Nothing wrong with that. You buy whichever game you wanna buy with your cash bro.Game this isn't worth the 70 dollars in my opinion. I'll be getting Killer Instinct on PC instead.
Nothing wrong with that. You buy whichever game you wanna buy with your cash bro.Game this isn't worth the 70 dollars in my opinion. I'll be getting Killer Instinct on PC instead.
Sales hunmm... my estimates right now is between 700-900k.
Pretty good.
RQ have toned down a lot man especially once you get out of lower levels. Why are you so worried about ranked mode anyway? Capcom is punishing the heavy offenders, and I think best of 3 will give the legit players a reason to play ranked more as well.
Doesn't make sense why you can't rematch continuously in Casual.
It does when fight money is used for unlocking things that otherwise need to be unlocked with real money. Fight money has real world dollar value, on top of the very large time investment in order to obtain it. It is not equivalent to old school in game costume unlocks.
What..what are you arguing about right now? You play the game,u get in game money, u buy outfits...what's the problem
Its 10k per run. So 4 times the amount
What..what are you arguing about right now? You play the game,u get in game money, u buy outfits...what's the problem
If you got 40,000FM for doing the two story mode fights and putting in that two minutes work? I wouldn't complain. 1:1 unlock for that work.
Instead you get something like... 20,000 or whatever which is half the price of the unlock for such a quick "unlock" and then they have the gall to tell you "LOL YOU UNLOCKED THIS* PLEASE GO TO THE SHOP TO ACTUALLY UNLOCK IT!"
"*You didn't actually unlock it! PSYCHE! SPEND MONEY!"
Hightlight-bligee here for folks that don't get it.
Thank you for the correction.
SO IN OTHER WORDS: YOU DON'T ACTUALLY UNLOCK THE OUTFITS THROUGH STORY MODE WORK You unlock them through HAVING TO GRIND ONLINE to the additional money. How is that not a problem? It's not a 1:1 trade-off with that mode in regards to unlocking the outfits.
"Oh you put in that work to access the ability to buy these outfits but we don't give you the cash to actually buy them all because we want you to spend money for something that should be free because it's two minutes work and already on the disc! Please understand!"
wait i'm confused what's your issue with this again?
What? You unlocked the costume by being awarded fight money. I'm not sure i understand what you're talking about here. And you get like 10k per story I think, and easy survival is pretty quick, those modes give you a lot of FM at least for a handful of your favorite characters. Ok read your edit, hmmmm...I don't have a problem with it but ok. You get good points for those easy story modes and Mika and Zangief are funny! LolIf you got 40,000FM for doing the two story mode fights and putting in that two minutes work? I wouldn't complain. 1:1 unlock for that work.
Instead you get something like... 20,000 or whatever which is half the price of the unlock for such a quick "unlock" and then they have the gall to tell you "LOL YOU UNLOCKED THIS* PLEASE GO TO THE SHOP TO ACTUALLY UNLOCK IT!"
"*You didn't actually unlock it! PSYCHE! SPEND MONEY!"
Hightlight-bligee here for folks that don't get it.
Thank you for the correction.
SO IN OTHER WORDS: YOU DON'T ACTUALLY UNLOCK THE OUTFITS THROUGH STORY MODE WORK You unlock them through HAVING TO GRIND ONLINE to the additional money. How is that not a problem? It's not a 1:1 trade-off with that mode in regards to unlocking the outfits.
"Oh you put in that work to access the ability to buy these outfits but we don't give you the cash to actually buy them all because we want you to spend money for something that should be free because it's two minutes work and already on the disc! Please understand!"
Hightlight-bligee here for folks that don't get it.
Thank you for the correction.
SO IN OTHER WORDS: YOU DON'T ACTUALLY UNLOCK THE OUTFITS THROUGH STORY MODE WORK BY 2X You unlock them through HAVING TO GRIND ONLINE 4X to the additional money. How is that not a problem? It's not a 1:1 trade-off with that mode in regards to unlocking the outfits.
"Oh you put in that work to access the ability to buy these outfits but we don't give you the cash to actually buy them all because we want you to spend money for something that should be free because it's two minutes work and already on the disc! Please understand!"
What? You unlocked the costume by being awarded fight money. I'm not sure i understand what you're talking about here. And you get like 10k per story I think, and easy survival is pretty quick, those modes give you a lot of FM at least for a handful of your favorite characters.
I dunno how people got 700k or more, I only managed 500k so far.
Hightlight-bligee here for folks that don't get it.
Thank you for the correction.
SO IN OTHER WORDS: YOU DON'T ACTUALLY UNLOCK THE OUTFITS THROUGH STORY MODE WORK BY 2X You unlock them through HAVING TO GRIND ONLINE 4X to the additional money. How is that not a problem? It's not a 1:1 trade-off with that mode in regards to unlocking the outfits.
