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Stupid Kids

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So it's like 2:30 AM and I was leaving my kitchen and I saw through the window in the other room the bus stop sign was reflecting some light. I looked outside to see what was going on and walked up to the window, and then I saw maybe like 8 high school kids running out of a van and moving construction signs that were along the gutter into the middle of the road.

The signs were there because on each side of the road, they were redoing the drainage or something, so there's basically a 2 foot deep ditch on the corner (it spans the length of the corner).

Anyway I watched these kids for like a minute just shuffling to get all the signs in the middle. They thought they were so cool. Like I'd just watch them and think, get a life. Seriously, kids these days, can't they do anything else for a reason? I didn't call the cops or anything, since I didn't know the number (911?), and I didn't want to wake anyone. The kids were already long gone. Maybe I should've got their plates, though I doubt I could've run outside in time and read the number.

I dunno, it just felt weird watching a crime (albeit one not as serious as something like a murder or something). I heard them saying to take the Stop sign...if they did that, I would've called for sure.

Anyone ever been in my shoes? Just, almost like surreal just watching it all happen.


Thats not bad so the kids were doing something stupid , ITS FUN. Have you ever done anything stupid no because ur probably watching them do stupid things. GO OUTSIDE steal a sign put it in ur computer room you then have a story maybe impress someone. Theres not too much to do so we find stuff come on would you have really been a narc and get there plates number or your cool because you forgot the number to call the police well next time when your looking out your window with ur glass of milk and some cookies watching these kids steal signs think to yourself umm I can call the police then I could have tons of cats and look out this door my whole life. GO OUT HELP THEM

Seth C

GrEeN89 said:
Thats not bad so the kids were doing something stupid , ITS FUN. Have you ever done anything stupid no because ur probably watching them do stupid things. GO OUTSIDE steal a sign put it in ur computer room you then have a story maybe impress someone. Theres not too much to do so we find stuff come on would you have really been a narc and get there plates number or your cool because you forgot the number to call the police well next time when your looking out your window with ur glass of milk and some cookies watching these kids steal signs think to yourself umm I can call the police then I could have tons of cats and look out this door my whole life. GO OUT HELP THEM

You're 15, right?


I am turning 17 soon and hell I can understand reporting them, and your a big boy because you can question my age good for you...


Drunky McMurder
GrEeN89 said:
Thats not bad so the kids were doing something stupid , ITS FUN. Have you ever done anything stupid no because ur probably watching them do stupid things. GO OUTSIDE steal a sign put it in ur computer room you then have a story maybe impress someone. Theres not too much to do so we find stuff come on would you have really been a narc and get there plates number or your cool because you forgot the number to call the police well next time when your looking out your window with ur glass of milk and some cookies watching these kids steal signs think to yourself umm I can call the police then I could have tons of cats and look out this door my whole life. GO OUT HELP THEM

I've read two of your posts so far and cannot wait until you are banned.

Seth C

GrEeN89 said:
I am turning 17 soon and hell I can understand reporting them, and your a big boy because you can question my age good for you...

Sorry, you just sound like an ignorant child. Obviously your parents have done a fine job raising you. I'm especially happy to see you have a firm grasp of the English language.


Gotta love the internet brings guys like urself out you no the type of guys who stay in on a friday night , didn't have a date in high school and you no the type of guy who is likily to live with HIS MOTHER his whole life so before questioning how I was raised jackass and how much english I no. JUMP OUT A WINDOW, SAVE ME SOME TIME BEFORE BEING BANNED AND THINKING HOW FUCKIN HOMO YOU ARE.

Seth C

GrEeN89 said:
Gotta love the internet brings guys like urself out you no the type of guys who stay in on a friday night , didn't have a date in high school and you no the type of guy who is likily to live with HIS MOTHER his whole life so before questioning how I was raised jackass and how much english I no. JUMP OUT A WINDOW, SAVE ME SOME TIME BEFORE BEING BANNED AND THINKING HOW FUCKIN HOMO YOU ARE.

Will you use the word "know" for me? Just once, please?


Buddy you must think ur real cute well your not. Your a waste of time I bet u fuckign masterbate 5 times a day get out of ur mother's house go somewhere stop questioning my spelling and get laid. If you can't get laid try a mail order wife she might touch you if not just fucking get off this website for a few minutes u no go see how the weather is outside or something you worthless piece of shit.

Seth C

Archaix said:
Hey, small steps here. Look at all the punctuation he used in that post!

He's got the period down. Unfortunately he still doesn't know where to use it. I think even a question mark would excite me.


