Hoover hands
Hoover hands
I think Ken's Shoryureppa in Alpha had a hitbox like that. Shit is straight bonkers.
Works as intended.
(she'll probably still have to deal with Juri's thirsty ass tho).
I thought Cammy was dating Juni tho (or was it Juli? The one in her story mode).nah they'll be married Kappa
I'd say the next story would have Chun-Li battling paperwork then passing out from a papercut but that would require them to show her doing actual police work.
I'm going live with ranked games - the topic is "how to not lose to Ghandi" or more accurately "how to adapt and beat normal players consistently."
Honestly curious what people think and if they've got advice.
I'd buy it.
No WSO this week.
It was a small miracle that Karin even had a good showing. Never expect anything more than a "Ryu and his friends" story mode. That is part of why I've got little hope for whatever changes they make when the story shifts to it's SF3 timeline. They gotta remember they've got a stable of characters here with lots of interesting background and potential available to them.Yeah. Honestly I don't think there's a lot to be happy about unless you're a big fan of the characters you mentioned. Especially Gief, who broke a katana with his pecs.
I'm not even looking for characters I like to never lose. It felt like they just shit on characters for no reason. The characters with actual goals or motivations had it the worst. Cammy wants to protect her sister, and it seemed like the only reason she was able to was because Juri and Vega didn't decide to just kill her. Nash blew himself up to kill Bison and it did nothing. Guile just sort of stood around a lot. Chun-Li comes face to face with the guy who killed her father and just says "eh I'll let Ryu do it".
Very few characters came out of story mode looking good. If they do something like this again I hope they fix it. People like characters that aren't Ryu. It's ok to give other fighters a spotlight.
Lmao eat your fucking heart out, EX air knee strike.
Any reason or is everyone just busy with other stuff?
Capcom HQ is getting remodeled
Is Chun helping? I hear she has nothing better to do right now...
She's been forced to cam herself crushing watermelons with her thighs to make ends meet.
Get it away from me!Wox0AAAT!GZAna1n5lcANtS3UeVo28urVBRZgAQq1VLtXiA-jaXQ
Looks like they straight copy/pasted Charlie's legs onto Cammy.
I guess Alex, FANG, Juri, Ryu and...maybe Vega?what's everyone's bottom 5 in the game right now?
I guess Alex, FANG, Juri, Ryu and...maybe Vega?
Kinda hard to say for sure. I feel like the top five right now is Urien, Guile, Balrog, Laura and Cammy, and once you get past Cammy the tiers start to become very constricted.
Shit.Nash so bottom tier, he's now forgotten.
Nash got trashed, but he ain't Alex tier.
At least Ryu is going to mid tier, according to Daigo.
what's everyone's bottom 5 in the game right now?
what's everyone's bottom 5 in the game right now?
Alex, F.A.N.G., Nash, Juri, & Akuma IMO.
Akuma is the most solid of the five, but having the lowest health in a game where offensive momentum and snowballing offense are so important mean that he can't afford to go as ham as the other shotos and basically has to play flawlessly since he can't make as many mistakes.
We'll see if that changes post-patch, though.
Eh, Akuma has a lot of options to balance all that out though. Yeah he can't make many mistakes, but if he catches you with or without meter it's going to hurt. I do think he takes a lot of work to use in general, though.
I would put Ryu much higher above him, but I do think Ryu still has enough options to be played well with a fraction of the effort that Akuma takes. Against some characters Ryu's fireball game is still fairly oppressive, while Agoomer's is pretty laughable for the most part.
Ryu can't get in as well AFAIK despite having big boy damage.
Akuma? That boy doesn't need to zone. He's got demon flip mixups, corner combos that hurt, meterless damage out the ass, and don't let him hit trigger. Yeah, his fireball game isn't as good as Ryu's in terms of straight zoning, but he builds a bunch of stun off that.
Akuma is paper, but it only takes a handful of decent combos to get the W. It's a high risk, high reward sorta thing but I don't think alone that makes him lower on the tier list than Ryu. I do think he's straight mid though, unless Tokido proves us all wrong.
But, ah, again, tiers are pretty tight so it's hard to place people besides the exact bottom four. Depending on the matchup, that shit changes like the tides, and once that patch hits, it's going to be even harder to get a standard down for a while.