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Stupid Game Clerks / Stupid Customers


Queen of Denmark
I was buying something at EB, and saw on their release date board that they had DOA Volleyball slated for release on PS2 this October.

Me: "DOA Volleyball on PS2?"
Clerk (glances behind him): "Yeah."
Me: "I'm pretty sure that's only on Xbox."
Clerk: "No, it's coming to PS2."


Overheard from a customer at a gaming store: "I can't wait for Pokemon on the Playstation...no, it is! It's coming out on Playstation! I saw it in a magazine!"


Said to me by a friend: "Well, I'm pretty sure there's not going to be an Xbox 2. Microsoft is just going to update the firmware."


Me to WalMart clerk: "Are you guys taking GameCube preorders?"
Clerk (scowls): "No, but you don't want the GameCube. It's going to suck."
Me: "I'm pretty sure I want one."
Clerk: "Okay, fine: what games do you like on the N64?"
Me: "...well, Mario 64, for one --"
Clerk: "AHA! (He literally shouted this) There isn't going to BE a Mario game on the GameCube! It's just Luigi! NO MARIO!"

And there are more. Oh god, there are more.


TheDiave said:
I don't have any play-by-plays, but I can recap some of the most retarded things I've ever been asked:

"Yeah, hey... Do you guys have Halo for PS2?"

"...so PlayStation games work in the PlayStation 2, right?"

75% of these are pretty standard questions that non-gamers would reasonably not know about.


Here is my EB story. Since I worked there for like 5 years. So this story happened one christmas. I dont recall the year, but it was either Christmas eve that this happened or right after.

<Me> Hello, how can I help you?
<Customer> I want to return these headphones I bought.
<Me> Ok, why do you want to return them? Are they not working?
<Customer> No they work, but I get static when I listen with them.
<Me> ok well do u have the original package and the receipt they came in?
<Customer> No, but I want my money back.
<Me> Well maam, without the original box or receipt, all I can do is give you another set of the same item.

Now at this point I go to the shelf to get the item, and the line is getting longer and longer, and she is getting more and more irritating. To the people on line and to me.

<Me> Here you go ma'am, I hope these work out better for you.
<Customer> are you stupid, I said I want my money back.
<Me> Well ma'am, as I just said without the original box or receipt, all I can do is give you the same thing
<Customer> You have to be kidding me. You really are stupid. I want my money.

Now at this point I lost it. I took her headphones and proceeded to throw them on the floor, and then I repeatedly stomped on them.

<Me> You know what lady, GO FUCK YOURSELF, and here are your headphones back.

I then left the counter area and walked to the back room to cool off. All the while all the people on line were applauding me. The lady stood there like she couldnt believe what just happened. Her husband then dragged her out of the store.


We also had this customer that would come in everyday during the launch of the Jaguar and praise how it was the system to end all systems. We affectionately named him "The Jaguar Nerd" He would call in everyday asking for games that were not scheduled to come out for months, and said he saw them in a magazine. I remember he came in one day and said that the game "Club Drive" on the Jag. was the greatest racing game ever made. So i asked him how does it feel to ride on square tires. He looked at me and kept saying how it was an amazing game. I remember the day the Jagaur died. He must have killed himself, because we never heard from him after that. Poor bastard.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
ninvampire said:
After Kirby's Nightmare in Dreamland came out (and sold out ... over and over again) a kid came in after checking out the Target in the shopping center. He was on the verge of tears and between his sniffling asked if we had it in stock. Unfortunately for him my store had been out of stock for about a week and when we broke the news to him he started bawling and screamed as he ran out the door. My ASM and I looked at each other and shared a "Did that just happen?" look.

poor kid, I spent a few days tracking down a copy of kirby for my son that xmas. At one point I went to an EB who said they had it in stock but it was a used copy... so I said I'd rather try to find a new one. Then the clerk decided to inform me that new copies won't be shipped out til the following summer and I really should the used copy. I went to Target instead.

"Man, I really wish they'd release the Dragonball Z Budokai games on the Xbox. I loved the first two on PS2, I have them both. They're awesome!"

why is that a dumb thing to say? Didn't both Dragonball atari games come out on PS2? Or are you making fun of him for calling both games Budokai? That's pretty nitpicky.


