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Street Fighter V patch releasing March 28th, Alex on the 30th, more info


Finally, as a way of saying thanks for everyone’s patience and understanding throughout the beta phases and game launch we will be making Ryu and Chun-Li’s story mode costumes available for free to all users on March 30 as well. This is an 80,000 Fight Money value, almost the full value of a DLC character.

Is this free Hot Ryu?
Maybe so, if getting a battle lounge going with an opponent with a good connection was currently possible.

Search for lounge
Click random lounge
Lounge is full
Click random lounge
Lounge is full
Search for lounge
Click random lounge
Lounge is no longer available
Click lounge
Joining lounge with opponent on other side of planet
Kill self
make your own, I get people right after another, some outstay there welcome and I have to hit them with generic preset text like

"I'm calling it a night"

"Good game good game"

"I'm sleepy"



What's the alternative? KOTH has been the standard for fighting game lobbies since forever.

More than two people fighting at the same time? 6 people waiting while just 2 of them fight is super slow.

Well it's not like the matchmaking isn't slow already.

Let's hope it is better than in SF4, where sometimes the expectating players would be cut off from the final seconds of the fight.

Hightlight-bligee here for folks that don't get it.

Thank you for the correction.

SO IN OTHER WORDS: YOU DON'T ACTUALLY UNLOCK THE OUTFITS THROUGH STORY MODE WORK BY 2X You unlock them through HAVING TO GRIND ONLINE 4X to the additional money. How is that not a problem? It's not a 1:1 trade-off with that mode in regards to unlocking the outfits.

"Oh you put in that work to access the ability to buy these outfits but we don't give you the cash to actually buy them all because we want you to spend money for something that should be free because it's two minutes work and already on the disc! Please understand!"

You must have hated the "Secret Factor" shop in the console release of MvC2 a whole lot. Giving the option to but the costumes for really cheap compared to only having the option to pay money is great IMO.

I think you may be overreacting to the amount of time it takes to actually get FM.

On-topic: This is actually more stuff than I thought that Capcom would give us in this patch. Them releasing Alex for a free trial and any future characters until they get the Zenny Shop figured out is pretty nice of them and I don't think Capcom of old would do something like this and would just delay the character instead. Good on them for giving extra value to season pass holders as well. While everything isn't perfect good to see them heading in the right direction.


Hold on, we all get Hot Ryu for free?

Fuck yes, I literally almost bought a pre-order code off eBay (though I now feel sorry for those that did).


Add the ability to bet fight money on matches in a lobby and I'd be so happy.

With Capcom taking a small cut? They'd make bank.

An even more genius idea? Tie it into CPT events where you could live stream it from the game. I remember when Mugen betting was all the rage.

Hold on, we all get Hot Ryu for free?

Fuck yes, I literally almost bought a pre-order code off eBay (though I now feel sorry for those that did).

We are getting Alpha Ryu and Police Chun for free


He's arguing that you shouldn't have to spend Fight Money on those costumes whatsoever because they are already in the game and you use them in their respective Story Modes. He is arguing, had this been any other game, those costumes would have been unlocked after completing the character's respective Story Mode -- you wouldn't have to complete their Story and then spend Fight Money to actually unlock it. That just completing the character's Story Mode isn't actually unlocking it and that's a problem for him.

That's what he's arguing and venting about.

I get what he's saying. Still don't think grinding for FM to get alt costumes is a big deal. But if that's the hill he wants to die on, then fine.
Hmm not sure why every time I go into an SFV news site its like im playing a completely different game from everyone else. I have great connection, get games quickly, I think I play against 2 rage quitters maybe every 10 hours or so, MAYBE. I only play Ranked, I fluctuate between Ultra Silver and Silver league. I encountered almost no rage quitters in Bronze, Super Bronze, and Ultra Bronze unless everyone here is Ultra Silver and up I didn't know GAF had so many amazing SF players.
". Additionally, we will be giving all Season Pass users a free, brand new stage in the near future!"

Woah woah woah. If we don't buy the season pass we miss out on a level? Fuck that. Fuck that it's out of nowhere. I've been grinding and planning to continue to grind to get all the content (cept for the premium outfits) and now they spring this on us?


Will people buy the game now that were complaining about no tutorials? Probably not.

Those people probably wouldn't have bought it anyway, even with more tutorials and arcade mode. People just like to complain.

". Additionally, we will be giving all Season Pass users a free, brand new stage in the near future!"

Woah woah woah. If we don't buy the season pass we miss out on a level? Fuck that. Fuck that it's out of nowhere. I've been grinding and planning to continue to grind to get all the content (cept for the premium outfits) and now they spring this on us?

Yeah how would this even work? You'll just never get the stage unless both people own it, when playing online? Or maybe the stage is offline only?
". Additionally, we will be giving all Season Pass users a free, brand new stage in the near future!"

Woah woah woah. If we don't buy the season pass we miss out on a level? Fuck that. Fuck that it's out of nowhere. I've been grinding and planning to continue to grind to get all the content (cept for the premium outfits) and now they spring this on us?

What makes you think you won't be able to buy it in some way?

Ploid 3.0

I really should have made Chun my main, I guess it's not too late to do that now. Currently maining R.Mika, I just love how dangerous she can be with momentum. HP melts.


Will people buy the game now that were complaining about no tutorials? Probably not.

