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Stupid Game Clerks / Stupid Customers

I asked for Winning Eleven 7 (I made sure to note it was a soccer/futbol game) at my local TRU, and the girl there said it was in and she'd hold it for me.

So we drive over there and with a smile on her face the clerk presents me with James Bond "double o' seven" agent under fire.... "oh your the guys who wanted double O' seven right?"


Not sure where I'm going with this one, but I'd be curious to hear from our esteemed game clerks:

What are the best kind of customers?

Do you ever feel bad for ripping off customers with crappy trade-in prices? (I know I've personally witnessed kids desperate for a new game trade in AAA classic games for $4 store credit. It hurts... Oh, it hurts.)

Any other good stories that don't involve the customer mispronouncing a game's title? :)

Oh, here's a good one: Ever see any dirty dealings at the store? (Co-workers selling somebody's reserved copy to a friend? Theft? Selling used games as new?)

novery said:
Ever see any dirty dealings at the store? (Co-workers selling somebody's reserved copy to a friend? Theft? Selling used games as new?)

I had an acquaintance (who will remain nameless) who worked at an Electronics Boutique. Everytime I got something for him and he owed me money, he always insisted on paying me back in merchandise instead of by cash or check. It was super hella sketchy.


Me: Do you have Final Doom for Playstation?

Manager: No, but did you know they are making Final Doom Part 2?

Me: Final Doom Part 2? I thought Final Doom was the last Doom game?

Manager: Nope! You want to preorder it?

Me: No thanks!
I once went into a Gamestop and the guy said "hey you're that dude from the internet" and I went "what" and he punched me in the penis.


Hates quality gaming
novery said:
Ever see any dirty dealings at the store?

As I wrote here...

dog$ said:
Two excerpts from my FuncoLand career:

A manager (friend of mine at a different store) pocketed $100+ on people putting reservations down for the PS9.

I recieved a week of ghost pay after being fired.


Drinky Crow said:
I once went into a Gamestop and the guy said "hey you're that dude from the internet" and I went "what" and he punched me in the penis.

Does that mean no more children for Mr and Mrs. Drinky Crow?



Resurrecting old thread. New funny story.

I think.

District manager was in. A kid called, and the store manager (not the district) picked up the phone. The kid asked what the trade-in value for Gran Turismo 4 was. My manager told him the game isn't due out for a few months. The caller INSISTED that he went to Wal-Mart, and they had it in and he bought a copy. He wanted the credit amount. Of course, we already have GT4 in the computer, with new and preowned prices, and trade-in values, because we can take pre-orders. They put that stuff in months beforehand. My manager told him it was worth $25, but warned him that he likely bought GT3 because 4 wasn't coming out until November. The kid insisted it was GT4.

So, my manager got off the phone and we started laughing about it. I also mentioned how it wasn't out in Japan yet, either, but there was a Prologue disc. The chances that he found that in Wal-Mart, though, and that it worked on his PS2 were slim, obviously. We had a good laugh, and talked about how we were waiting it to come in so we could see why he thought it was Gran Turismo 4. At this point, the district manager jumped in the conversation. "If it is GT4, you make sure you get it from him. If he says GameStop will give him more, call down there to confirm, then give him more than they will!" We both just stopped and stared at her. Seriously, my manager always tries to placate the woman and agree with her when she says stuff, just so she won't get pissy with us, and she'll leave as soon as possible. But there was nothing he could think to say this time.


OK some people here are posting really stupid things. By stupid I mean, stupid on their side not the customer. Customers are usually casuals they don't live on a gaming forum like you guys so don't expect them to know what the hell broadband is or a router. Or if GTA is coming to GC or not. These guys hear it from a friend and they've come to ask you about it. Its not being stupid, its trying to get clarification. So don't them stupid customers. Call them uniformed customers.


aka The Hound
novery said:
Do you ever feel bad for ripping off customers with crappy trade-in prices? (I know I've personally witnessed kids desperate for a new game trade in AAA classic games for $4 store credit. It hurts... Oh, it hurts.)