Queen of Denmark
aparisi2274 said:
<Me> You know what lady, GO FUCK YOURSELF, and here are your headphones back.

I then left the counter area and walked to the back room to cool off. All the while all the people on line were applauding me. The lady stood there like she couldnt believe what just happened. Her husband then dragged her out of the store.
Uh huh.


Queen of Denmark
aparisi2274 said:
Fine dont believe me. I have friends on here who worked there with me, and they were witness to it. So dont try to come on here and downplay my story.
Sorry -- I could even believe the part where you blew up at her, but everyone else in line applauding is a little hard to swallow.


human5892 said:
Sorry -- I could even believe the part where you blew up at her, but everyone else in line applauding is a little hard to swallow.

Hey if you just had to wait in line on Christmas Eve to get last minute gifts and you get stuck behind a lady like this, you would applaud to if someone had the balls to tell her to fuck off, and make her get off the line. And when I say applaude, dont think I mean like at a concert or something. There were like 14 people on line, and about 8 of them clapped.


(May 2001, a week after E3, I walk into a Funcoland to preorder a GC)
Me: Hi! I'd like to preorder a Gamecube, please.
Sales Clerk: *Stares at me* ...
Me: ...
Sales Clerk: Why?
Me: Do you want the money or not?
*exchange cash for a preorder slip*

If I was the age I was now, I'd've gotten a manager and inform him this little girl had just about lost a customer's $200 + (which she later DID when they said that I wouldn't be able to get a GC for weeks after launch).

There was also one time 2 years ago. Super Mario Sunshine was coming out, and I was in the mountains for vacation. The only store with games nearby was a K-Mart, and I wanted to make sure I got my hands on SMS (they said they were receiving a small shipment, and some of the clerks were already gonna get their copies before the customers could). Getting the game resulted in numerous phone calls:

Me: Hi, I was wondering if Super Mario Sunshine was in yet.
K-Mart Employee: Oh, sorry. Call around 4:00 tomorrow.
Me: Okay, thanks.

Tuesday, 4:00:
Me: Hi, I was wondering if Super Mario Sunshine was in yet
KE: Nope, sorry. Try calling back in two hours.
Me: Alright. Thanks.

Tuesday, 6:00:
Me: Hi, I called earlier to see if Super Mario Sunshine was in yet. Is it in yet?
KE: No, but we should get it tomorrow. Call back at 2:00.
Me: Okay. Thanks.

Wednesday, 2:00:
Me: Hi, I'd like to be transferred to electronics please.
KE: *Transfers me over*
KE from Electronics: *picks up the phone and hangs up*

*I go on a shouting tirade in the room*

Wednesday, 3:30:
Me: Hi, I was disconnected about 50 minutes ago, I'd like to know if Super Mario Sunshine was in today.
KE: Super Mario World?
Me: Super Mario Sunshine.
KE: Super Mario X?
Me: Super Mario SUN-SHINE.
KE: Super Mario Ten?
KE: Okay, lemme check. Yep, it's in.
Me: Thank you.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
yeah, xmas eve makes it believable... I'm someone who enjoys malls the week before christmas, just for outlandish events like this.
levious said:
why is that a dumb thing to say? Didn't both Dragonball atari games come out on PS2? Or are you making fun of him for calling both games Budokai? That's pretty nitpicky.

the guy in question liked the games so much he wanted to play them on his xbox, even though he already had them on the PS2. I guess it's bad, but I think that most of the examples given were some of the things that game clerks are being called on in this thread: elitism.

My story:

Remember those dandy little Zelda pre-order discs? Well at TRU we had them on ad the week after they were released to stores. We were told two things: Sell as many pre-orders as possible, and hold as many of these discs as possible for the ad. uh-huh. Anyways, I instructed the guys to sell as many as possible, and we'd hold 10 for the next week. Sunday, we sold all 10 in about 15 minutes. A lady came in on Monday asking for one, and I told her we were sold out. Boy, did I get yelled at. I tried explaining what the words "While Supplies Last" means, but she wouldn't listen. She kept saying it was horrible and that she would never come into the store again. I said "fine, don't. see-yah."

