly you are set in your ways and you don't care enough to devise a reason beyond the most nothing " nothing matters" statements ever. So clearly you don't care enough to defend your own point, just to restate it. So what are we doing here. Unless you conceded that fiction and analysis of said fiction based on real world things do matter and are a thing, then you have to actually have an argument.