I actually don't feel bad about trade-in prices, and I don't believe it's a rip-off. What a lot of people don't realize is that when you've purchased a game, you've paid for a certain amount of entertainment, and most of the time that's what you get. Once you're finished with it, trading it in is just an extra bonus. Besides, if it's a fairly new game, you can get more than half of what you paid for it within the first month or so. We always tell people these things, so I don't know why they bitch and moan because they're only getting $1 for NCAA Football 2001. As far as AAA classics go, I don't see a lot of kids trading those in. Most of the time, it's an old Yu Gi Oh or Pokemon game, or a disc that looks like it was taped to the bottom of a shoe.


Worships the porcelain goddess
m0dus said:
Alright. This horrid customer story is for the ages.

A customer comes in to our Software ETC, and browses around the store for a while. Eventually, he picks up a copy of Redneck rampage for the PC, and takes it up to us at the counter:

Customer: "Is this the game where you shoot the coloreds?

All--and I mean ALL the employees just freeze. Nobody knows what to say at this point, we're all pretty much in shock. Every one, that is, except for the manager, who, without missing a beat, responds:

Manager: "Yeah. but you need the strategy guide to find 'em"

As it turns out, this wasn't the first time this particular incident had happened. Rather than try to reason with the unfaltering ignorance that drives these people, he found it far easier to relieve them of their money.

Classic. Pure. Fucking. Classic.
novery said:
What are the best kind of customers?

Do you ever feel bad for ripping off customers with crappy trade-in prices? (I know I've personally witnessed kids desperate for a new game trade in AAA classic games for $4 store credit. It hurts... Oh, it hurts.)

Any other good stories that don't involve the customer mispronouncing a game's title? :)

Oh, here's a good one: Ever see any dirty dealings at the store? (Co-workers selling somebody's reserved copy to a friend? Theft? Selling used games as new?)

1. The kind that know what they're talking about.

2. No, because usually they trade in these AAA titles for incredibly crappy ones. I'm talking people getting rid of Metroid Prime and Halo for BMX XXX.

3. Umm.......today I had a guy try to convince me Fable was coming to PS2.

4. Our store manager offers to mod peoples Xboxes and PS2s, and then burns games and DVDs for them. Dirty enough for ya?


Kills Photobucket
only 1 game related, but here are some classic ones from my days at Circuit City.

Customer: "Man, why didn't Ea make madden 2004 Xbox live compatable like they did Madden 2003?"

Me: "2003 wasn't live compatable"

Customer: "Yes it was, i have it at home"

Me: "Well, Ea should have released your special copy everywhere, more people would have bought it"

Customer: "Hello, im having a problem with my compuserv internet I got from you guys."

Employee: "What's the problem?"

Customer: "Every time i type inmy password, stars show up on the screen""

Customer: "Yes, im having a problem with my new Panasonic 2.4 ghz phone. Im calling from my Cell phone now, but the panasonic phone ins't working on the highway"

Customer: "Im having a problem with my computer monitor. I cant get it unhooked from my PC, i keep tugging and pulling, even tried pushing those tabs on the conector"

Me (what I wanted to say): "Just keep pulling harder"

Me: "Did you try unscrewing those 'tabs?'"

Customer: "Oh, they're screws!"


Soul4ger said:
District manager was in. A kid called, and the store manager (not the district) picked up the phone. The kid asked what the trade-in value for Gran Turismo 4 was. My manager told him the game isn't due out for a few months. The caller INSISTED that he went to Wal-Mart, and they had it in and he bought a copy. He wanted the credit amount. Of course, we already have GT4 in the computer, with new and preowned prices, and trade-in values, because we can take pre-orders. They put that stuff in months beforehand. My manager told him it was worth $25, but warned him that he likely bought GT3 because 4 wasn't coming out until November. The kid insisted it was GT4.

So, my manager got off the phone and we started laughing about it. I also mentioned how it wasn't out in Japan yet, either, but there was a Prologue disc. The chances that he found that in Wal-Mart, though, and that it worked on his PS2 were slim, obviously. We had a good laugh, and talked about how we were waiting it to come in so we could see why he thought it was Gran Turismo 4. At this point, the district manager jumped in the conversation. "If it is GT4, you make sure you get it from him. If he says GameStop will give him more, call down there to confirm, then give him more than they will!" We both just stopped and stared at her. Seriously, my manager always tries to placate the woman and agree with her when she says stuff, just so she won't get pissy with us, and she'll leave as soon as possible. But there was nothing he could think to say this time.