Luckily I was only attacked once by one of the gaming nerds who sits and compares a game like FF VII to his own life or some other sad story for 8 hours straight.
I have long since forgotten most of what happened for the years I worked at Media Play and FuncoLand, but I do remeber a few anecdotes.

A grandmother from California almost jumped me for requiring her driver's license to buy a game from her grandson.

One guy refused to show me his license and wouldn't tell me why for about 15 minutes. I can't remember if it turned out to be expired or if he lost it.

A guy used to come into the store and leave his kids all day so he could go drinkig at a bar a few doors down. Often. Until my manager called the cops.

Of course one out of every three customers was unable to calculate the tax for $49.99. We have a 5% sales tax in the county where the store is located, but 10% divided by two seems to be beyond many people.

Customers insisting that we had games stashed away and trying to convince us to sell them, even though they had not yet released.

Of course, getting held up at gunpoint was a lark.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
fart said:
your boss seems like a nice guy. also i'm sorry but all you do is sell games. i'd say the migrant worker picking strawberries in the fields for less than minimum wage has it worse.

What exactly is your problem? While I am certainly not a game store employee, I think you are being extremely harsh here. Whether you work at Taco Bell or Gamestop, it is the kind of job that people take when they are younger. It just so happens that working at a game store is a hell of a lot nicer than working fast food and, in many cases, allow people to do things they enjoy. What's the problem with that? There is always someone out there who has it tougher than you, so what's the point of bringing it up? Does that somehow make their troubles go away? I don't think so...

I don't care if you've had bad experiences with certain clerks...you shouldn't be damning everyone as a result of limited experiences. There are assholes working various jobs in all walks of life. Surely you can see that...

The fact that it is you, fart (heh), that I'm addressing...I can't tell if you are entirely serious or not. So, if it was mostly in jest...forgive me for bringing it up. :p
novery said:
I sympathize with game clerks to a degree. When my little brother was working at EB he was required to give the "Buy a Game Doctor! Clean your discs!" pitch with every sale. That would kill me.


"Nobody wanted that POS.." - Novery's Little Bro



Um. OT but does the Game Doctor actually work? I've been wanting to buy it ever since I saw it and I've got a couple of DVDs that could do with some polishing. :+


hyperbolically metafictive
if you just want a heavily scratched game, cd, or dvd to be playable, the game doctor sometimes works. if you're looking to repair scratches for cosmetic reasons, you certainly don't want the game doctor - it leaves huge ugly radial polishing marks that are far more visible than the scratches.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
"Man, these TV games are cool... Ya know, I saw one at the mall the other day that had like the entire library from the original Nintendo on it."

Actually, I'm still curious how those devices are legal. I'm not even sure who makes them, but they have started showing up around most shopping areas. :\


This happened just this morning at Best Buy:

BB Employee: Yeah, they're already done with the PS3, they're just waiting to release it.

Dumb hick woman #1: Technology moves so fast, I might as well just wait for the PS3.

BB Employee: Well it's not going to be out for a while. I mean, PS2's are selling just as well now as when they first came out so they'll wait until sales drop off.

Dumb hick woman #2: (to dumb hick woman #1) So should we get one?

BB Employee: And the great thing about PS3 is that it will play PS2 and PS1 games.

Dumb hick woman #2: Yeah, that's what I love about the PS2. It plays PS1 games.

At that point I couldn't stand listening to them anymore and I walked off.


Here are a few experiences with customers I can think of off the top of my head:

- EB's oversized display boxes, used for marketing, seem to really confuse people. We're always asked "why does the game come in a box this big?"

- We sell Yu-Gi-Oh and other gaming cards, mostly as a little add-on sale item. I had a customer ask if we bought or sold individual cards. I reply, "no, all we deal in are these booster packs." He then asks me if I know anywhere in town that does buy and sell the cards. When I say "no, sorry", he actually gets pissed off and goes storming out, like I'm not doing my job right or something.

- This has been mentioned already, but I love the people who want to know if a game will play on their computer, and when asked any details on their system will just say "it's a Windows ME/XP/etc."

- I really like it when people call and want to know how much something is with tax. Is it REALLY that hard to figure on your own? I also like it when we have a "save $20 with trade!" type deal, and someone says, "so, if it's $20 off of $50, what does that make it?" Uhh... $30 maybe?