"Oh you put in that work to access the ability to buy these outfits but we don't give you the cash to actually buy them all because we want you to spend money for something that should be free because it's two minutes work and already on the disc! Please understand!"
Yeah I'm going to play more casual now with best out of 3. My favorite mode is battle lounge, but you don't get exp -_-Yeah, RQing is pretty much nonexistent in casual and you still get fm an exp. Matchmaking might be a little skewed, though. I find playimg causual matches a lot harder than ranked because a lot of the bronze ppl I'm facing should be in a higher bracket but are either sandbagging to get easy points or just not playing ranked bc of Rquitters. Either way, you are right RQing isnt as bad but I hear it is a little rough the closer you get to gold because of the trophy.
Looking forward to the trials and Alex (I guess). I'll try him but typically I don't enjoy grapplers.
Kind of bummed no mention about a real RQ fix or being able to buy colors with FM. If I can't buy colors after this update I just might go download that trainer and get it taken care of. Survival isn't my cup of tea.
It does when fight money is used for unlocking things that otherwise need to be unlocked with real money. Fight money has real world dollar value, on top of the very large time investment in order to obtain it. It is not equivalent to old school in game costume unlocks.
Maybe so, if getting a battle lounge going with an opponent with a good connection was currently possible.That's what Battle Lounge is for.
Casual is just for finding quick matches against random people.
Its with the in game currency. Sucks but yeahBuying colors?!
So Alex will have a story prologue but no trials? I think they haven't said anything about trials for future characters, right? It's always "combo trials for all 16 characters"...
What? You unlocked the costume by being awarded fight money. I'm not sure i understand what you're talking about here. And you get like 10k per story I think, and easy survival is pretty quick, those modes give you a lot of FM at least for a handful of your favorite characters. Ok read your edit, hmmmm...I don't have a problem with it but ok. You get good points for those easy story modes and Mika and Zangief are funny! Lol
I dunno how people got 700k or more, I only managed 500k so far.
Still sounds like you're making mountains out of molehills and the obnoxious red text isn't helping.
They're alt costumes, and they're free. I don't think having to grind for them is that ridiculous.
So Alex will have a story prologue but no trials? I think they haven't said anything about trials for future characters, right? It's always "combo trials for all 16 characters"...
He's arguing that you shouldn't have to spend Fight Money on those costumes whatsoever because they are already in the game and you use them in their respective Story Modes. He is arguing, had this been any other game, those costumes would have been unlocked after completing the character's respective Story Mode -- you wouldn't have to complete their Story and then spend Fight Money to actually unlock it.
That's what he's arguing and venting about.
Buying colors?!
Gonna be fun seeing the same colors on streams for ages.
Yeah I'm going to play more casual now with best out of 3. My favorite mode is battle lounge, but you don't get exp -_-
Buying colors?!
Gonna be fun seeing the same colors on streams for ages.
You mean like ganguro Cammy?It's more than likely just the EX colors. Some of them are phenomenal.
We can not unlock and use costumes we all unlocked on day one a month after launch before they can't get their shop right.
You mean like ganguro Cammy?
See, all I wanted was netcode, matchmaking, battle lounge and RQ fixes. The trails and stuff? That's basically adding in base game shit. I'm not giving them props for that. That's not extra, free content. That's basic, base game shit that should have been there day fucking one. They don't get credit for that.
I'm hyped for Alex however I fully expect 8 player battle lounges to be busted as fuck and things to get worse before they get better. People are saying RQs don't happen much anymore? LOL 3/4 of every page in the OT are people complaining about RQs still.
Why are down on Capcom? Well, I just explained a lot of reasons why. The problems with matchmaking and netcode are still there. Then they basically can't even get their cashshop right for launch. A CASH SHOP. We can not unlock and use costumes we all unlocked on day one a month after launch before they can't get their shop right.
Say that out loud and you'll realize how silly that sounds in 2016. Capcom, yo. Realize this was supposed to be a service model game. lol
RQ have toned down a lot man especially once you get out of lower levels. Why are you so worried about ranked mode anyway? Capcom is punishing the heavy offenders, and I think best of 3 will give the legit players a reason to play ranked more as well.
actually really looking forward to trials for once. I'm sure there will be some bullshit trials but I doubt we'll see impracticality on the level of SSF4's. I really want to branch out into more characters and it'd be more fun than trying to imitate youtube videos, plus SF5's execution has been quite easy for me so far.
There's going to be story for DLC characters?
But they said Alex (and subsequent characters) are free to use up until the get the Zenny system in place, correct? In that case do we also get Alex's story? If we do, are we also getting the fight money?