Cherie Strbik?


Banstick Emeritus
m0dus said:
Alright. This horrid customer story is for the ages.

A customer comes in to our Software ETC, and browses around the store for a while. Eventually, he picks up a copy of Redneck rampage for the PC, and takes it up to us at the counter:

Customer: "Is this the game where you shoot the coloreds?

All--and I mean ALL the employees just freeze. Nobody knows what to say at this point, we're all pretty much in shock. Every one, that is, except for the manager, who, without missing a beat, responds:

Manager: "Yeah. but you need the strategy guide to find 'em"
Why do I find that hilarious, yet sad? :(

And this?


not game releated but an embarrasing expeience I'd like to get off my chest....

I went in a restaurant in the mall through the second door because there was a note on the first one asking customers to use the second one.. it was broken or something. Anyway when I was leaving I didn't know which way to go so I asked an employee "you can leave through that door?" while pointing at the freaking entrance/exit. He just looked at me like a complete idiot and sad "yes. You can also enter from there." I should've asked if they FIXED that freaking door not "can you leave." and why the hell didn't I just go there and try opening it? I feel like going back in time and punching myself in the face. :(


My all-time favorite was going into a funcoland and hearing a salesperson inform the customers (clueless mom w/kid) that if they didn't buy a system cleaner, there's a chance the buildup could cause the system to explode or catch fire!


JackFrost2012 said:
This is not really a stupid clerk story, but: in Japan in Akihabara, whenever you buy a game, the clerk always very carefully ensures that A) you are well aware what system this is for and B) that you, a foreigner, can't play this game on your crazy foreign game system, only on Japanese systems. They are VERY clear about this.

I love courtesy such as that. When I was buying a Swan Crystal and FFIV, and a copy of Mario vs. Donkey Kong, they made it absolutely clear they were incompatible. Everytime I bought a DVD, they would tell me "For Japan Only." I of course knew this, and had the appropriate hardware to play it all, but it felt so... touching that they would be willing to risk a potential purchase to look out for the customer. I love Akihabara.


I love courtesy such as that. When I was buying a Swan Crystal and FFIV, and a copy of Mario vs. Donkey Kong, they made it absolutely clear they were incompatible. Everytime I bought a DVD, they would tell me "For Japan Only." I of course knew this, and had the appropriate hardware to play it all, but it felt so... touching that they would be willing to risk a potential purchase to look out for the customer. I love Akihabara.

lol I don't know if they're looking out for you or just think your're a stupid gaijin. :p


Firest0rm said:
OK some people here are posting really stupid things. By stupid I mean, stupid on their side not the customer. Customers are usually casuals they don't live on a gaming forum like you guys so don't expect them to know what the hell broadband is or a router. Or if GTA is coming to GC or not. These guys hear it from a friend and they've come to ask you about it. Its not being stupid, its trying to get clarification. So don't them stupid customers. Call them uniformed customers.
well there are people who are misinformed, but then there are the people that will INSIST they are right and you are wrong.

When I worked at a game store, I didn't want people coming up to me and asking 'Can I pre-order GT2 for the N64?' So you kindly tell them that they are wrong, but they always throw the 'I played it at my friends and he is from Japan.' or something like that.

Those are the stupid people.

I've got a funny story, not really of stupid people but somewhat funny sad in a way.

>I get this mother walks up to the counter with her son.<
Mom: 'I'd like to return this awful game. My son bought the game without my knowledge'
Me: 'Do you have a reciept? Did you not like the game?'
Mom: 'I don't want my children to see this type of violence!! It is awful.' (as she hands me RE2 and the reciept)
I see the kid with her, he is like 6'2" and 17 years old. I felt sorry for the kid.


JackFrost2012 said:
Yeah, you think you're special, but they think you're "special."

I know it doesn't amount to anything deeper than just a courtesy call, but if an obviously-from Japan man were to buy a US DVD in a US Airport, I wonder if he'd get the same courtesy. :p
I know it doesn't amount to anything deeper than just a courtesy call, but if an obviously-from Japan man were to buy a US DVD in a US Airport, I wonder if he'd get the same courtesy. :p

Hell, most U.S. retailers would try to sell him two - he's leaving the country, so no returns!