- Every once in a while, someone will ask which system we recommend, the PS2 or Xbox. My coworkers and I usually reply with "Gamecube." We just stare at the customer as they laugh (they usually think we're joking), then they act apologetic and embarrassed.

- People who think we get games in advance of release dates. In particular, when The Wind Waker came out, some guy kept calling and coming in on the *ship date* and was pissed because he thought we were just refusing to sell him his game. He cussed out the manager, and eventually called the customer comment line to complain.

- One of my all time favorites: A customer was trading a GBA game in. One of our employees takes it to the manager (who's in the back) and asks what we should do. The employee then gives it back to the customer, and says "we can't take this. You might want to look inside." Turns out there was a little bag of weed in the box.

- I know this one will probably piss some of you off, but people who are offered and don't pre-order an extremely obscure or small release game and then are pissed if we don't get it. I always think it's funny. On the flip side, there have been a few times when someone HAS pre-ordered something and we don't get it in the day it comes out. That pisses US off.


Haha, wow, so many stories, can't recall all of them.

Just FYI, I work at Best Buy.

Over the holiday season, while I was in the back sorting shipment my friend radios me.

"Hey Tony, do they make Halo for Gamecube?"

"Uhhh...no. It's Xbox only."

"Well this customer here said his kids played Halo on Gamecube the other day and he wants to get it for them."

"Halo is a Microsoft property. Go look on the box in the Xbox section. It says 'Xbox only' on it. In fact, the sun will go supernova before his kids will ever play Halo on Gamecube."

"Oh, okay. Thanks."

And then just yesterday, I was watching my friend play LoZ:FSA on our kiosk while this black guy on the other side in the Xbox section goes:

"Yo! Is this the new Halo?" *holds up Halo*

"No, Halo 2 comes out November 11th."

"Then what's this?!" *continues holding Halo*

"Uh, the first one?"

My friend laughed so hard, I felt bad.


dark10x said:
Actually, I'm still curious how those devices are legal. I'm not even sure who makes them, but they have started showing up around most shopping areas. :\

From what I understand, they're not. In one mall, the guys who were selling them were kicked out and banned from ever selling there again.

I'm a bit tempted to turn some of them in myself :D


aka The Hound
As a current Game Crazy manager and former GameStop clerk I've heard a lot of questions that may sound stupid to some, but to be honest I'd rather answer them and have a pleasant conversation with someone who is either new to gaming or parents buying for their children than talk to any supposed hardcore gamer who comes into my store (condescending attitude in tow), winces at any suggestion I might make, makes minimal eye-contact and then scurries off home to post on some message board about what an idiot I am. I don't make fun of people for not knowing what system Mario is on, but I do make fun of know-it-all jerks, and so do my employees. If you're the type that hates gamestore clerks (and knocks over magazine racks), why not stay home and buy your games online?

no offense to the wage slaves here, but game store clerks are truly the dregs of humanity
fart–I don't like arguing with chubby 13 year-old boys (judging by your avatar), but what the hell do you think they consider you?


why is that a dumb thing to say? Didn't both Dragonball atari games come out on PS2?
Because he already has the games on PS2, and if history serves me, when the first Budokai game to the 'Cube, it was basically the exact same game. So... Why have two copies of two games that are identical?


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
no, that was my mistake in understanding, I was assuming the guy was hoping for the next one to come out on xbox.

Leo said:
From what I understand, they're not. In one mall, the guys who were selling them were kicked out and banned from ever selling there again.

I'm a bit tempted to turn some of them in myself :D

Dispatch DJ Demon to Pentagon City Mall!


Mason said:
This happened just this morning at Best Buy:

BB Employee: Yeah, they're already done with the PS3, they're just waiting to release it.

Dumb hick woman #1: Technology moves so fast, I might as well just wait for the PS3.

BB Employee: Well it's not going to be out for a while. I mean, PS2's are selling just as well now as when they first came out so they'll wait until sales drop off.

Dumb hick woman #2: (to dumb hick woman #1) So should we get one?

BB Employee: And the great thing about PS3 is that it will play PS2 and PS1 games.

Dumb hick woman #2: Yeah, that's what I love about the PS2. It plays PS1 games.

