On my to buy a new pc. 4K fighting games incoming.
I want one just to play Killer Instinct without buying an Xbox One.
On my to buy a new pc. 4K fighting games incoming.
Game's pretty well optimized, you can get away with a semi-decent pc.I want one just to play Killer Instinct without buying an Xbox One.
Game's pretty well optimized, you can get away with a semi-decent pc.
On my to buy a new pc. 4K fighting games incoming.
Yes, yes it would.Would be nice to see a PS4 Pro update.
Yes, yes it would.
Downsampling would be nice, make things look a little bit sharper.What would you expect it to do?
Would be nice to see a PS4 Pro update.
- How about dealing with popular PlayStation 4 Pro as well?
Ono: Current situation moves beautifully in PlayStation 4, so I do not think it is necessary to hurry. However, if various elements will move in the background in the future, I wonder if I can update and respond at some timing.
The usual. Higher res, more detailed models, more AA? Something's better than nothing.What would you expect it to do?
Ah, I never saw this, thanks. Until then, I'll keep emailing Capcom about it until they listen.Famitsu asked Ono about it last year in an interview published just before Capcom Cup. Ono said this (Google Translate):
So maybe they're working on it. After they improved the shadows I don't doubt they'd work on a Pro patch.
What would you expect it to do?
Probably bring it inline with the PC version and add motion blur and HDR, possibly support 4K checkerboard
Now that Tekken's PS4 online is finally working and I started playing as Miguel, who seems much more beginner friendly than Steve, I decided to spend some more time with that game. However, I still had that Win 10 Battle Lounge Matches mission as well as the Land 100 Crush Counters CPT mission and I was running out of time for both.
Fortunately, this morning the FM gods sent me a Bronze Ken into my Battle Lounge that pressed buttons on everything and kept rematching despite never winning. I felt kind of bad but I think my very one dimensional play taught him to be more defensive as it became harder to open him up near the end.
And right after my 10th win and up 6k FM he vanished. I wish he was around when I was trying to grind out that 50 CA KOs mission.
anyone playing? cfn 765production
usa west coast
I didn't know Alex has any good ones.GGs. I hate that you play two of Alex's worst matchups lol.
I didn't know Alex has any good ones.
GGs. I hate that you play two of Alex's worst matchups lol.
GGs man, for some reason to connection went to shit the last 2 matches lol. chun was very rusty though
I very rarely post in here but I saw that someone else deletes the game constantly. I do the same shit all the time, I just thought it was funny. Then I get mad at myself when I have to download it again, instead of just taking a few days break. I suck though and have been stuck in silver forever, the ultra to super bounce kills me.
I very rarely post in here but I saw that someone else deletes the game constantly. I do the same shit all the time, I just thought it was funny. Then I get mad at myself when I have to download it again, instead of just taking a few days break. I suck though and have been stuck in silver forever, the ultra to super bounce kills me.
FTFYStar Platinum actually *scoffs*
I made it to Diamond but I lost that Bison match I posted about and deleted it.
Likewise.the ultra to super bounce kills me.
Play casuals. When I got stuck in Ultra Silver I played casuals until I started winning most of my matches. When I finally went back to ranked I shot up to Super Gold immediately.
I get so close to Gold then all the killers come out and say "Nope"
I get so close to Gold then all the killers come out and say "Nope"
Holy shit is that a Jojo reference?
tfw your only defensive mechanic doesn't do jack shit
You know it's gotten bad when Laura players are complaining about defense.
tfw your only defensive mechanic doesn't do jack shit
You know it's gotten bad when Laura players are complaining about defense.
I can't play a character and think the character and game are both dumb? lolIt's why I've never been able to take Count's SF4 begging seriously. Dude plays Laura.
Cammy, rashid and Bison (Dictator)?Can't wait until they add dive kick characters.
on both sides it's stupid lol. the one defensive mechanic that costs V-Bar in this game only sometimes works out in your favour lol
I can't play a character and think the character and game are both dumb? lol
if my character is top tier or cheap, does that mean I should automatically like the game or think the game is great? lol
No, and it's not a matter of Laura being top tier or cheap. It's just hard to empathize with someone who hates something with a burning passion and yet continues to do it. Like, you complain the game is dumb, then proceed to play a dumb character, and then complain again that you got hit by something dumb... Wat?
Just delete Laura please, I'm currently on tilt from playing ranked.
you know I'm not the one in the gif right
gotta eat thoNo, and it's not a matter of Laura being top tier or cheap. It's just hard to empathize with someone who hates something with a burning passion and yet continues to do it. Like, you complain the game is dumb, then proceed to play a dumb character, and then complain again that you got hit by something dumb... Wat?