Thankfully, the game store clerks i've met know their shit pretty well, and i'm a video game geek like the rest of you, so i'm not usually asking stupid questions (just talking to them more than they'd like :p).


Party Pooper
workin at TRU for the past 5 weeks, i've developed 2 arch nemesis... i have yet to meet them face to face, but they pretty much call me EVERY. FUCKING. DAY.


little kid: do you have mega man battle network 4: red sun for the game boy advance?

me: no, we havent gotten that in. i know it's out, so you should probably call EB, gamestop or gamecrazy, they've probably got it.

little kid: ok *hangs up*

i swear this kid once called me 3 times in 1 day...


guy: do you have mtv music generator 3?

me: yeah

guy: how many copies?

me: just 1

guy: how much is it?

me: 29.99

guy: can you hold it for me?

me: sure.

this guy calls asking me to hold this game every day, and never fucking comes in to buy it. fuck him, if someone else comes into buy it, i'll happily sell it. i'm tempted to buy the fucker myself.

my #1 complaint working this job is having to explain the difference between the advance and the SP to every 3rd person who walks into the R-Zone...

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
most of the stories in this thread just piss me off because you people are pretty arrogant over people's supposed "ignorance"

Ranger X

atomsk said:
my #1 complaint working this job is having to explain the difference between the advance and the SP to every 3rd person who walks into the R-Zone...

just you wait when the DS will also be there!! lol
Oh man, that Redneck Rampage story reminds me of when I was at the EBX in the Sooner Fashion Mall in Norman OK:

Redneck Guy: "You guys got that game where you can shoot kids"

Clerk: "Um, I don't know of any game like that"

Redneck Guy: "It's on the news, you gotta know which one I'm talking about"

Clerk: "Uh, Rainbow 6? There's hostages in that"

Redneck Guy: "No, kids, you can like shoot 'em, it's part of the game"

Clerk: "Uh, Postal maybe"

Redneck Guy: "I think that's it, can you shoot the kids execution style, you know like on their knees and in the back of the head"

Clerk: "Uhhhhhhhhh, I don't think so"

Redneck Guy: "Well, there's a game like that out, I saw it on the news, I wanna get it"

Me and the wife pretty much hauled ass out of the store after that, so I have no idea how it ended. Scary, scary shit. Everyone in the store seemed really freaked out, since this dude looked just like some sort Ed Gein styled hillbilly crazy. Yikes.
In Toys R Us...

This kid is lookng for a GBSP, the parents are getting annoied that the kid is taking too long. They basically tell him too bad we're getting you the SP and going...thendisplaced thier anger on the poor girl behind the counter over somthing shehad no controll over. Went something like this.

Parents: "Do I need Battiers?"
Clerk: "No it comes witha rechargable battery"
Parents: "Well is it already charged?"
Clerk: "I don't know. Some people get one and it's fully charged, other people have to charge it."
Parents: "<snotty sigh> What do you mean you don't know...anyway...does it come with a plug"
Clerk: "Yes"
Parents:"What about a current converter, cause were leaving after this to go over seas"
Clerk: "ummmI don't think so"
Parents: "UGH! Why not!?"
Parents: "GREAT what are we supoosed to do now? We're spending $100 dollars and can't even use it over seas, how could you not have a current converter!! (to each other) Ugh! We'll just pay for it!"


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Mr. Lemming said:
Just think how bank tellers, such as myself, feel when we get calls concerning stuff like this.

I feel sorry for anyone that has to deal with that. My friend works at Radio Shack and always tells me these stories about how people KNOW they have bad credit but just wait for the credit check to go through, acting like their credit has magically changed over the years. Most people know if their credit is bad or not...


Party Pooper
Syckx said:
. I'll give you annoying phone calls, since those can be irritating, but you have a problem performing basic customer service?

you've never had someone insist to you that there are SP only games have you?

or that the green SP came out in america "my kids friend has one! ive seen it!"

i dont mind explaining it once, but when i have to go over it 3 times with the same person, roughly 5-10 times a day... it gets a bit grating


When I went to pre-order the GBA SP, I wanted to pre-order the platinum version. The guy at Gamestop said that you couldn't take pre-orders for the color you wanted, just the system (Colors would be given out on a first come first serve basis). I said I didn't want to pre-order from there then. The Gamestop guy said:

"You have to pre-order this here. We are the only store taking pre-orders for the system. Its going to out for a limited time only. Thats what the "SP" syands for, limted edition."