At that point I couldn't stand listening to them anymore and I walked off.

I normally try to jump in on conversations like this, no matter how obnoxious I might look in the process. I can't stand when people spread stupidity. I know somehow, later on, I'll be explaining to the people that the PS3 ISN'T coming out next week, so I try to take out any confusion as soon as possible.

Another quick stupid customer story, since everyone else is sharing them at this point. A couple days ago, a dude came in with his friend. They come up to the counter and asked when NCAA 2005 would be out, and we told them on Tuesday, but if they pre-ordered there would be a good chance we'd have a copy for them on Monday evening. He said something along the lines of, "You guys are already playing it, huh? I know all you get them way before the regular customers." The manager and I just sorta laughed and said that, no, we don't get any special shipments, just an employee discount. He then went on to tell us that his other friend (not the one with him, presumably) already imported it from Japan, and was telling him how great it was. I said, quite nicely, that he should make sure his friend was being truthful, because NCAA is made by Electronic Arts, and it wouldn't be out in Japan before North America.


TheDiave, no offense but you're a pretentious prick...1/3 of those are honest questions and some are based on rumors that had some steam at their time


dark10x said:
Actually, I'm still curious how those devices are legal. I'm not even sure who makes them, but they have started showing up around most shopping areas. :\

There's some jackasses in my mall selling ones with 100-120 NES games on them. They don't even play at the same speed that the NES did, they play at about 120% speed.

Needless to say, I've called Nintendo about them. Called two months ago, but nothing happened.


Ecrofirt said:
There's some jackasses in my mall selling ones with 100-120 NES games on them. They don't even play at the same speed that the NES did, they play at about 120% speed.

Needless to say, I've called Nintendo about them. Called two months ago, but nothing happened.

Hehehe in my mall they have those same things. They have like 100-200 NES games, and u play them on a controller from the Dreamcast. I stand there and watch these people play Super Mario Bros. or Contra, and they have one with a light gun, and I saw them playing Duck Hunt. How Nintendo doesnt do something about this is beyond me


When I used to work at Circuit City a few years back, a man asked for some software (imagine his accent like Apu from The Simpsons):

Customer: Do you have (software title) in stock?

Me: No, sir, We don't carry (software title). You will probably be able to find that software at Software Etc. or Electronics Boutique."

Customer: "Electronic Booty?"


Customer (chuckling): "Oh! Electronics Boutique."

I wanted to laugh so hard. I wonder what he was thinking about. I was thinking "wtf, lol?"


There was one time I was in the game store, and this kid asked if they had Kites of the Old Republic. So I walked up to him and kicked him in the balls.


EdLuva said:
When I used to work at Circuit City a few years back, a Middle-Eastern man asked for some software (imagine his accent like Abu from The Simpsons):

Customer: Do you have (software title) in stock?

Me: No, sir, We don't carry (software title). You will probably be able to find that software at Software Etc. or Electronics Boutique."

Customer: "Electronic Booty?"


Customer (chuckling): "Oh! Electronics Boutique."

I wanted to laugh so hard. I wonder what he was thinking about. I was thinking "wtf, lol?"

apu isn't from the middle east.
Also, when I worked at FuncoLand, I had kids asking for Dragonball GT Final Bout (then $150 used) almost every day. We actually had two in when the store was opened up, and we had had some at Media Play just before I quit, when they started selling used games (in late 2001 I think) but FuncoLand never got anymore in and few of the parents would have the price for the game. Of course, none of the kids listened when we told them what a miserable game it was.

Actually, the guys who held me up asked for it, before helping themselves to an armload of Dreamcasts apiece and leaving a copy of toy commander in the back room.


I dunno whats worse, the stupidity of some of the customers, or the people who expect non enthusiastic consumers to know some of those pretty obscure examples as if they were common knowledge.

If you're gonna act completely condesending and stupid whenever a customer asks a question that seems basic and somewhat obvious to you, don't complain when the same type of people come back with stuff that could have been prevented had they asked those questions.
One that sticks in my mind nt he stupid clerks side was way back when MGS1 was being hyped out the wazoo before it came out here or japan, a clerk at a now closed Software Etc, told my friend and I that he had the game and how great it was. I asked him how can he play it if it's japanese. He responeded that there was little to no text......I walked away.