Their loss. Street Fighter V has been incredible fun for my boyfriend and myself, and it just continues to get better.

Shame for those who only have fun playing with themselves though, it's always more fun when you're not alone.


Yeah how would this even work? You'll just never get the stage unless both people own it, when playing online? Or maybe the stage is offline only?

All people have the stage data downloaded with the patch while Season Pass owners get the actual unlock key for them to select.


If you got 40,000FM for doing the two story mode fights and putting in that two minutes work? I wouldn't complain. 1:1 unlock for that work.

Instead you get something like... 20,000 or whatever which is half the price of the unlock for such a quick "unlock" and then they have the gall to tell you "LOL YOU UNLOCKED THIS* PLEASE GO TO THE SHOP TO ACTUALLY UNLOCK IT!"

"*You didn't actually unlock it! PSYCHE! SPEND MONEY!"
You need to calm down man. Like do you actually own this game for this to matter to you?


The overview trailer being canned PR talk is just...ugh.

Battle Lounge for 8 players - okay

Spectator - okay, don't understand why more than 1 match can't go on at once

Ranked 2/3 - Should've been forced at Higher Ranks

Tutorials/Challenges - I'll withhold judgement until I see it

Shop - No premium content out yet is laughable

Exclusive Stage for Season Pass owners is a joke

Alex being free for a limited time is okay (Free 10K in Story Mode, I guess, lol)

2 Free Costumes are alright, BUT you STILL have to go through Survival to unlock all of their Colors on top of the regular outfit colors. Just...WHY?

Bug Fixes - I'll wait for a full list of everything they did before judging

Overall, a disappointing update. No Daily Challenges, no Offline versus CPU. The lack of the pre-order DLC costumes being sold is bullshit and a clear indicator that they've fallen behind and aren't getting more budgetary help/incentives.

As for sales, SF5 on Steam has sold LESS THAN 140,000 copies WW. So if you want to start calculating sales, start from that. But it's probably not higher than 500k right now because the game has simply stopped selling.
"What's the alternative? KOTH has been the standard for fighting game lobbies since forever."

Multiple matches going concurrently per room, a la Gundam Extreme Vs, Skullgirls, and ArcSys games.


Hmm there are a few things still need sorting

Daily Challenges - this was promised ages ago
Arcade Mode - this is so easy to do why Capcom don't do it is shocking
VS CPU - same as above
RQ Penalty - come on they did this for SFIV

Those color unlocks better be cheap because going through Survival Mode is a chore and the fact you have to do it with each costume is unacceptable.


". Additionally, we will be giving all Season Pass users a free, brand new stage in the near future!"

Woah woah woah. If we don't buy the season pass we miss out on a level? Fuck that. Fuck that it's out of nowhere. I've been grinding and planning to continue to grind to get all the content (cept for the premium outfits) and now they spring this on us?

No? You can buy it?
『Inaba Resident』;199117974 said:
What makes you think you won't be able to buy it in some way?

If that's the case, then the premium outfits come to $24 total and the season pass is $30 plus you get a level then the season pass just got more tempting. I can save my FM for story outfits.


Those people probably wouldn't have bought it anyway, even with more tutorials and arcade mode. People just like to complain.

Yeah how would this even work? You'll just never get the stage unless both people own it, when playing online? Or maybe the stage is offline only?
I think the tested this in one of the betas. Everyone gets the stage data, you pay for the unlock similar to how the DLC costumes work.
Hmm not sure why every time I go into an SFV news site its like im playing a completely different game from everyone else. I have great connection, get games quickly, I think I play against 2 rage quitters maybe every 10 hours or so, MAYBE. I only play Ranked, I fluctuate between Ultra Silver and Silver league. I encountered almost no rage quitters in Bronze, Super Bronze, and Ultra Bronze unless everyone here is Ultra Silver and up I didn't know GAF had so many amazing SF players.

Pretty much in the same boat! Granted, I know there are a lot on GAF that are international players, so their MM pool might not be so great or robust, but about 10% or less of my matches have been 'bad' connection wise (probably closer to 5%), and the times i've played on my PC or on the PS4 & PC at my friend's place were exactly the same. I feel for those who are getting matched in bad internet areas though.


Too bad they couldn't have made the free trial thing a permanent fixture. Really is a consumer-friendly feature.

Eh, was gonna buy Alpha Ryu costume anyways. Maybe I'll use that saved FM for Fang's one now.

I need to get a new TV already so I can start playing this again.


Too bad they couldn't have made the free trial feature a permanent fixture. Really is a consumer-friendly feature.

Eh, was gonna buy Alpha Ryu costume anyways. Maybe I'll use that saved FM for Fang's one now.

I need to get a new TV already so I can start playing this again.

I assume they won't make it permanent since you can "theoretically" just blow through all the Story and Survival stuff for them, earning the FM and Colors for them without paying for anything.


I assume they won't make it permanent since you can "theoretically" just blow through all the Story and Survival stuff for them, earning the FM and Colors for them without paying for anything.

They could limit it to a number of matches instead of a time. Something like 10-15 matches then it locks, even if youre in a survival.
Wow a whole two free story mode costumes that should have been unlocked when you finished their story modes in the first place.

Them not being sure when the real money stuff is happening is hilarious.

And to top it all off they wait to the very last week of march. Mad jokes.
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