I looked befuddled, left, and pre-ordered my platinum GBA SP at Toys R Us across the street.


It's great when customers come in and expect me to know the specs of their machine by the model number.

"What kind of RAM do I need? I have a Compaq SN11028x"

"Um, what kind of cpu does it have?"

"I don't know, I bought it last year, it came with a 40gig hard drive and a flat monitor. It's grey."

Or how about the customers that think you sell everything FOREVER?

"I need an ink cartridge for my printer"

"Ok, what is the model number?"

"Um, I don't know, I would know it if I saw it, I bought it from you guys, you probably still have it"

*customer starts walking to the printer aisle"

"How long ago did you get it?"

"About 2 years ago"


Drinky Crow said:
Me and the wife pretty much hauled ass out of the store after that, so I have no idea how it ended. Scary, scary shit. Everyone in the store seemed really freaked out, since this dude looked just like some sort Ed Gein styled hillbilly crazy. Yikes.

I never did find that game.


o_O @_@ O_o
Nintendo Ate My Children said:
Didn't Target sell the Green SP with Donkey Kong Country one Christmas?

Bingo, 'twas this last X-mas. My friend has one. I've seen it. Hell, I saw him buy it.


o_O @_@ O_o
novery said:
Not sure where I'm going with this one, but I'd be curious to hear from our esteemed game clerks:

What are the best kind of customers?

Do you ever feel bad for ripping off customers with crappy trade-in prices? (I know I've personally witnessed kids desperate for a new game trade in AAA classic games for $4 store credit. It hurts... Oh, it hurts.)

Any other good stories that don't involve the customer mispronouncing a game's title? :)

Oh, here's a good one: Ever see any dirty dealings at the store? (Co-workers selling somebody's reserved copy to a friend? Theft? Selling used games as new?)


First off, I work at a Best Buy and have worked at a Target. I also happily belong to a group of friends that work at various retail locations ranging from Circuit City to local Gamestops and EBs. We've got a fun little network going on here.

The best kind of customers are the ones who listen. Simple as that. I don't mind "stupid" questions. I don't mind taking 5 minutes out of my time to explain to a 60 year old woman why Grand Theft Auto or Halo is likely a poor choice for her 7 year old. I don't even mind explaining to people that the PS3 isn't coming out next year. Now, stupid questions followed by the assertion that they are right ("I'VE PLAYED POKEMON ON MY FRIEND'S PS2!") by adults are really friggin annoying.

I haven't had to deal with trade-ins, but I've been witness to and been told enough stories of said dealings. Yeah, it's a ripoff overall, but if they're trading in a Suikoden II for x game of the month, I don't shed a tear. I whip out my wallet and buy it in front of them. As for the general "damn they're getting ripped off" feeling, it gives me a little twinge, but it's business, and I get ripped off too when I plunk down $20 for a "decent" copy of Vandal Hearts II, but I take it. At least they're happily unaware of the sodomy they're agreeing to.

I have attempted customer theft stories, but most of my stupid customer stories are in the vein of "stupid questions followed by the assertion that they are right" vein.

Dirty dealings? Tons. Managers outright stealing games. Employees making copies of games before the street date. Shit happens all the time. It's nice to see them get caught though. Especially when it's your friend's manager whom EVERYONE hates. :p
The guys in my Gamestop are morons.

Me: Do you guys know any good strategy RPGs for PS2?

GS: No, I only know a few for Xbox.

Me: Oh yeah! which ones!

GS: um Knights of the old Republic, Gladius...

Me: I see, have you guys played Disgaea?

GS: Never heard of it, the only Xbox games I have are Halo...


ninvampire said:
After Kirby's Nightmare in Dreamland came out (and sold out ... over and over again) a kid came in after checking out the Target in the shopping center. He was on the verge of tears and between his sniffling asked if we had it in stock. Unfortunately for him my store had been out of stock for about a week and when we broke the news to him he started bawling and screamed as he ran out the door. My ASM and I looked at each other and shared a "Did that just happen?" look.
Poor kid. :( Hope he got the game soon after that. Kirby's fans are devoted! He'd shed a tear over the boy if he weren't a fictional character.