On the stupid customer side. This lady comes into a Planet X to return a KH stratagey guide saying that the guy sold her the wrong one she was looking for a KH2 (which was announced a week earlier) guide. The clrek told her he's sorry the other person tsold her that but KH2 isn't goning to be out for at least another year.

She got all pissy and said he was lying, cause her nephew was playing it right now in europe. He showed her the release date on the register screen, she then said it was out in europe and that was the US date. the clerk explained it wasn't even made yet. She wasn't listening and the clerk yesed and sorried her to death till she left.


Me a few weeks ago at the mall talking to a guy who' selling a hacked N64 controller with thousands of NES games in them for $40:

- Hey dude you better watch that shit, its illegal

Uh, what are you talking about - its not illegal.

- Uhm, I think it is

Dude, its just old Nintendo games on here, if it was illegal they wouldn't let me sell it.

Then I go to Gamespot in the mall thats like right next to it and ask them about the dude selling hacked up NES games. "Yeah we're pretty sure its illegal - but we can't do anything about it.".

Damn pirates.


*walks into store*
"Hi, are you looking for anything today?' -Employee
"My Brother"-me
"Oh, I don't think we have that in yet...would you like to preorder it?"-E

*Dude buying Xbox*
"Yah I want Halo with it"-customer
"Of you do, man that Halo rocks. I play it with my buds all the time"-employee
"Yeah, that and football."-Customer
"You are GOING TO WANT XBOX LIVE"-employee
"Why? What's that?"
*I SWEAR, a 30 minute shpeel on xbox live and the importance of playing your games online while I'm browsing the store*
"Okay, sign me up for that. Oh yeah and a football title, which should I get?"
"Get Madden"
*walks out with xbox, xbox live and no online games*

I like the second story because it combines the idiocy of customers and the douchery of sales clerks.


while standing in line for my dreamcast at EB, a guy was talking about how Sega is the best game company because they aren't owned by Nintendo. And this guy went on to talk about how Nintendo owned Sony and how they are working together and making a monopoly.

when i worked at an EB so many years ago, I was forced to accept to return of NHL '97 for the PC, without a box and instructions. Just the jew case, the guy said he bought it like that. Bitched out me and my manager. We called Software Etc, the guy tried to do the same thing there.

I had one guy walk in smelling like he just came from a hot boxed car wanting Madden for PSX, and he pulls out a wad of cash. You can tell it is plain paper, not even colored green.
Me: 'Hey, your money is fake man....<using the marker to show this>'.
The guy: "No way man!! I'm going to kill that fucka!' <running out the store>

People with money problems:
Person: 'There is money in the account I swear.'
Me: 'I cant make it go through sir.'
Person: "Well if you dont want to take my fucking money, I'll get someone too.'

Person: "Let me write you a check...'
Me: 'That is $344.94. Now we have to do a fund verification for any check over $100.'
Person: "Why? The money is there!"
Me: "Sir the bank is saying there isn't enough money is the account. Do you have another payment type?'
Person: "Let me talk to your manager now! I've never been treated this poorly before ever. I'm embarrssed."
"Yeah we're pretty sure its illegal - but we can't do anything about it.".
Not true. My friend used to work at a bootleg anime store in the mall, and the FYE got them kicked out because they were selling the legal versions of fansubs that they had in there.

All your Gamespot guys would have to do is complain to the mall director that these guys were selling copied versions of games that Gamespot sells (which they are, considering the Classic NES series on GBA). Then they say that they're going to pack up and leave unless these guys and their tiny little booth are kicked out. The mall would be foolish to let Gamestop leave over a temporary booth that only sells one product.
This is not really a stupid clerk story, but: in Japan in Akihabara, whenever you buy a game, the clerk always very carefully ensures that A) you are well aware what system this is for and B) that you, a foreigner, can't play this game on your crazy foreign game system, only on Japanese systems. They are VERY clear about this.

I like to think that in 2000, some idiot foreigner bought a $200 copy of PC-Engine Dracula X, then went on an incomprehensible screaming rampage when his PS2 refused to boot it. I have no proof that this actually happened, but it would go a long way towards explaining the extreme wariness with which they handle their foreign customers.