GrEeN89 said:
Gotta love the internet brings guys like urself out you no the type of guys who stay in on a friday night , didn't have a date in high school and you no the type of guy who is likily to live with HIS MOTHER his whole life so before questioning how I was raised jackass and how much english I no. JUMP OUT A WINDOW, SAVE ME SOME TIME BEFORE BEING BANNED AND THINKING HOW FUCKIN HOMO YOU ARE.
Wow, this kid is on fire. Give him some credit for keeping such a low level of IQ in all his post. Go take your pills.


GrEeN89 said:
Buddy you must think ur real cute well your not. Your a waste of time I bet u fuckign masterbate 5 times a day get out of ur mother's house go somewhere stop questioning my spelling and get laid. If you can't get laid try a mail order wife she might touch you if not just fucking get off this website for a few minutes u no go see how the weather is outside or something you worthless piece of shit.



So what I make fun of this homo I think I should still be on this site. BAN HIM, SHOOT HIM, IT WOULD MAKE ME HAPPY.


Did you like that I am trying to be like you seth, you know trying to spell a little better but its so hard since you have all this practice on me. Because when I am in highschool I have fun not like you I didn't have to masterbate between classes.

Seth C

GrEeN89 said:
Buddy you must think ur real cute well your not. Your a waste of time I bet u fuckign masterbate 5 times a day get out of ur mother's house go somewhere stop questioning my spelling and get laid. If you can't get laid try a mail order wife she might touch you if not just fucking get off this website for a few minutes u no go see how the weather is outside or something you worthless piece of shit.

Wow! Thank you so much for the helpful tips. I think I'm going to go get out of my mom's house, maybe get drunk, possibly steal some road signs, almost certainly save some money by pirating something, and then definitely finish off the night by getting laid. If you decide to change your mind on those English lessons just let me know. I'll check back after my post-sex cigarette.


You know grammer websites, come on its the INTERNET your thoses guys that talk on msn and everythings perfect isn't it. ONLY BECAUSE YOU HAVE LIKE 1 CONVERSATION GOING

Seth C

GrEeN89 said:
I can't even think of something to say but come on man Your just a fucking LOSER.

You're, and the 'y' shouldn't be capitalized in the middle of a sentence. Dammit, I just can't help myself.


Guys, I think he might have made a mistake in his name, its probably green99 not 89. So by his logic that would make him 7. 2004-1987=17. So go easy on him.


OMG, lol! Green89 is the funniest guy I`ve ever seen on these boards. I couldn`t stop laughing through this entire thread.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
What the hell, Seth? His grammar's just fine as it is, why don't you go get laid LOLZORZ!!


GrEeN89 said:
come on I am waiting loser I gotta be out of here by 8:30 so hurry your loser ass up.
You know spiderman 2 is close to 2 hours right? You should go to the 7:50 show instead. You'll get home in time.


GrEeN89 said:
come on I am waiting loser I gotta be out of here by 8:30 so hurry your loser ass up.
Some people dont spend their life on the internet. You sure reply quick for someone with this great life you speak of.

Seth C

EviLore said:
What the hell, Seth? His grammar's just fine as it is, why don't you go get laid LOLZORZ!!

I'm sure they can teach him English in community college, assuming his piracy skillz get him in.
GrEeN89 said:
Gotta love the internet brings guys like urself out you no the type of guys who stay in on a friday night , didn't have a date in high school and you no the type of guy who is likily to live with HIS MOTHER his whole life so before questioning how I was raised jackass and how much english I no. JUMP OUT A WINDOW, SAVE ME SOME TIME BEFORE BEING BANNED AND THINKING HOW FUCKIN HOMO YOU ARE.



Party Pooper
GrEeN89 said:
Buddy you must think ur real cute well your not. Your a waste of time I bet u fuckign masterbate 5 times a day get out of ur mother's house go somewhere stop questioning my spelling and get laid. If you can't get laid try a mail order wife she might touch you if not just fucking get off this website for a few minutes u no go see how the weather is outside or something you worthless piece of shit.

I suggest you return your compaq, obviously you lack the skills to work the internet


GrEeN89 said:
Does anyone know when I will be banned? Come on seth fix my grammer
Question marks go after questions. Dont worry though, its hard to et your head around at first. Anyway, Im glad you looked at the site I reccomended :)

Oh, and you're missing out man, not masturbating five times a day and all.
Hopefully not. You're good entertainment. Your spelling and grammer is fine to me, it ain't an English class. What do you listen to by the way?


thats really funny, creative also coming from someone who probably wants a peice of seths ass you god damn hom. I hope I don't get baned because this is intertaning considering how much fun it is listening to mr english and his gay assitant homoman.

Seth C

GrEeN89 said:
Does anyone know when I will be banned. Come on seth fix my grammer

You were so close this time! A question mark, one capitalized proper noun, a period, and "grammar" are all that seperated you from perfection. That's an average of two errors per sentence. Think we can get it down to 1 before your big date at 8:30?
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