I mean I've already payed for this pass so I might as well see what characters they bring out.
But I feel like there's no hype anymore for these new characters as compared to S1 when people were constantly theorizing about their v-systems and just generally excited. One would think completely new movesets and new archetypes would get the hardcore fans interested at least.
The only reason people could do that is because we knew the characters due to the leak but not how they'd play. It was all guess work. Plus, it's easier to theorize how S1 DLC boys would play since they were based on characters we've already played.
This season is airtight save for this leak, and it pretty much told us how she'd play. The rest of the characters have no basis in anything, so it's really hard to draw any conclusions, much less say shit since Capcom won't even tell us what kind of fighters they are.