We only carry a small number of import games at my work... maybe 20-25 PS2 titles, four or five GC titles, and various GBA imports.

So we had a sign printed up that explained that all of our games are imports, and that import games will not work on US systems without modification... this was directly above the PS2 fliptop and the freeloader for GC.

I guess reading is not hip, because it seems likee very guy who wants Initial D for PS2 is like "HEY DAWG DOES THIS SHIT WORK ON US PLAYSTATIONS?"

I usually just explain it to them, but in my mind I'm thinking, "read the fucking sign and pull your pants up, clone boy"

Aside from that, people are usually not too bad, aside from asking how much things are, despite the price tag on the front of the item. I don't mind legit questions, but I mind a lack of common sense.


JackFrost2012 said:
This is not really a stupid clerk story, but: in Japan in Akihabara, whenever you buy a game, the clerk always very carefully ensures that A) you are well aware what system this is for and B) that you, a foreigner, can't play this game on your crazy foreign game system, only on Japanese systems. They are VERY clear about this.

Haha, this also happened to me in Den Den Town and even Okinawa, so I guess it's all over Japan. Also, whenever I rent a Japanese movie, they make sure to tell me it's in Japanese, even when it has English subtitles.
element said:
People with money problems:
Person: 'There is money in the account I swear.'
Me: 'I cant make it go through sir.'
Person: "Well if you dont want to take my fucking money, I'll get someone too.'

Person: "Let me write you a check...'
Me: 'That is $344.94. Now we have to do a fund verification for any check over $100.'
Person: "Why? The money is there!"
Me: "Sir the bank is saying there isn't enough money is the account. Do you have another payment type?'
Person: "Let me talk to your manager now! I've never been treated this poorly before ever. I'm embarrssed."

Just think how bank tellers, such as myself, feel when we get calls concerning stuff like this.


force push the doodoo rock
in the couple of weeks ive worked at gamestop i can already tell i like the average customer better than the "fanboy" type that come in.

sorry guys you people can be so retarded. i can handle if people are ignorant about something, its not their job to know, but when retard fanboys coming shouting they know everything and they beat street fighter two with all perfects they are the gods of gaming it really makes me want to kick them out.


not a medical professional
aparisi2274 said:
Hehehe in my mall they have those same things. They have like 100-200 NES games, and u play them on a controller from the Dreamcast. I stand there and watch these people play Super Mario Bros. or Contra, and they have one with a light gun, and I saw them playing Duck Hunt. How Nintendo doesnt do something about this is beyond me

They were being sold in the mall I work at (I work at the cineplex odeon upstairs from the EB, which these were being sold at accross from the aformentioned EB)... anyways, They were shaped exactly like N64 controllers, three prongs and all. Held 72 games.

The controllers were bad quality too, like pure plastic, as if you could just bash it and it'd all break -- well, they did anyways.

So they were being sold for a few days and then they were just gone. Apparently, my buddies at EB (working in a mall, you tend to make friends with other employees there) said that a Nintendo representitive, while checking out EB's holiday displays had an 'undercover' talk with the people selling those TVgames things, and well, promptly they were removed for reasons that were dare not spoken.


I work at a GameStop in the Seattle area and because of our close proximity to both Microsoft headquarters as well as NOA headquarters we hear all kinds of bogus stories. I heard from at least 15 people last weekend that had be accepted into the Halo 2 beta because their mom,dad,uncle,brother,cousin etc... works at Microsoft. Anyone who reads the weekly updates from Bungie knows they only replicated 250 copies of the beta, so unless all the people who are in the beta got in a big bus and are touring Seattle area malls trying to impress store employees instead of staying home and playing the game like someone who was actualy in the beta would be, they are lying.

I also talked to someone a couple of weeks ago who has a uncle who works at Nintendo. This person says that his uncle told him that Nintendo and Microsoft are teaming up together to create a new minidisk format to combat the UMD.

There was this one guy who came in asking for a new RPG for PC. One of my co-workers showed him all the big ones and talked to him for a while. The man decides to go with Morrowind. The next day he comes back screaming at the top of his lungs that what we sold him was not an RPG and he wanted it returned. Pointing out to him the sticker on the box that clearly said "Voted RPG of the year by over 40 publications" only made him more mad.
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