I don't really have any good stories, beyond some clerks telling customers that games for this system are compatible with another, when they aren't. And some customers confused about what systems a game is for.


Gold Member
What about brain dead stupid management.

There was this guy who liked to exploit the EB return policy before the store banned him from all returns. He would buy a game from Toys R Us (who wouldn't let him return it when opened), and then come into EB and buy a sealed copy. He had to have a mint copy. He'd then return the sealed copy he bought from EB to Toys R Us and the opened copy to EB. They banned him from all returns after a while.

I went into the store six months later and he was working there. Apparently he got axed for stealing games eventually.


Gold Member
Trying to remember some, but it's been over 6 years and I've tried to erase the stupidity from my mind...

The redneck who came in the store wanting to buy a Saturn RF switch, but didn't know how to plug it into their TV. We took two seconds to show them how simple it was to plug it into the ONE FUCKING PLUG on the TV and they said "I still don't understand, can you draw that?".

The big greasy guy who came in and bought every single shitty PSX third-party lightgun in the store. He had "Victor Ireland" on his credit card.

There was this overweight guy who had multiple personality disorder who came into the store multiple times a week. Sometimes he was a guy, sometimes he was not. Sometimes he was a CIA agent, other times he was an Anime voice over actor. In September of '97 he claimed his sister in Japan had a PlayStation 2 and would be getting a PlayStation 3 after the first of the year.

Oh this one is good.

In Summer of '98 Carrot Top was perfoming at the state fair and one of the employees spotted him shopping in the mall. They decided to run down and get his autograph (who knows why), but the manager wanted one too but was too scared to go for himself. So when they caught up with him, they asked him to sign something for the manager. They mentioned that he was too scared to come down, so Carrot Top asked if he could sign it to "Chicken shit". And he did.
ManaByte said:
There was this guy who liked to exploit the EB return policy before the store banned him from all returns. He would buy a game from Toys R Us (who wouldn't let him return it when opened), and then come into EB and buy a sealed copy. He had to have a mint copy. He'd then return the sealed copy he bought from EB to Toys R Us and the opened copy to EB. They banned him from all returns after a while.

did he have a mental impairment or something, because that's just fucking weird.

That reminds me of the SNES days. We had two KB Toys in the mall and I hit on the idea that if I returned a game to one and said it was defective, thus getting a sealed copy, and then walked down to the other and said I didn't want the game anymore, I could use one game indefinately. Kind of a precursor to the Wal-Mart deal. It worked like a charm until they got hip to it. :(

When my mom found out what I was doing she was upset, but then she figured that as long as I wasn't getting into any trouble it was OK.


Party Pooper
BreakyBoy said:
Bingo, 'twas this last X-mas. My friend has one. I've seen it. Hell, I saw him buy it.

well i'll be damned.

i have a hard time keeping track of all the limited edition colors...
I used to insult the customer intelligence, but in a subtle way.


Woman comes into the store with her boyfriend. She comes frustrated and lands a copy of Halo PC on the counter.

You guys are rip-off! You're selling games that don't work!

The Main Event
Games that don't work? What do you mean?

It's impossible to play cause your game is to slow!

The Main Event
Slow? Oh, did you check the specifications on the box to know if it was compatible with your computer?

I asked one of your guys and he said yes. I just bought my computer a month ago! The games that you're selling me should be working on my computer! You better refund me!

The Main Event
Did you try to go in the options and change the resolution and the lower the details to see if it was running smoothly?

Change what?

The Main Event
Oh, I can see that both of you don't know much about computers.


The Main Event
Just take the game back and try to go in the options to change the settings. Try to lower the resolution and the details and the game should run fine. It's written in the manual.

What if it doesn't --

The Main Event
It'll work.

If it doesn't you better refund me!!!

The Main Event
Ok I will but, It'll work.

She grabs her copy and goes without saying a word.



Hey my game works by the way!

The Main Event
Game? Oh yeah right, you're happy now?

Yeah! We're gonna go check for some other games.

The Main Event
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